Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1007: Life and death

After returning to the Jin Ou community, Lin Feng greeted his parents and entered Li Yutong's villa. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā. . Li Yutong was playing with Rhubarb very happily, and Lin Feng took the treasure hunter that had been brought back from Tianshan Mountain gently out of his pocket.

"Wow! What a cute little mouse, Lin Feng, is this the treasure mouse you found in Tianshan?"

Because Lin Feng had greeted Li Yutong before setting off, so when Li Yutong saw this cute little mouse, he naturally knew that it was the treasure hunter Lin Feng was looking for.

However, unlike the treasure hunter that Chen Lingsu owned, Lin Feng's one was just born not long ago, maybe his eyes were just opened, and his whole body was gray and hairy, only half a slap. Big, looks very cute. The first time Li Yutong saw the treasure hunter, his whole person was about to be cute.


Rhubarb seemed to have no cold with the breath of the treasure hunter. Perhaps it was still remembering Chen Lingsu's grudge against the **** rat, and he even had no good feelings for the treasure hunting rat brought by Lin Feng.

"Rhubarb, calm down. This is not the second **** rat that hurt you. It has just been born! In the future, it can be'handed over' for you to take care of. You are not allowed to let it suffer any harm. We will look for a baby in the future. When it comes to time, it will depend on it!"

Seeing that Rhubarb had a slight resistance, Lin Feng reprimanded it. Rhubarb also understood it, moved forward, sniffed the little treasure hunter with its black nose, and then determined that it was not the next one. After the **** mouse, he barked happily twice, and then patted the little treasure hunter on the head with his dog's paw, meaning that there is no problem, and the little guy will be covered by it in the future.

"It's almost the same, Rhubarb, he will be your little brother in the future."

Lin Feng smiled, then gently placed the little treasure hunter in Li Yutong's palm, and said, "How about? Sister Tongtong, you see this little treasure hunter is very spiritual, especially relying on it. You can find many aura babies."

"It turned out to be so, but now it's only so big, it might take a long time to wait for it to grow up. But it looks very cute, so cute! Lin Feng, did you name it? Or... how about calling it cute? Hehe!"

Putting the little treasure hunter in the palm of his hand, Li Yutong stroked it very carefully, especially the soft'hair' on the body of the newborn little treasure hunter. It felt very comfortable, and the cute eyes were completely captured. Li Yutong,'excited' sent out her flood of maternal love.

"Mengmeng? Okay! It's the name, sister Tongtong, then you play with Mengmeng and rhubarb first. I'll go to the crazy girl and help Chen Lingsu get rid of the red mole on his face and come back. Anyway, there is rhubarb in there. If you do, it will protect your safety. As for Mengmeng, here is a cheat book for raising Mengmeng. I haven’t had time to read it. Please take a look at the precautions. When I come back, we will study it again. How to keep cute."

After ‘handing’ Mengmeng to Li Yutong to settle down, Lin Feng rushed to Xiao Nishang’s residence, after all, he promised them to remove the red mole on Chen Lingsu’s face tonight.

Finding a bottle of mineral water, Lin Feng ‘made’ a bottle of divine water to use for a while. At this time in the Xiao family, Huang Qiming had just contacted the head of the family, Commander Xiao, then walked to the room on the third floor and said to Xiao Nishang who was preparing, "Miss, the commander has agreed to Lin Feng's terms and... You must never'fight' with Lin Feng. No matter what, our Xiao family is now in a critical period. Don't make enemies if you don't have to, especially an enemy as powerful and impenetrable as Lin Feng. And... we get After the news, all these changes in your Tianshan Mountains this time are all caused by the Ouyang family."

"Ouyang Feng! Humph! You wait for auntie's milk. When auntie's milk becomes a congenital warrior, you must screw off your head."

In fact, Xiao Nishang's heart had already guessed that Ouyang Feng was doing the trick, and she had also put Ouyang Feng on the list of her own kills, but it was a pity that her strength was too weak now.

"And...Miss, Ouyang Feng and the Lawrence family have united, and they have decided to start with our Xiao family and Lin Feng. Now the situation is very urgent, and the old man..." Huang Qiming paused and faced. Said in an unfavorable manner.

"What happened to Grandpa? Did you break through to the innate? Uncle Huang, as long as Grandpa broke through to the innate, Ouyang's family shouldn't worry about it."

Xiao Nishang was nervous and asked hurriedly.

"Not yet, and... the old lady just entered the entrance to life and death the day before yesterday, and has completely blocked contact with us." Huang Qiming sighed and said.

"What? The entrance to life and death? Grandpa entered the entrance to life and death? This...this time is really a matter of life and death, just in a single thought."

Hearing this, Xiao Nishang's heart sank.

The entrance to life and death is a stage where the martial artist finally reaches the congenital realm with a desperate fight after reaching the acquired peak of great perfection. The so-called entrance to life and death, after leaving the customs, is not life or death. Only if you can reach the innate realm can you survive. On the contrary, if you don't reach the innate realm, you will die by leaking your whole body skills. Moreover, the duration of the retreat is not necessarily limited, ranging from a few days to several months, and if there is no exit within ninety-nine and eighty-one days, it will inevitably fail and die.

It can be said that after the old man of the Xiao family got the magical tool given by Lin Feng~www.wuxiaspot.com~, with a hint of aura, he was doing the last fight. However, the entrance to life and death is ‘excited’ to unleash the human body’s final potential, which can greatly increase the chance of success in breaking through the innate. Anyway, the old man of the Xiao family's life is about to arrive. In order to break through to the innate, he has used this last glimmer of potential and opportunity.

When closing the entrance to life and death, you must completely cut off your contact with the outside world, even without eating or drinking, and not being disturbed by the slightest of outsiders.

"Yes! Miss, I also said...from now on, our Xiao family has no martial artist at the peak of the day after tomorrow. If this news is leaked out, it is very likely to be challenged by other families. It is the most In times of crisis, there can be no deviation. Moreover, Commander Xiao meant..."

Speaking of this, Huang Qiming suddenly paused before saying, "If the best... can win this Lin Feng to join our Xiao Jiadang..."

"Win Lin Feng to join our Xiao family? What my father meant...this...this is not so good..." Of course, Xiao Nishang knew what his father meant. There was only one way to win Lin Feng into our Xiao family. Lin Feng came to be the son-in-law of the Xiao family, and became the son-in-law of the door and daughter in the family!


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