Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1120: I am the one you are waiting for (part 1)

"What happened? God! Leishen Maru, what's wrong with Leishen Maru?" The other genetic warriors of the U.S. camp screamed involuntarily. {Щww{suimеng][lā},.

"My emperor! How did this happen, that great sage, was he sent by the emperor?" The gene warrior of the European camp was also shocked.

"Impossible! This is the strongest Thunderbolt with the power equivalent to a single-strike missile! How could it be blocked like this?" The genetic warrior of the Russian camp shook his head.

"Damn! Who is this great saint?" Shinobu Yamamoto was full of fear at this time.

Yes, these people have seen an incredible picture. With a bang, the strongest Thunder Pill that had blasted Lin Feng's bones out of existence, at this time, was like a globe, which was easily held by Lin Feng with a finger, like a toy.

And then, Lin Feng's actions made everyone present shudder and couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes! Yes... Jackson, you are such a good person. I've heard that you Americans are hospitable and generous, but I didn't expect you to be so generous. Not only did I give the room to me, I knew that my mobile phone was out of power, so I offered it A power bank is here! It’s fast charging!"

With that said, Lin Feng moved his mobile phone close to the strongest Leishen Pill, and then everyone's'physical' eyes could see that two thin arcs were drawn from Leishen Pill by Lin Feng to stabilize the power in Leishen Pill. The voltage is delivered to Lin Feng's mobile phone battery.

Even worse, Lin Feng's mobile phone screen was still facing them. The large screens of domestic mobile phones are very useful. Everyone saw that the symbol on the face representing the battery was flashing red, indicating that the battery was exhausted. But the next second, almost a swish, the battery of the entire phone was fully charged.

What was even more frightening to everyone was that after Lin Feng filled the phone's battery, he felt that the Thunder God Pill was useless, so he just threw it away.

"Be careful!"

"Danger, flash..."


The superpowers in front of Lin Feng slid down one by one. It is estimated that ten thousand grass and mud horses whizzed past, cursing Lin Feng to hell.

However, after a few seconds, they did not feel the explosion as they should, and everything was calm.

"Huh? Why are you all down? Haha! It is the etiquette of our ancient feudal dynasty subjects to the emperor, at most it is kneeling."

Lin Feng laughed and teased these superpowers. In fact, after Jackson's Thunder Pill was controlled by his vitality just now, he charged the phone by the way and threw it into the Shenshui space. After all, although Lin Feng could temporarily control the amount of lightning power with his vitality, he could not completely eliminate them.

Therefore, the best way is to tie up this thunderball and throw it into your own divine water space. In this way, it can be regarded as a super large power bank, and Lin Feng no longer has to worry about his cell phone running out.

"I... my strongest Thunderbolt,... is that done?"

The American captain Jackson, who was completely stupid by Lin Feng's series of methods, collapsed to the ground. Among those present, I am afraid that only he and Sam, who is also a Thunder-type genetic warrior, know how terrifying Lin Feng is. Controlling the lightning ball of tens of thousands of volts and ultra-high voltage is already an inhuman behavior. Lin Feng can also stably control the low voltage and current that can be used to charge the mobile phone. This is simply beyond the reach of Jackson, a master of thunder and lightning.

"Okay, I'm going to take a rest, Xiaoye. You, you still have you, come see me tomorrow if you have something to do. After flying over for a day, I haven't had a good night's sleep!"

Lin Feng fiddled with'fiddling', seeing that the mobile phone had power again, he said with a smile, regardless of the astonishment of so many people outside the'door', he shut the'door' of the room and left it behind. These people are still remembering the scene just now.

"Damn, is this still a human? He is obviously a warrior, how can he control the thunder and lightning? Is it possible that he is a warrior with the dual identity of a genetic warrior?" Ouyang Youquan frowned.

"Ouyang, this person, we no longer have the ability to get rid of him. Therefore, we must draw him in and let him have a good impression on us, at least...not against us."

The Russian Jack frowned. He always felt that the scene before him seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember what happened for a while.

As for other forces, after watching Lin Feng’s performance of "charging the phone", their attitudes and countermeasures towards Lin Feng were completely changed. They all returned to their own turf, and no one dared anymore. Come to disturb Lin Feng.

"Haha! This time, I have proved my strength to you. Seeing that you are still not in your heart, I took advantage of this moment to take a look at the mining area. I heard that there are many'excited' light cannons and radar displays. Yi, see if my invisibility technique can get past."

Lin Feng sneered. After getting out of the bed, he dug a hole from the floor of the room, leading directly to the desert outside.

At this time, night has almost come. The desert is hot during the day and cold at night. The temperature during the day may be as high as 40 or 50 degrees, but at night, as long as the sun goes down, the temperature drops sharply, and it may even reach more than ten degrees below zero.

The underground base camp of the Four Nations Alliance ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is about four kilometers away from the mining area. However, Lin Feng used his spiritual consciousness to detect several infrared monitoring points and radar scanners.

Lin Feng's stealth technique only achieves the effect of stealth optically, but if it touches an infrared or radar scanner, it will be completely useless. Therefore, when Lin Feng uses the invisibility technique, he also combines spiritual awareness to discover the coverage area of ​​infrared rays and radar in time, and cleverly avoid it with his body skills.

That's the case, Lin Feng still spent a lot of effort before he came to the ‘door’ of the mining area. Just entering the night at this time, when the defense was the most severe, Lin Feng saw five or six huge ‘laser’ light emitting’ cannons in front of the mining area, ready to automatically locate and target any illegal invading creatures at any time.

"It's no wonder that there is no superpower, but it can withstand so many superpowers in the Four Nations Alliance. With these few'excited' light emitting'fire' guns, it is indeed easy to defend and hard to attack. Plus radar and infrared technology. With the use of the probe, it is really impossible for a fly to come in."

Standing in front of the big ‘door’ of the mining area, Lin Feng used his spiritual sense to thoroughly scan all the defense arrangements of the entire mining area, and nodded affirmatively.


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