Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1047: Dog eyes look down on people (on)

In terms of fame, Yang Ziqi still has such a loss of fame. ~~щww~suimеng~lā! But they are all famous, she just took the opportunity to debut on a popular talent show in the past two years, and then'spending' some money using various public relations companies to hype and barely rank among them. To the ranks of third-tier singers. What the Jia Yang family said is also the famous "door" of the capital. In the first year or so, Yang Ziqi was able to receive some large-scale commercial performances by virtue of family relations.

But later, Yang Ziqi messed up with some actor stars in the entertainment industry, which caused her popularity to drop. She was still portrayed as a young woman, but now even some entertainment weekly magazines are too lazy to report on her. 'S gossip.

But she herself was still carrying a shelf, wearing sunglasses and a hat when she went out'doors', always feeling that someone would come'sneak' to take pictures of her.

"Yeah! Baoyi, don't let your second brother take us there. If the fans of Ziqi see her, I'm afraid we won't want to get out easily."

Mrs. Yang also said hurriedly, as if her'female' son Yang Ziqi was a big star.

Lin Feng shook his head when she saw this. Yang Ziqi had no reputation for a long time. Even if she stood up for filming, no one would recognize it. Where are the fans? However, Lin Feng is a junior here after all, so he doesn't bother to say anything.

"Yes... Mother-in-law, walk around... Our car is parked outside. You have been struggling all the way by flying. Please don't give up and come to our house for a rest."

Father Lin is more honest, although he also feels that this family is extraordinarily arrogant and rude, but after all, to give face to his little sister, the visitor is a guest, so he can't be stingy. He still accompanied the smiling face to take them out for a ride, but Mother Lin didn't have such a good temper.

As everyone knows, Mother Lin has always been anxious and loudly screaming at the door, and she will yell out if she is upset, she is absolutely unwilling to suffer. Especially when Mother Lin saw Lin Ziqi's arrogance and arrogance, she deliberately moved forward and asked with a smile, "Sister Ziqi is incredible, she is a big singer, and it's really a pleasure to come this time. ."

"That's not it. If it weren't for the fact that the dishes in your hero's restaurant taste good, my mother and I wouldn't bother to come to your poor country!"

It's been a long time since I heard compliments from people, Yang Ziqi raised her head and said with a smug expression.

"Yes! But sister Ziqi, your sister-in-law, I always like to listen to music. What new album have you released recently? Surely all kinds of concerts are very popular? How many concerts are held in a year? Are you too busy? Otherwise, why haven’t you seen any news from you in the TV entertainment news in the past two years?"

This time, Mother Lin didn't directly curse as before, but instead used a soft knife, and a series of rhetorical questions immediately made Yang Ziqi's face look ugly.

"I...Of course I'm busy. I don't care about the entertainment news media. It's not that I have done a good job of confidentiality, otherwise I will be followed by the paparazzi all day..."

But for the sake of her own face, Yang Ziqi couldn’t get angry, she could only change the topic quickly with a blushing face, “This time you come to your hero’s restaurant, and you are lucky. If I’m in a good mood at that time, Sing a song at the celebration banquet to ensure that your hero's restaurant will be on fire."

"Yo! Really? Sister Ziqi, it seems we still have to thank you, do you want to wrap you a big red envelope?" Mother Lin said with a sneer.

"I don't need the big red envelopes, after all, they are all a family! You can prepare the dishes for tomorrow to be ‘precise’..."

Yang Ziqi couldn't hear the meaning of Mother Lin's words, but replied with a smug expression. But Father Lin felt his wife's meaning, and hurriedly hit the field and pointed to the van parked in front of him and said, "I'll talk about this when I get home! My mother, brother-in-law...My car is in front, everyone!"

Because this van can hold more people, and Lin Feng's sports car is parked a little further behind, Father Lin is used to "sexually" pointing to the white van first.

But in this way, Yang Ziqi's face turned bad for a moment, looking at the tattered van, she sneered and said, "What kind of broken car? Let me ride in this car? It's better to kill me. Hey! What kind of strange smell does the car smell like?"

When he approached and smelled it, Yang Ziqi also smelled the strong smell of garlic from the car, which was the smell left by Father Lin yesterday when he went to the hero's restaurant to pull ingredients.

"Yeah! Baoyi, is this your second brother driving us to pick us up? I won't do this kind of tattered and weirdly smelling van. Hurry up and take a taxi and we will go directly to the hotel. I guess they Home is not much better..." The old lady Yang also immediately turned her face, staring at her daughter-in-law's wife Lin Baoyi and reprimanded.

"Wife! What's the matter with you? Your second brother drives this kind of car to pick us up? Don't talk about mom and sister, even I can't ride."

Yang Mo also said with a look of disgust, and then directly said to Father Lin, "Second uncle, maybe in the eyes of you country folks, there is a broken van as a car. Haha! But this kind of broken van, Ten years ago, we wouldn’t sit there. It is estimated that the houses your family bought were also in broken communities. Don’t even think about fooling our family to live in your broken houses this time."

"Brother-in-law, you... This is a bit wrong. Although this van is a bit old, it can sit on more people. There are so many of you... and I also asked Xiao Feng to drive in another car. ......" Father Lin quickly explained that it was wrong~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

"Another car? Another van? Brother, you'd better take a taxi! I don't take their car..."

Lin Baoyi pouted and shouted out of temper.

And at this time, Lin Feng drove Li Yutong’s red'color' sports car directly, and his cousin Lingling had already sat in the car and waved to the family, "Mom and Dad, Sister-in-law. Look at it... Brother Xiaofeng came in a sports car..."

"Sports car? It's really a sports car...this one is the top model, at least more than 1.5 million yuan, right?"

Men are car lovers. Yang Mo's own sports car in the capital is only over a million. This red'color' sports car that Lin Feng borrowed from Li Yutong, Yang Mo was very itchy, but the price It's a bit too high. For the most part, the Yang family is rich, and they didn't want to buy such an expensive sports car. But now, Lin Feng's family, whom he looked down upon, drove such a top-of-the-line sports car to pick them up.


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