Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1181: Broken! Broken! (under)

When people refer to diamonds, they always compare it with beautiful ‘jades’, pearls and other jewellery, but they often overlook another physical ‘character’ of diamonds, which is the hardness and density of diamonds. <щww.suimeng.lā

As the saying goes, "Don't take this porcelain job without the diamond diamond", which refers to the ‘characteristic’ of diamonds. This is also a major feature that distinguishes diamonds from other jewellery'jades'. Its chemical and physical properties are very stable, so diamonds are often used as drill bits for cutting machines in the industry.

Although everyone knows that diamonds are hard, no one is foolish enough to use the ability to crush diamonds as a method of identifying genuine and fake diamonds.

The reason is very simple, because even the most inferior imitation diamonds must be made of silicon polymers. Even if the hardness is not diamond, it is definitely not manpower smashable.

How much grip strength can an ordinary person have? One hundred catties or two hundred catties? The pressure formed by this force is very likely that even the glass will not be crushed, let alone other hard materials.

Therefore, when Lin Feng sternly stated that he would crush this "lucky star" to prove that it was a fake diamond, roar of laughter broke out both inside and outside the box.

"I've seen ancient TV movies. Some people use their teeth to verify whether they are real gold or silver, but I have never heard of them. There are even pinches to verify the authenticity of diamonds."

"What strength does it have to squeeze? I can only squeeze the cap out of shape at best."


None of the waiters outside the box believed in Lin Feng's diamond identification method. They all felt that Lin Feng must be crazy and started talking nonsense.

"Dad! Haha! You laughed so hard at me, did you hear that? Lin Feng actually said that he was going to crush this lucky star. This is simply the funniest joke I have heard this year."

In the box, Qin Yuechuan, who thought Lin Feng would say something terrific, burst into tears with laughter.

"Haha! Don't say that this lucky star is a 100% natural diamond. The hardness can only be cut by some professional instruments. It is an ordinary silicide forged diamond, and he can't crush it." Qin Zhong Experts in jewellery'Jade' stones naturally know that what Lin Feng is talking about is nothing but a wild night.

"Yan Ran, did you hear that? Your classmate Lin, the Haikou you praised is really not that big! He dare to say that he can crush my lucky star!"

Ye Zhifei said to Qin Yanran triumphantly, and Qin Yanran looked at Lin Feng with some worry. She believed in Lin Feng very firmly in her heart. No matter how absurd and impossible what Lin Feng said, she would stand by Lin Feng's side and believe every word he said.

However, Qin Yanran was also worried about Lin Feng, looking at Lin Feng with some ‘desire’, not knowing what to do.

"Ye Shao, who said I was going to crush this fake diamond?" Lin Feng asked Ye Zhifei back.

"Huh? Lin Feng, don't you want to cheat again, do you? You just said that you have to crush this lucky star to prove that it is a fake diamond. Why don't you admit it now? So many Human ears are listening!"

At this time, Ye Zhifei felt that he was very witty to keep these waiters to witness Lin Feng's embarrassment. He couldn't figure it out at all. Under such circumstances, how could Lin Feng come back?

The only possibility, and also a completely impossible possibility, is that Lin Feng can really crush this lucky star with his hands as he said.

But now, it seems that I can't wait to see this scene. Lin Feng has just said this for less than a minute, and now he immediately changed his words and said that he had never said that.

It seems that this time, Lin Feng is determined to lose, and this face is also ashamed.

"That's right, Shao Ye, I said that this method of pinching diamonds can indeed be used to verify the authenticity of diamonds. But I didn't say that I would pinch them?"

Facing everyone's doubts, Lin Feng spread his hands and said cheerfully.

"Isn't it up to you to pinch? What's the difference? Lin Feng, do you think you can find someone with strong hands that can crush diamonds now?"

Ye Zhifei sneered at Lin Feng's words. He himself was a warrior. According to his understanding, even the legendary congenital warrior could not crush a diamond with his hands.

"If this is a real diamond, then it is impossible. But, Shao Ye, I have said that Master Lingtang has no eyes and bought a fake diamond for 50 million yuan. Since it is a fake diamond, naturally I just need to find one. When an expert comes, this diamond can be crushed easily."

As Lin Feng was talking, he looked at Qin Zhong and said with a smile, "Isn't this Yanran an expert in jewelry appraisal? Shao Ye, we might as well'hand over' this lucky star Second Uncle, let’s pinch it, but if it really breaks, don’t feel bad about it!"

"Let Uncle Qin squeeze? Haha! Lin Feng, no matter who you ask to come, it’s impossible to crush the lucky star. I, Ye Zhifei, put this here today, if anyone can crush this lucky heart. , I completely'licked' all the broken powder."

When Lin Feng was so stupid that Qin Zhong could pinch it, Ye Zhifei yelled arrogantly, because Qin Zhong was completely on his side.

Not to mention that Qin Zhong has no ability to crush the lucky star, even if he has this ability, he will deliberately pretend not to move.

Therefore, Ye Zhifei felt that he was 100% sure to win, so he did not hesitate to praise Haikou.

"I'll pinch? Lin Feng, where do I have that strength." Qin Zhong said quite speechlessly.

"Second Uncle, this is just a fake, it was crushed lightly. You don't have to work hard, come... hold it! Don't pinch it, just listen to my instructions."

Lin Feng smiled slightly and taught Qin Zhong this lucky heart. The rest of the people all watched, wanting to see what Lin Feng was going to do, how could such a half-old man like Qin Zhong crush the diamond!

"Lin Feng, you don't have to waste your time. No matter who you call or how you direct it, diamonds are diamonds and cannot be crushed." Ye Zhifei smiled.

"Can you please don't blink! Please wait and see!"

It was almost time, Lin Feng smiled slyly, his spiritual sense and water control ability were quickly dispatched, slowly changing the carbon atom array inside that lucky star, and then he made a request to Qin Zhong. "Second Uncle, you can pinch it."


Although I know that no matter how hard I pinch ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is absolutely impossible to crush a natural diamond.

However, Qin Zhong still didn't work hard, and lazily squeezed the thumb and index finger of his two right hands holding diamonds, probably with the same force as holding a ‘chicken’ egg with these two fingers.

However, when Qin Zhong just released his strength, the special feeling that came from between his thumb and index finger caused him to immediately change his "color".




Completely vulnerable!

Qin Zhong's eyes widened, and he looked at the diamond lucky star he was squeezing incredibly. It was almost like the kind of small cakes from Jiangsu and Hangzhou in the moment he squeezed it, smashed into pieces. A little powder.


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