Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1115: Underground base camp

Lin Feng roughly swept his spiritual sense, and he already knew all the strength of this group of people on his'chest'. *WWW.suimeng.lā,. After all, their strongest strength is only the B-level powerhouse, and Lin Feng has not found any A-level powerhouse for the time being.

The four camps can be said to be divided into the U.S. camp, the European camp, the Russian camp and the Japanese camp.

Furthermore, the strength of the U.S. camp is the strongest among them. Lin Feng rushed over and discovered that the U.S. camp had nearly ten b-level powerhouses and more than 20 c-level powerhouses.

The second is the Russian camp. There are three old ‘Mao’ b-level powerhouses, plus five warriors in the later stage of the acquired. The European camp is third, with only seven b-class genetic warriors.

The Japanese camp that brought Lin Feng was actually the weakest, with only five ninjas, followed by ninjas like Nantian Huizi.

It is precisely because of their weakest strength that Nantian Huizi was excited to bring him back when he knew that Lin Feng was a martial artist.

"Yamamoto-kun, this great sage from China, is a warrior in the late post-acquired period. He is currently not taking refuge in any forces. He came to Nataya just for money. I think we can recruit him at a high price. , Let him act as a b-level powerhouse against other forces in the Crow Mine this time."

When Lin Feng was in the gap at the entrance, Nantian Keiko walked inside and whispered to Ninja Yamamoto, the head of the ninja of the Japanese side.

"Yo Xi! A martial artist in the late acquired stage will be a great help for us. Our ninja was originally very weak when fighting against the b-level strong. Now our strength is still the worst, if we have this great sage Jun’s help. It might not be possible for the fisherman to profit..."

Ninja Yamamoto, with a beard under his nose, also looked worried, and was having a headache as to how to accomplish this task. After all, due to their miscalculations, they didn't expect other forces to attach so much importance to this crow mine, and they sent so many B-level powerhouses.

The strength of the Japanese nation was the worst, and it was completely at the bottom. Although temporarily formed a short-term alliance with other forces, after they have defeated and captured the mining area, they will still have conflicts and share the cake.

At exactly this time, Lin Feng, a casual martial artist, took the initiative to send the ‘door’. Naturally, Yamamoto was delighted inexplicably. The addition of a warrior in the late acquired stage can play a vital role for them.

"Dashengjun, you are very welcome. If you are willing to join our camp, I can call the shots and pay six million dollars. How about? If possible, I can immediately let my subordinates break into your anonymous Swiss bank account."

The price of six million dollars is not cheap anymore. However, it seemed to be too cheap in the first place, because what he wanted to buy was not Lin Feng's shot, but Lin Feng's life, to let Lin Feng be a cannon fodder to resist other forces' B-level masters.

"Okay, Yamamoto-kun, I am very satisfied with the price you offered. It's a ‘hand’!"

When someone sends money to the door, Lin Feng naturally refuses to come, let alone the money from Little Japan? Don't do it for nothing, Lin Feng didn't plan to do anything for them anyway.

Moreover, if Lin Feng refuses to join them here, it is probably unlikely that he will get in touch with other forces. He must find a way to stay in this alliance first, ‘work out’ their plans and plans for all parties, and then he can further implement his plan.

This is also what made Lin Feng a little speechless and helpless. According to his own Luo Ji and his style of work, he directly took these superpowers from various forces here, so there would be no trouble.

But he couldn't do this, not because he didn't have this ability, but after doing so, the consequences would be more serious. After all, behind these superpowers are all major forces and groups.

It is easy to kill them, but once the entire army is wiped out, these groups will immediately retaliate all their anger with the enemy.

The major forces in the world, whether between countries or giants like the Lawrence family, are in a delicate balance of interests and constraints.

That sentence is very subtle and appropriate. There are no permanent enemies, no permanent friends, only permanent benefits.

The current four-nation alliance is all **** in the crow mine. On the surface, they seem to be united together, but in reality they are all conceived.

If they are destroyed together, people in various countries do not need to think about knowing that they are behind the scenes, even if they are not, they will unanimously think so, and then besiege and flanking the entire international community.

In this way, although it was easy to keep this crow mine, it was inevitable that the whole world would become an enemy, and finally ended up being divided by the great powers.

"It seems that I have to figure out a way. Let them fight each other, and in the end both lose out, it's none of our business!"

After accepting Shinobu Yamamoto's solicitation, Lin Feng reported an anonymous account with a Swiss bank that had been opened early, and they simply deposited six million dollars into it.

After that, Yamamoto led Lin Feng to introduce the current strengths of the major forces. Of course, Yamamoto did not tell the truth with Lin Feng, but had reservations, but this also allowed Lin Feng to learn more about the strength of genetic warriors~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Great Sage, the American people over there, the strength The strongest. There are ten b-level genetic warriors, and it has two fire elements and two thunder elements. The combat effectiveness is very strong, and ordinary acquired warriors are not their opponents at all. "

This simple underground base camp was jointly excavated by the four countries. In addition to a rest place where their respective powers are not strong, there is also an area where the central public ‘communication’.

Now Yamamoto is taking Lin Feng, in this central hall, observing the B-class fighters of the major forces, and then speaking to Lin Feng in a low voice.

"Fire type, thunder type? Looks like genetic warriors are the most powerful fighters?" Lin Feng glanced at the genetic warriors in the direction of the United States, and spiritual consciousness also locked the four genetic warriors.

"Yes! Fire-type powerhouses can release 10,000-degree high-temperature flames. If we ninjas or your Chinese warriors, if they are not agile enough, we haven't escaped! Being touched by a trace of spark is a serious injury!"

Nodded, Shinobi Yamamoto looked at these American genetic warriors, and said with great jealousy.


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