Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1042: Xiao Nishang

However, these family grievances are all emotional entanglements between the older generation. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā品书网

As his father said, Lin Feng also knew that blood between brothers was thicker than water. Although there were often disputes and disagreements, the most fundamental blood relationship could not be changed.

Therefore, although Lin Feng disliked the vain uncle, he also decided that as long as the uncle was not too much, he would not be too embarrassed. After all, he was a family member.

This time, relatives and friends of both parents will invite them. There are more than a dozen tables and a hundred people. On that day, the Heroes’ Restaurant will not open exclusively for ‘door’ to host this celebration. Of course, Lin Feng has to think about it. He wants to invite some people to come.

"Yanran and Aunt Ping's family, hehe! Later, Yanran and I went to Qingbei University and we were classmates again..."

The first thing Lin Feng thought of was to send an invitation to Qin Yanran's family, dial Qin Yanran's mobile phone, and Lin Feng smiled and said, "Yanran, how is it? I have been gone for two days, do you miss me?"

"Cut! Lin Feng, you are amorous again." Qin Yanran smiled openly, "I think you should have missed me, so you called me!"

"Hey! You think I miss you. The day after tomorrow, our family will hold a college entrance examination celebration banquet for me at the Hero's Restaurant. Then you and Aunt Ping will still remember to come together with your grandma!" Lin Feng confessed.

"Celebration party! Okay! You, a talented man, personally invite us, and we will definitely go. I will tell my mother later that she will ask her to take a leave of absence the day after tomorrow."

Qin Yanran said again with a little shyness, "Also... Lin Feng, didn't you say that you would go to Beijing to see Qingbei University after the scores were obtained? When would you go?"

"En! This! I will tell you after the celebration party the day after tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone with Qin Yanran, Lin Feng called Zhang Zhen and other high-ranking buddies one by one to invite them to the celebration party the day after tomorrow.

Then, Lin Feng thought of Teacher Xu, who was far away in the capital. It stands to reason that at this celebration party, as Lin Feng's three-year class teacher, Teacher Xu should also be an important guest. However, when Lin Feng called Xu Minjing's cell phone, he still heard the unexpected shutdown prompt. Lin Feng had to send her a text message, hoping that Mr. Xu would come back to attend his celebration banquet after seeing the text message.

"By the way! There are crazy girls. I don't know how crazy girls did this time? By the way, ask about her college entrance examination results."

Thinking of Xiao Nishang returning to the capital, Lin Feng dialed her number. After the beep, Xiao Nishang panted and asked, "Hey! Lin Feng, are you calling me?"

"Crazy girl, why are you out of breath? What are you doing?"

Lin Feng heard Xiao Nishang's gasp and asked strangely.

"You care about me! I'm busy! If you have a fart, let me go, I'm fine." Xiao Nishang said eagerly.

"Wait... My house will hold a celebration banquet the day after tomorrow, will you come?"

Seeing Xiao Nishang's appearance in a hurry, Lin Feng asked straightforwardly.

"No time, don't go!"

Xiao Nishang also replied simply and rudely.

"The college entrance examination is over, why are you not free?" Lin Feng was very upset with Xiao Nishang's attitude, so he asked.

"I have my own business, can't it? Humph!" Xiao Nishang asked back.

"Okay... Ok! Since you are not free, let's just say... How many scores do you score on the college entrance examination? Is it the Qingbei University that volunteered?" Lin Feng asked again.

"Not as much as you, the perfect score champion, I am more than 700 points, Qingbei is no problem. Okay, so, it's dead..."

After speaking, Xiao Nishang hung up the phone decisively, and Lin Feng listened to the beep tone, pouting and saying, "This crazy girl, the college entrance examination is over, what are you doing?"

On the other end, after hanging up the phone, Xiao Nishang hurriedly returned to the practice field, with heavy sandbags tied to his legs and body, and he kept punching and kicking his legs.

"Nishang, you have been overloaded with training today. I think you should take a rest, eat something to replenish your body... Let's practice later!"

Beside Xiao Nishang, Chen Lingsu dressed in red. Now that she has no red moles on her face, she no longer has to use light veil to'mask' her face.

Chen Lingsu watched Xiao Nishang get up at two o'clock in the morning and practiced without interruption for seven or eight hours, and somewhat distressedly discouraged her.

"Cousin, I can't slack off. If grandpa's life and death barrier cannot be broken, our Xiao family is at stake. If I were stronger, I would be more confident when I entered the secret realm. My father has now unloaded all family affairs and strives for an early breakthrough. At the realm of the day after tomorrow, how can I compete without second?"

Sweat has soaked Xiao Nishang’s tight-fitting sportswear, and outlined her graceful figure, but Xiao Nishang didn’t care about the sweat all over his body, punching one after another, moving one move one by one. The blood power in the body strives to break through to the fifth layer of the acquired day as soon as possible.

"But you are completely overdrawing your potential like this. What you do in martial arts training is to rewind and follow nature. You are too hard." Chen Lingsu knew that the stubborn Xiao Nishang would not listen to him, but just heard Lin Feng On the call, he asked Xiao Nishang, "By the way, it seems that Lin Feng called you just now, what's the matter?"

"Nothing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Didn’t Lin Feng get the top scorer in the college entrance examination? He hosted a celebration banquet and wanted me to go. I couldn’t waste that time, by the way... Cousin, you have Time, why don't you go for me? And, it just so happens that you can get close to Lin Feng. You have now been promoted to the late acquired stage, with extraordinary physique, it is just around the corner to be promoted to Innate!"

Xiao Nishang said to Chen Lingsu while practicing.

"This... okay! Neon clothes, and your body is also very important, you have to pay attention. In fact, your physique is similar to mine, but it is a pity that your'yin' and yang eyes are also defective, otherwise, your martial arts The cultivation speed won't be so slow." Chen Lingsu agreed, looking at Xiao Nishang, who was practicing hard, and said with a pity.

"Cousin, you reminded me that Lin Feng once mentioned this problem, and he also said that he wanted to find a way to help me improve my'yin' and yang eyes. Humph! This stinky boy probably has forgotten it, so remember when you went to Zhi'an this time. Remind him that if there is already a way to help me improve the physique of the'yin' and yang eyes, quickly roll to the capital to help me. The secret horse is about to drive, I don't have much time..." Xiao Nishang suddenly remembered this. Come, say seriously.


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