Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1241: Decapitator

As soon as the terrifying white bishop and his black-clad followers fell, and after being intimidated, none of the martial artists and genetic warriors present dared to run. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā

You know, the warriors and genetic warriors who can come here to compete for places in the secret realm, none of them are ordinary people. There are even many post-acquired elders from the Guwu ‘men’ school. These elders in the late acquired stage are often in old age, and the energy and blood in the body have begun to slowly decline. It is simply difficult to break through the cultivation base with their own strength alone, let alone increase their lifespan at the innate realm.

Therefore, the only way for these elders is to fight to the death, come to this legendary Tianchi secret realm, and look for the innate grass. Xiantiancao not only can help the martial artists of the Houtian Great Perfection to break through to the innate realm, it can also help these warriors of the later acquired stage to go further, and it is not impossible to even directly reach the innate realm.

Which of these elders of the Guwu ‘men’ sect who can reach the later stage of the acquired is not a human ‘jing’? Is there anyone who has not experienced life and death many times?

However, even these old guys, after seeing the fierce technique of the archbishop in white, were frightened one by one, and did not dare to have any chance of escape.

What Chinese people pay attention to is that "the law does not account for the people." Everyone scattered and ran away, which was originally a way of life. But now, everyone does not dare to take their'legs' anymore. Because they have no doubt that once everyone is scattered and flees, this terrifying church in white will chop off all their'legs'.

The weird white light definitely has such power. Lin Feng, who was so fascinating, obviously, the deterrent power of the white-clothed leader was countless times greater.


Seeing that everyone was not running away, the archbishop in white snorted coldly, then turned his gaze to Lin Feng's side, mockingly said, "If you have the ability to take off your mask, you can sign up. Come with us." It has been a long time since the person who taught the right thing has appeared."

Sweeping Lin Feng's side, and excluding Xiao Nishang, the little girl, the Archbishop in white was a little surprised that he couldn't see through the other three people either, and he didn't know what the cultivation level of these three people was. If all three of them were like Lin Feng, it would be tricky and troublesome.

In fact, it’s no wonder he has such worries. After all, Lin Feng wears the mask of Sun Dasheng, the Xiao brothers are Tang Seng and Sha monk, and Brewer is the Pig Bajie, wearing a mask and can’t see the cultivation base, add Lin Feng Xiao’s Showing off their skill, it is indeed easy for people to think that the cultivation base of these three people is not weaker than Lin Feng, and perhaps even Lin Feng is even more powerful.

"Yo! Xiaobai, you are really majestic. You said to kill, and you said I was wearing a mask? Didn't you wear a mask yourself? It was a fake, just raised a beheaded insect, what's the matter? Can you be arrogant?"

Seeing that the archbishop in white had been working hard from beginning to end to "force" to maintain his unpredictable appearance, Lin Feng couldn't stand it anymore. Originally, Lin Feng wanted to quietly watch him pretend to-"force", but now this guy who loves to pretend-"force" actually manages his head and asks himself to take off his mask and don't pretend-"force" . This can be tolerated by uncle and aunt.

Therefore, Lin Feng bluntly told the truth about the white light that the archbishop in white had just raised his hand and waved it out, but it was just a "decapitated worm" that he believed to be breeding.

What is a decapitator?

It is actually a very fast, very sharp insect. Because this kind of insect likes the smell of blood very much, in ancient times when people were walking in the wild, if they were touched by this kind of bug, they were very likely to be flew by a dozen of this kind of bugs before the thunder could cover their ears. Then sharp teeth snapped his neck.

Therefore, this kind of insect was called "decapitated insect". Later, there were witches who specially searched for this type of decapitated insect, cultivated it, and raised it with "essence" blood. There is an inexplicable connection between the head worm and the owner. Then it can command the beheading bug, turn it into a white light, and quickly bite a person's neck or arm.

Because this decapitated insect is very rare nowadays, it can only be seen in the deep mountains and old forests, so most people don't know that there is such a terrible insect. Lin Feng also found the characteristics and appearance of this insect in the memory of a senior.

When the archbishop in white made his move, other people might only see a white light, but Lin Feng's spiritual sense could see clearly, it was the white archbishop who flew out from the cuffs of the archbishop in white. 'Decapitated insects, their carapace is as translucent as a mirror, so it reflects the sunlight and makes people feel like a white light flashes through.

Lin Feng's spiritual sense also carefully scanned the body of the white-clothed archbishop, and found that he was not a warrior nor a genetic warrior, but a little like himself, which was considered a kind of cultivation. However, it is a weird technique that combines Gu poison with the method of faith cultivation. On the contrary, it does not need to rely on the spiritual energy required by the cultivator, which opened Lin Feng a bit.

"Wha...What kind of guillotine, you stinky boy, you are nonsense. I dare to question the mystery of the immortal teachings of the other side. It seems that you want to go to **** and you will never be superborn."

When Lin Feng pointed out the beacon's clues, the white-clothed archbishop blushed immediately. He taught on the other side, and his major was the beheading Gu. The beading beetle that spent more than ten years of careful breeding has never been No one has seen the real body, but I did not expect to be seen here by a guy who has never heard of it.

So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the archbishop in white became angry, and no longer cared about Lin Feng's strength, he directly raised his hand, and the cuffs flew out a white light like the previous two times, towards Lin Feng's neck like electricity. Lightning thunderously "shot" over.

"Ah! No, the Great Sage is going to suffer."

"The white light is too powerful, the speed is too fast, no one can hide it."

"This is not necessarily true. The speed of the Great Sage just now is not slow! Maybe the Great Sage can hide it? Moreover, since the Great Sage can tell what this white light is, maybe it can hide it?"


The white light flashed, and the hearts of all the martial artists present were raised. Although this white light wasn't directed at them, they didn't feel nervous, because if even a powerful fellow like the Great Sage couldn't beat the Great Master in White, it would be even more impossible for them.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Lin Feng's body, and Xiao Nishang's heart immediately picked up, and her body instinctively rushed forward, trying to block Lin Feng's body.


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