Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1212: Changes caused by a bottle of mineral water

After only drinking half a bottle of mineral water that Lin Feng had just thrown over, Xiao Zhuo found that the serious injury in his body was completely healed, and the cultivation base that hadn't been loose for a long time was about to break through. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā,. !

"No! Yulong, I can't break through. I am already at the peak of the sixth floor of the acquired day. If I break through again, it will be the seventh floor of the acquired day, and it will also be the late day of acquired day. In this way, I can't enter the secret realm of Tianchi."

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhuo immediately suppressed his cultivation base, sealed up the energy and blood, to avoid accidentally breaking through to the later stage of the day after tomorrow. However, the signs of breakthrough have been revealed. As long as he wants to break through again, it is not as difficult as before, and the breakthrough can be completed almost instantly.

"What's the matter? Brother, why are all your injuries healed, and your cultivation level is about to break through..."

Xiao Yulong didn't react for a while. From the corner of his eyes, he saw the mineral water bottle that Xiao Zhuo had placed aside. There was half a bottle of water in it, and he immediately understood, "It's that bottle of water, my God! That bottle of water can help you. The breakthrough of cultivation base?"

"I guess so, this friend...it's not right! It should be a bottle of water from the senior master, which made my internal injuries healed, and the cultivation level has also improved. It is simply...this is simply divine water! Our ancient sword The magical'medicine' of the'door' is more effective."

Standing up from the ground, Xiao Zhuo looked inside his dantian and meridians, showing no signs of injury.

"Great, so that the half bottle of water left is also valid?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yulong couldn't wait to pick up the mineral water bottle he had doubted before, and drank happily.

"Brother, there seems to be a heat in my dantian place... Do you remember the internal injuries I suffered from my five internal organs? I have been recuperating in the'men' school for more than two years and it has not been completely healed. But just now, I was obviously I feel that those wounds and congestion are completely gone."

The effect was obvious. Xiao Yulong's face ‘showed’ in ecstasy, and he immediately closed his eyes and meditated, ignoring that there were other outsiders present, regulating the qi and blood surging out of his body.

About three minutes later, when Xiao Yulong opened his eyes again, he immediately ecstatically said, "Haha! Brother, I am now on the sixth floor of the day after tomorrow, and the same as you are on the sixth floor of the day after tomorrow. If you follow the normal training process, I will have at least two more It will be three years before you can enter the sixth floor of the day after tomorrow. But now, it's just half a bottle of water, it's so effective!"

"What? What kind of water is this that has such a great effect?"

The black Brewer, who had been staring blankly for a long time, also stared wide at this time. He understood, and naturally knew what happened after the two brothers Xiao Yulong and Xiao Zhuo drank the bottle of water given by Lin Feng. Since then, Brewer said nothing, taking advantage of Xiao Zhuo and Xiao Yulong's ecstatic gap, rushed forward quickly.

"Dead nigga? What are you going to do? Do you want to fight?"

Xiao Zhuo immediately increased his vigilance, thinking that it was the black Brewer who had come to attack.

"Going for death, nigga, now that our two brothers join hands, we will definitely beat you up." Xiao Yulong also clenched his fists from the side.

However, the two brothers were in vain, and Brewer was not coming to attack them. His goal was to run to the bottle of mineral water. Picking up the mineral water bottle that the Xiao brothers had drunk, Brewer poured it into his mouth without thinking.

The fresh and dry mineral water poured into the mouth is only half a mouthful for the black man with a big mouth. However, after drinking this half of the saliva, Brewer felt refreshed, and the power of the earth in his body instantly surging, and he became more sensitive to the abilities of the earth element.

"It's really a good thing!"

Such an obvious effect made Brewer overjoyed. He immediately raised his head, stretched his tongue, and cleans every drop of water in the mineral water bottle. This was not enough. In the end, he even tore the entire mineral water bottle open, carefully licking every inch of the face again.

Until the face was full of his disgusting saliva, he finally stopped reluctantly.

"Dead nigger, you know how to take advantage. This is obviously the healing'medicine' given to my elder brother by seniors, so you can pick up a great deal." After Xiao Yulong saw Brewer'lick' the mineral water bottle, Said with disgust.

"Yulong, you are not with me yet, thank you very much for the kindness of this senior's rescue."

Guwu’s ‘men’ school is more respectful of teachers. When you go out ‘door’, you may fight for different interests, but once you encounter seniors who are far above your own cultivation level, you will treat them with respect. Not to mention that Lin Feng's Shenshui just now helped both of them heal their internal injuries and break through cultivation.

Before that, Lin Feng suddenly appeared, wearing a weird mask to ‘play’ mystery, and his voice was a little weird, so that the Xiao brothers felt that someone had come to make ‘mess’. But now that after such a scene, they no longer dare to look down upon Lin Feng, and their attitude towards Lin Feng from being cautious and careful just now has completely turned into awe.

"Thank you, senior! If his predecessors have the opportunity to "gate" the ancient sword, we brothers will definitely entertain us."

Xiao Yulong and Xiao Zhuo respectfully bowed their hands and bowed to Lin Feng for a long time.

"Pre... Senior, can you give me more of the water in this bottle?"

Seeing that the Xiao brothers respected Lin Feng so much, and they still called "predecessor", the black Brewer also learned the same way, and the dark ‘colored’ face flickered towards Lin Feng with sneaky eyes.

"Dead nigga~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That healing medicine must be precious. If you can drink a bite, it is good fortune, and you want more? If it makes the senior angry, worry about slap you to death. Xiao Yulong turned his head and glared at that Brewer, and laughed.

"Senior, this is our Huaxia country, after all, these foreign devils ran to our secret realm to look for treasures. I also hope that Senior will take action and drive out those foreign devils, lest my Huaxia treasures fall into the hands of others."

Xiao Zhuo also surrendered to Lin Feng, and now they completely regarded Lin Feng as an outsider.

"Don't call me seniors, I feel like how old I am. I just said that in the future, the three of you will follow me. I want to go into the secret realm of Tianchi and just a few people will be behind. As long as you are enough Obedient, I will take you into the secret realm, and... the kind of divine water just now, if you perform well, I will still reward."

Seeing that the attitude of the three of them had undergone such a huge change because of a mineral water bottle containing only half a drop of God Water, Lin Feng smiled slightly, and had a more spoof idea in his heart.


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