Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1017: College entrance examination


"Yan Ran, my title is called. *WwW.suimeng.lā has a full mark? I'm going to turn on the computer and have a look!"

After Qin Yanran's text message was returned, Lin Feng also turned on his laptop. After broadband wifi was installed at home, Lin Feng no longer needed to share the network with his mobile phone.

Sure enough, as Qin Yanran said, just after logging on QQ, the pop-up advertisement of Tencent Damin today is a full score for the college entrance examination. Lin Feng went in and took a look at the place with great interest, and found that this time the college entrance examination had a lot of scores.

The first one is a fictitious short story. It is a fictitious country similar to the "women" in the Journey to the West. It is about a country composed entirely of women. Full of irony, the meaning finally revealed, on the one hand, affirmed the status of'female' sex, and on the other hand criticized those blind'feminist' rights activists, which can be said to be quite critical' Rationale'sex' conclusion.

"Education and fun have created a fictional kingdom of'women'. This article is'quite' fun, and it can write such a rich content in just 800 words. It is indeed not an exaggeration to get full marks... "

Lin Feng did not go down to read other full marks, but read it piece by piece. Especially this first post with a full score, "very" funny, this kind of satirical "sex" short novel is used for pawning, but it is not interesting.

The second one I saw was a discussion and the title was called. I don't know why, when I saw this full-featured article, Lin Feng couldn't help thinking of Qin Yanran. This argument is a reflection of the emancipation of the'female' rights phenomenon, and indicates that this is the inevitable result of ideological progress.

Both the argument and the argument are well-founded and stand firm step by step. They also cited some anti-feudal examples during the Xinhua movement period, and finally emphasized the inevitable relationship between the emancipation of ‘female’ rights and social progress.

"Needless to say! This discussion is definitely Yanran. With this tone and idiom, 80% of her did not run away."

Qin Yanran's work has become a model for the whole school after almost every exam. After reading Qin Yanran's various works for three years, Lin Feng can recognize it at a glance. This discussion is very similar to Qin Yanran's style. Although there is no guarantee that it is her, she can't leave it alone.

"Hey! Yanran also got a full score. If I add mine, wouldn't it be that our Zhianyi can get two full scores this time?"

Lin Feng was very confident about his own. He continued to look down. The third full-point work turned out to be another short novel, which also ‘stimulated’ Lin Feng’s interest.

The third short novel was fully titled, and I even wrote a short novel. It is about a "girl" child named Qiang Wei who was born in a feudal country where boys are more important than girls. Look down, do the heaviest work, and stop reading.

But later, this "female" child named Qiangwei, with her own efforts, took the exams step by step in key learning and key universities, and finally even became the "female" CEO of a city company, completely letting all that because she is a female CEO 'Children who looked down on her were taken aback.

At the end of the short story, it was a scene in Qiangwei's company city. When faced with a reporter's interview and asked why she was so good, she only answered one sentence, "Who said that'women' are inferior to men?"

"The idea of ​​this short novel is very good, and the content is'quite' fun. It is rare to be able to use such a short length to summarize the struggle life of this'girl' named Qiangwei. There is not a single word of discussion. All are normal narratives, but all the finishing touches are in the last sentence of the'girl' child's rhetorical question,'Who said'women' are inferior to men'. It is indeed'exquisite', enough to be excerpted by some selected short stories. Up."

After reading this short novel, Lin Feng's mind could not help but think of Xiao Nishang. He felt that the'girl' named Qiangwei who was in the short novel story seemed to be a copy of Xiao Nishang, who would never admit defeat, that stubbornness and The unyielding "female" child, isn't it the saying "Who said "female" is inferior to male"?

"Is this a short novel written by a crazy girl? She beats and kills all the time. Can Cai be so good? I don't believe it, it must be an illusion! An illusion..."

Shaking his head, Lin Feng expelled Xiao Nishang's figure from his mind, and then continued to look down at other college entrance examination scores. However, the next few works are not as interesting as the previous ones, and they are some good examples of discussions, expounding my own views.

After pulling down all the time, Lin Feng didn't see himself even after seeing the full score of nine entries in the college entrance examination.

"Fuck! There is no mine? This is unscientific. Even the last few seemingly ordinary comments got full marks. Isn't it possible that my one is not full marks?"

This result made Lin Feng quite depressed, and he couldn't help but also a little skeptical in his heart, "Could it be that UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is my writing off topic? Or is it... I use Fu's ancient Chinese theme? , Make the teacher disgusted? Or violate the rules of the college entrance examination language? Impossible! I only talk about poetry for the title, and it is not impossible to write words?"

Lin Feng couldn't figure it out, scratched his hair, and remembered that in the past two years, there seemed to be a college entrance examination candidate who used oracle bones to write and was sentenced to zero points. He secretly said that he was also sentenced to zero points, right? However, there are precedents of getting full marks in writing! Why does someone else get a full score, even if they say it, get a zero score?

Just as Lin Feng felt very confused, suddenly Lin Feng's cell phone rang. It was an unfamiliar cell phone number in this city. Lin Feng hesitated for a moment, connected to the phone, and asked, "Hey! Who can I call? "

"Hey! Is it classmate Lin Feng? Director Hong from my teaching department! How did your home address change? Today, the expert teacher from the Provincial College Entrance Examination Office made a special trip and brought some reporters to interview you! How did you get there? The address of your home, but neighbors around you said you moved?"

On the other end of the phone, it was Hong Tianxin, a new teaching director. Lin Feng was a little confused after hearing this, and said strangely, "Teacher Hong, my family has just moved to Jinou Community. The expert teacher from the college entrance examination office came to me? Yes? What's the matter?"</ntent>


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