Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1165: Qin Family 2 Bo

The ‘private’ special plane took off from Zhi’an and flew towards the capital. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā,. !

In fact, this time Qin Yanran had taken Lin Feng to the capital with her mother. On the surface, she wanted to go to Qingbei University with Lin Feng to get acquainted. The actual real purpose is to bring Lin Feng, the "quasi-"son-in-law", back to the Qin family to let the Qin family take a look.

Although Qin Yanran grew up with her mother and grandma, she is the eldest grandson of the Qin family's'daughter' after all, and even inherited Qin Yanran's father's shares in the Qin family. Therefore, the Qin family has paid close attention to Qin Yanran's life events in recent years as Qin Yanran has grown up.

"Lin Feng is the No. 1 in the college entrance examination, and the conditions at home are pretty good now. Having opened such a big restaurant, he is still willing to'spend' so many wallets and planes for me. I believe that with Lin Feng's current conditions, they are the second uncle and they are more picky. Can't find any thorns?"

Maybe Lin Feng in the past did not meet the requirements of choosing a son-in-law of a big family like the Qin family, but now, Qin Yanran feels that Lin Feng is his perfect boyfriend. The so-called need to be rich, to have beauty, to be talented and talented, can't it be called perfect?

But Lin Feng didn't know anything about it. He simply thought that this trip was to accompany Qin Yanran to Qingbei University. However, by the way, he thought, he could also go to Beijing Normal University with Yanran to see Teacher Xu.

At the same time, on the other side, Qinjia in Beijing, various online e-commerce companies and consortia in recent years have also had a huge impact on the traditional ‘jade’ gemstone industry. The Qin family can also be said to be a veteran family of ‘jades’ throughout China, and even have some industries in Myanmar and South Africa, contracting some local ‘jade’ and diamond mines.

However, even with such a strong Qin family, it is inevitable that the situation is going downhill, and its position as the leader of the'jade' stone industry is at stake. In particular, the time difference between the sale of the'jade' stone material and the finished product made the Qin's liquidity limited. The recent acquisition of a newly developed ‘jade’ quarry in Myanmar has caused the Qin family’s recent financing crisis, and recently it is urgent to find some other family allies to tide over the difficulties.

Moreover, it is very important that the Qin family is just an ordinary family, not an ancient martial family. Therefore, on the surface, the Qin family is considered a first-class family in the capital, but in reality, it still depends on the faces of those ancient martial families.

Knowing this, the Qin family has always wanted to develop towards the ancient martial arts family, sending their children to some ancient martial arts'sects' at a high price for training, and also wanted to marry some old ancient martial arts families. , So as to achieve the purpose of being among the ranks of the ancient martial arts family.

"Dad! Little Sister Yanran is getting better and better. If you believe me, you are right, and introduce Little Sister Yanran to Ye Ershao. Even if we are not from the ancient martial family, Ye Ershao saw the photos of Little Sister Yanran. I have agreed to come to the party tonight. If this marriage is completed, our Qin family will climb the top branches of the five ancient martial arts family in the capital, the Ye family, and within ten years, we will definitely be able to become the ancient martial arts family."

Qin Yuechuan, the third youngest master of the Qin family in the capital, was proud to talk to his father Qin Zhong about the benefits of marrying the Ye family. Qin Zhong was the second uncle Qin Yanran said, and he was in charge of almost everything in the Qin family. His elder brother, Qin Yan, devoted himself to the appraisal of ‘jade’ diamonds, and was the most professional appraiser in the country. On the contrary, he ‘handed over’ all family affairs to Qin Zhonglai.

"If you can really marry the Ye family, it would be great. They are the five great ancient martial arts families. I heard that there are many masters in the family. Tsk tsk...Look at our Xiao family. It has only been arranged for you in the past ten years. These juniors went to apprentice to learn ancient martial arts, and they are still in the early days of the day after tomorrow.

Qin Zhong sighed. The original Qin family was short-sighted. He thought that as long as there was money in this China, it was only after they got in touch with them more and realized that among their merchant families, there was a stronger and more powerful ancient martial family. The country also needs fear and reliance.

However, after understanding this, the Qin family also tried their best to catch up, exhausting all means to get the children of the clan to practice ancient martial arts, hoping to become a family of ancient martial arts. But how can this be changed overnight? The Qin family does not even have an acquired martial artist, so naturally it cannot be called an ancient martial family.

"Dad! Don't worry, I am now on the third floor of the acquired day. As long as I work hard, I can guarantee that within three years I will be able to enter the fourth floor of the acquired day. At that time, our Qin family will have an acquired family member. A warrior can apply to become a family of ancient warriors. Although it can only be regarded as a third-rate family of ancient warriors, it has entered this ranks. Many business areas that are not open to ordinary families can be involved."

Qin Yuechuan said with confidence that he had spent a lot of money and worshipped an acquired sixth-floor senior of the Ye family as a teacher. Although he only learned martial arts for ordinary people, he was for the children of his ordinary family. It is already very rare.

"Yeah! Yue Chuan, the future of our Qin family is in your body. If you want to become an ancient martial family, this first step is the most difficult step. As long as you become an acquired martial artist, everything is easy to handle. Up."

Qin Zhong nodded and rejoiced, "It seems that you spent nearly 100 million in the beginning, and let you worship the seniors of the Ye family as a teacher. It really wasn't in vain."

"The Ye family also needs foreign aid now. Although our Qin family is not an ancient martial arts family~www.wuxiaspot.com~, our strength is also at the forefront of ordinary families. My master said, as long as Ye Ershao sees the little sister Yanran, then this Everything is okay." Qin Yuechuan said confidently.

Ding Ding!

At this time, Qin Zhong's cell phone rang, and it was a text message from Qin Yanran, informing him of the landing time of the flight and the location of the airport.

Qin Zhong frowned when he read the text message, and said to Qin Yuechuan, "However, Yue Chuan, I am afraid that there are still some problems with Yanran. This time she said that she would bring a senior male classmate here, Chen Luping. It was also hinted over there, this male student seems to be Yan Ran's connoisseur..."

"Dad! What do you need to worry about? It's just a hillbilly in a small fifth-tier city. How can we be worthy of our Qin family's young lady? What's more, now that we have reached the boundary of our capital city, we won't have to speak anymore. When he walks around our Qin's house, he will feel ashamed and know whether he is worthy of the little girl Yanran."

For this, Qin Yuechuan didn't seem to be worried at all, and said with a smile, "Furthermore, the dim feelings between the high-school kids are nothing, it's defeated."


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