Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1109: Direct plane

For Xu Minjing, everything last night was dreamlike. <щww.suimeng.lā. . However, the true feelings of the body told her that everything happened in real, not that she was dreaming.

The ‘bed’ still had the breath of Lin Feng’s body, Xu Minjing stretched out very contentedly, put on clothes lazily, and saw that it was only seven o’clock in the morning.

"Unfortunately, I am going back to the capital today, otherwise I can stay with Lin Feng for a few more days. But it will be better in more than a month, and Lin Feng will also go to the capital to go to university. If we want to meet, we can do it every day. You can see it."

Xu Minjing has a sweet face, just like the bride of a newly-married Yaner, with two cheeks flushing, which is really cute.


Xu Minjing just put on her clothes, and there was a knock on the door outside the door.

"Who is it?" Xu Minjing hurriedly stepped on her slippers to open the'door'.

"Ms. Xu, it's me. Did you get up? I remember that you should have followed my flight back to Beijing today, right? Go downstairs to eat together?"

It was Luo Qingqing who knocked on the'door'. As soon as Xu Minjing opened the'door', Luo Qingqing poked his head and looked around the room, looking for Lin Feng's figure.

"En! It happens to be your flight again, Qingqing, you...what are you looking for?"

Xu Minjing thought that her voice might have been heard by Luo Qingqing last night, she looked ashamed and lowered her head.

"What about the brat? Minjing, don't think I didn't know anything last night. Humph! You two bad guys, can't you keep your voice down when doing that kind of thing? It made me not sleep well all night."

When she said this, Luo Qingqing was really resentful. She stared at the two big dark circles, and the foundation she had just put on a lot of makeup couldn't cover it.

"I... shall we go down for breakfast?"

Xu Minjing is not as direct as Luo Qingqing's "sex", so she still avoids this topic unnaturally with her head down.

"Where's the stinky boy? Tell him to get up too!" Luo Qingqing said, curling his lips.

"Lin Feng... he was not here. I didn't see him when I woke up early. Also... maybe he went back to his room in the middle of the night." Xu Minjing said embarrassedly.

"Huh! Okay! Then I'll call him over and see if I don't spank him."

Pedal Pedal...

Luo Qingqing killed Lin Feng's bedroom again, but once again rushed to the air.

"Qingqing, Teacher Xu, hurry up and go downstairs for breakfast! No need to find Xiao Feng, he left a note for me, saying that there is something important, and I have to go out for a few days."

While making breakfast, Mother Lin saw this note left by Lin Feng in the kitchen. The wise Lin Feng felt that Lin Feng's "thirty-six tactics", so she didn't take it too seriously, smiling and preparing breakfast for her two future daughter-in-law'women'.

Especially when facing Xu Minjing, Lin Mu was even more enthusiastic and caring. After all, Lin Feng admitted face to face last night that she has a relationship with Xu Minjing, and naturally she is equivalent to the'wife' of the prospective daughter-in-law of the Lin family. In this way, Xu Minjing's face was embarrassed instead, and Jialinfeng was not here now, and her situation became even more embarrassing.

But fortunately, Luo Qingqing helped her speak in front of Mother Lin regardless of the predecessors, and Xu Min took a breath, not so cramped.

After breakfast, Xu Minjing hurriedly left Lin Mu, and Luo Qingqing took a taxi at the gate of Jin Ou Community and headed for the airport.

Taxi, thinking that Luo Qingqing would still speak for herself, Xu Minjing thanked her and said, "Qingqing, thank you. Otherwise, I really don't know how to answer Aunt Zhang!"

"Thank me for what! Minjing, we are all good sisters, what do you think?"

Luo Qingqing smiled slightly and said.

"Um... Qingqing, I really didn't make it so loud on purpose last night. I really didn't know the sound insulation of this wall was so bad." Xu Minjing said in a low voice.

"It's not to blame you, huh! Blame Lin Feng, this stinky boy, this time he is running fast. Otherwise, sister, I will open his **** "flower"."

The two people who were originally intolerant of water and fire, after a wonderful night yesterday, they have alleviated their previous suspicions. Although the two of them didn't talk about their relationship with Lin Feng anymore, they knew each other well. Talking and laughing all the way rushed to the airport.

At this time, Lin Feng had already taken a special plane from Zhi'an to Africa. This special plane traversed the subcontinent, with only one destination, which was Nathaya, a small ‘chaotic’ African country located near South Africa.

Unlike Airbus, the main aircraft type of Southeast Airlines, Lin Feng is now flying on ordinary'private' aircraft. Although the aircraft is much smaller, the interior space is more spacious. There are no hard airplane seats. Instead, they are replaced by red leather sofas, as well as various entertainment facilities and wine cabinets.

The pilot was also the ‘Jing’ Ying, who was hired by Old Man Cai from a retired fighter pilot, and signed a confidentiality agreement. In addition, there are no redundant people on this special plane. As Old Man Cai's most trusted subordinate, Wang Jianye also followed in the plane and acted as the instructor of Lin Feng's mission this time.

Wang Jianye was born in an ordinary overseas Chinese family when he was a child, but he has experienced scenes where Chinese people are looked down upon abroad and even suffered discrimination and torture. His parents died in a famous incident of the torture of overseas Chinese. He witnessed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how the monkeys in Southeast Asia brutally killed their parents.

Wang Jianye, who escaped his life hiding under the table, has since vowed to take revenge, not only for his parents, but also for the Chinese all over the world, the Chinese people who have been discriminated against and oppressed all over the world. Therefore, he studied hard and got a Ph.D. from Yale University in the United States. In the end, he unintentionally discovered the existence, so he surrendered to Old Man Cai and became an effective officer under him.

Although Wang Jianye didn't know how to martial arts, he was not a superpower of any kind, but his abilities were beyond doubt, and he could always do the things that Old Man Cai ordered.

Before Wang Jianye thought that Lin Feng was just an ordinary and slightly capable student, but later, based on some of his investigations and understanding of Lin Feng, he digs deeper and deeper, and the more he digs, the less he can understand Lin Feng's strength.

"Dong Lin, we met before. Dong Cai has always told me that Dong Lin is a young hero with extraordinary skills. At first I didn't believe it very much, but now I believe Lin Dong has this strength to help us fight for Nataya Of this mineral."


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