Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1184: Tell you to be disobedient

For Qin Yanran, as long as it was given by Lin Feng, does it matter whether the diamond is real?

This is the biggest difference between Qin Yanran and the "girls" in society. *WwW.suimeng.lā. ! Especially now some of the "women" who worship gold, blindly pursue luxurious life, climb luxury goods, etc., while they keep saying that they want to pursue the love of "lang", on the other side they betray themselves because of these luxurious lives The soul and the'flesh' body.

‘Female’ children like shopping and jewelry. These are both ‘sexual’ and natural. Which ‘girl’ does not love beauty?

However, staying with people you don't like for these reasons, or leaving because the people you like can't provide them, have turned love before the horse.

Qin Yanran liked Lin Feng. From when he was just a poor student, he was attracted by his heroes to save the beauty and his bold rhetoric.

She loves Lin Feng, not his later honor and wealth. For her, as long as she can be with Lin Feng, why bother with so many gossips?

Qin Yanran now understands the intention of the Qin family and his son for inviting Lin Feng to come over today very clearly, because she is firmly on Lin Feng's side and will not let her second uncle have the opportunity to taunt and laugh at Lin Feng.

"Second uncle, I like this diamond necklace, so please take care of it."

Qin Yanran resolutely said, while holding Lin Feng's hand with one hand, thanked with a grin, "Lin Feng, thank you for the surprise you gave me! I love it!"

"Yan Ran, how can I not look at it? Where is such a big diamond, it must be fake. Or you can bring it, I promise to crush it."

Ye Zhifei, who was not convinced, also jumped out, glared at Lin Feng, and said viciously.

"Ye Shao, I won't give you the diamonds Lin Feng gave me." Qin Yanran replied.

However, Lin Feng smiled slightly, put his hand out gently,'touched' Xiang Qin Yanran's snow-white neck, took off the necklace, and said with a smile, "Yanran, since Ye Shao deliberately wants to perform here. How to crush a diamond, let him try it!"

"But, Lin Feng, in case..."

Qin Yanran, who had seen a diamond crushed just now, said worriedly. Moreover, Qin Yanran also knew that Ye Zhifei was a warrior, a warrior from an ancient family of martial arts, and her second uncle Qin Zhong, whose strength was certain, did not know how many times larger.

"If Ye Shao has the ability to'break' it, even if you can try it, I am not blind. This diamond is real. It's not like some people who buy fakes and are still complacent."

Lin Feng's sarcasm completely angered Ye Zhifei. He grabbed the diamond necklace from Lin Feng's hand, especially when he caught the platinum necklace on this side. A pain.

Because this necklace was clearly matched for the "Lucky Star", but now it has become the foil for the diamond Lin Feng took out.

"Hmph! Brat, wait, do you think I'm an ordinary person? I'm a martial artist, maybe you don't know what a martial artist is, but as long as you know, my strength is much stronger than that of Uncle Qin."

Holding the diamond necklace, Ye Zhifei said cruelly, "I will crush your diamond in a while, don't cry!"

"Ye Shao, please! Be careful, the edge of my diamond is very sharp, don't scratch your hands." Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and reminded with friendship.

"Okay! Open your eyes and watch carefully, how your fake diamond was crushed!"

Ye Zhifei took a deep breath, and the energy of the whole body was mobilized. The waiters who were watching at the'door' also opened their eyes, especially when they missed seeing the lucky star being crushed. This time they are all hopeful to see another "fake diamond" being crushed. The moment of explosion.


Before applying the force, the warriors are used to roaring, releasing the excess air in the body from the mouth. It was just with this roar that the power of the warrior could be maximized.

Ye Zhifei squeezed up, and the index finger and thumb of his right hand pinched the big diamond fiercely, and used all the energy to eat the milk, trying to squeeze the diamond into powder like Qin Zhong just now. .



Hard work!

Take a deep breath!



Ye Zhifei was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood, no matter how hard he tried, the diamond didn't move at all, let alone crushed, it didn't even deform at all.

"That old fellow Qin Zhong can crush the lucky star. I don't believe that I can't be an acquired martial artist of the fourth floor?"

Holding his breath again and working hard, Ye Zhifei suddenly felt a piercing pain in his thumb and index finger, and a stream of blood spurted out of his two fingers.

"Yeah! It's bleeding..."

"Ye Shao didn't squeeze the diamond, but was cut."

"Tsk tusk! The blood is spurting out..."


Because when the martial artist exerts his strength, the blood in his whole body is swollen, so once there is a wound, the blood has a mouth to release it, and it spews out naturally.

This is why it is always described in TV movies that when the warriors are pulsating, the blood from the wound will splash so exaggeratedly after the sword.

"Damn it, it hurts me!"

The blood was dripping, Ye Zhifei dared to continue pinching it, cursed, and quickly loosened the diamond, still falling on the table with it, and then quickly took a ‘hair’ towel to stop the bleeding.

"Ah? There is blood. Lin Feng, I'm afraid!"

Qin Yanran couldn't see the blood, and quickly closed his eyes, leaning in Lin Feng's arms, not daring to look.

"Don't be afraid of Yanran, I am here!"

Lin Feng hurriedly hugged Qin Yanran, then shook his head and said to Ye Zhifei, "Ye Shao, don't do it! And I told you just now that the edges are sharp, you can'make' bleeding. Come, you are also a talent! Tell you to be disobedient! Now know that it hurts, right?"


Ye Zhifei's hands hurt again ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ My heart hurts even more, and Lin Feng's scolding without dirty words, the anger in his'chest' is about to explode.

"Uncle Qin, come squeeze! Lucky Star was squeezed just now, now you come!"

Ye Zhifei, who couldn't refute Lin Feng, could only use his other hand to pick up the diamond and pass it to Qin Zhong so that he could try it. After all, he just squeezed the lucky star.

"Me? Ye Shao, this...you can't crush it, how can I?" Qin Zhongxin was whistling by 10,000 grass mud horses, but Ye Zhifei said.

Ever since, Qin Zhong had to pick up the diamond, wipe off the blood on his face with a wet wipe, and then avoid sharp places and pinch it hard! Pinch!

But no matter how Qin Zhong pinched it, he didn't feel it once. There was no way to make any changes to the diamond. After carefully examining the diamond's color and fold and shooting, he had to cry and face Ye Zhifei. "Ye Shao, this diamond is really real. It is not only big, beautiful in appearance, but also the most refined and pure colored diamond. It is very, very rare..."


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