Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1033: Full score champion

June 24, this day was sunny and windy. It seemed to be a very ordinary day, but it was the day when countless candidates were nervous and concerned about the announcement and inquiry day of the college entrance examination scores. [WWWw.SuiMеng.lā

The time for the announcement of the college entrance examination scores and scores in Fujian Province is three o'clock in the afternoon. The provincial TV station also opened a live broadcast room for college entrance examination scores this afternoon to announce this year’s college entrance examination scores to the majority of candidates and parents.

For such an important day, of course Lin's father and Lin's mother didn't have the mind to work in the restaurant. She got up early and didn't go to the hero restaurant. Lin's mother prepared a beautiful lunch at home with her heart and the family had lunch. After that, turn on the TV in the large living room at home, waiting for the college entrance examination scores to be announced.

"What to do? What to do? The college entrance examination results are coming out today, and the ancestors and ancestors must bless us, let our family Xiaofeng get a good result! We must glorify the lintel of the door!"

Zheng Yang in the lobby on the first floor was the genealogy tribute. After dinner, Mother Lin began to burn incense and pray.

"Mom! Don't be too nervous, don't worry! There will be no problems with my own exam."

Lin Feng checked the standard answer after finishing the test. It was not less than ten. If he felt that he couldn't get the full score in the test, it would be at least seven hundred thirty and forty points.

"Yeah! Guizhu, his son said that it is not a problem to pass the Qing Bei University. And, hasn't the language already got a full mark? What are you afraid of?" Father Lin cheerfully, because the water tank in the house Lin Feng often from time to time Put some divine water in, so his body is getting better and better now, and his hair that had been “flowery” and white has turned back to black.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, be afraid. Worship ancestors and Bodhisattvas, it's definitely correct. Of course I know that my son is amazing, but...I'm thinking, if our family can produce a champion, it will be more face-conscious. At that time, our hero restaurant can be renamed the champion building!"

It turned out that Mother Lin was still begging the ancestors to bless Lin Feng to come back as the number one champion!

"You! I can really think that Xiao Feng's grades can improve so much, I already feel content." Father Lin said with a smile.

"Why can't you think about it? Xiaofeng can get a perfect score in the exam. Why can't this college entrance examination work?"

Mother Lin said as expected, "Fortunately, my son is like me. When I was young, I liked to read some magazines, otherwise, where does my son come from?"

"It's all your credit. You gave us the Lin family a great talent. Okay... Hurry... Guizhu, the director of the Education Department in the news has come out, and the college entrance examination scores will be announced in a while, come soon Look..." Father Lin called to Mother Lin with a smile, and Mother Lin hurried over to sit on the sofa and watched intently.

Lin Feng watched his parents bickering like this, and his heart was warm. In his view, no matter whether his grades are good or bad, and no matter how much money his family has, family harmony and the well-being of parents are the most important. The others are all external objects, and for him who is a cultivator, he can almost get all these other things as long as he wants it.

The TV interview for the college entrance examination has begun, and the director of the Ministry of Education, before announcing the scores, has to say something about it. Lin Feng didn't have much interest. He was playing with his mobile phone and suddenly received a call from Qin Yanran.

"Hey! Lin Feng, the score line for the college entrance examination is coming out, are you watching live TV at home?" Qin Yanran asked with a smile. These days, Lin Feng often comes to play with her during the holidays, and there is no pressure to study. Mom and grandma are too. All agree, it is Qin Yanran's happiest day.

"Of course! But, Yanran, TV is only a score line. We still need to check our own results or call to check. According to my guess, this year’s score line should be lower. Last year it was five hundred fifty one line. I guess I can barely manage one line this year, about 500 points!" Lin Feng slightly avoided his parents and said to the phone.

"Yes! This year's papers are much more difficult. The average score of each subject is at least 10 points less, I guess it is about 500 points. What about Lin Feng, yourself? After I have checked the answers, I estimated the score is about seven. About one hundred and thirty, how many are you?"

Qin Yanran was at home, and while watching live TV with her grandmother, she asked Lin Feng.

"Me? You will lose your grade, but, Yanran, you seem to have a third-class student who can add 10 extra points. I don't have any, maybe, in the end your score will be higher than mine!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, although he has a medal for righteousness and bravery, according to the principle of bonus points for the college entrance examination, because it is of national quality, it can even add 20 points, but he won the medal too late. The file declaration has been closed, so Lin Feng didn't get any extra points for the college entrance examination this time.

"Hee hee! Best... Lin Feng, our scores are the same, so... it's a good match, right?" Qin Yanran lowered her head a little shyly, then watched TV, and quickly said to Lin Feng. The TV score line is about to come out, Lin Feng, I won’t tell you. After the score line comes out, you can check the score. You should also check it quickly. Remember to tell me the first time!"

After speaking, Qin Yanran hung up the phone, and Lin Feng also looked at the large LCD TV in the living room.

After the director of the Provincial Department of Education finished a scene, he finally reached the most exciting time and said to the camera, "This year our college entrance examination papers in Fujian Province are more difficult overall, so this year's score is lower. Science The score line of the first line is 507 points, the score line of the second line is 459 points, and the first line is 523 points~www.wuxiaspot.com~the second line is 478..."

Countless candidates from Fujian Province who were watching TV at this time were all gasped when they saw such a score line. Although they also know that the difficulty of the exam this time is not low, the score of last year's book was almost 50 points lower, which made their hearts more tense.

"The score line of a book is almost less than five hundred points? Why is it so low? It seems that the difficulty of the paper is really not small! By the way, Xiao Feng, now the score line is announced, you can check the score. You can go back to the room and use it. Check it on the computer..." Mother Lin was obviously a little nervous after hearing the score.

"En! Mom, don't worry, wait and go! Now there must be a lot of people squeezing in inquiries, probably very stuck..."

The score line is so low, this is something Lin Feng expected early, so he is not nervous.

At this time, the Minister of Education, who announced the scores on TV, did not step down. Instead, his face showed an ‘excited’ look and said to the reporters and cameras in the audience, “Although the scores of the college entrance examination this time Generally low, but I’m happy to tell you that our Fujian province has won a perfect score this year..."


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