Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1002: track

"What's the matter? Sister Tongtong is neither in the Hero's Restaurant nor in the Meiyuan's ‘Female’ Health Club, and...the phone is still at home, what happened?"

Li Yutong was nowhere to be found, and Lin Fengxin had a bad feeling. *WwW.suimeng.lā. Mobile terminal

"Could it be that... Sister Tongtong is missing? She was kidnapped again?"

Reminiscent of the two previous events that Wang Zhong and Hong'Bo' approached two warriors to find a'door', Lin Feng became anxious in his heart. In the two days when he was absent, Li Yutong was probably taken away. .

Moreover, it is probably more than a day since Li Yutong disappeared. Where will she be caught? Lin Feng has no clues at all now, and he doesn't even know where Li Yutong disappeared.

At home?

Still on the way to the Hero's Restaurant?

Or is it in Meiyuan’s “female” health club?


"Sister Tongtong, where will you be?"


It is hard for Lin Feng to imagine what bad luck Li Yutong would have suffered if Li Yutong were really kidnapped for such a long time.

"Why is this time? Why am I in Tianshan at this time? If I were not in Tianshan, Sister Tongtong was kidnapped, and I could find out immediately. But now, I don't even have a clue. Where did the kidnapping go? After more than a day, it is very likely that he has been transferred to other provinces and cities!"

At this moment, Lin Feng's heart was also very guilty. He blamed himself for choosing a bad time to find the treasure rat in Tianshan, and blamed himself for being too impatient.


When Lin Feng had no clue at all, he suddenly heard the call of rhubarb from his home. It should be that his parents came back with rhubarb. Lin Feng immediately had an idea, "Yes, there is rhubarb! As long as the rhubarb is there! With the smell of Sister Tongtong, you will definitely be able to find her by looking for traces."

If you change to another dog, Lin Feng may not have such confidence, but rhubarb is not an ordinary dog, but the king of dogs. He is the king of dogs that have evolved after drinking Shenshui, and his sense of smell and cleverness is an ordinary dog. Countless times.

Because Lin Feng had previously instructed that in order to ensure the safety of his parents, Da Huang would go to the Hero's Restaurant with his parents during the day and come back together later. Therefore, when parents drove home from work, Rhubarb got out of the car and smelled Lin Feng's breath, and when he knew Lin Feng was back, he cried excitedly.

"Rhubarb! Hurry...come here!"

Lin Feng, who came out of Li Yutong's villa, hurriedly waved to the rhubarb and shouted.

"Xiao Feng, you little bastard, don't come home first, why don't you go to Miss Tongtong's place? By the way! Miss Tongtong hasn't visited the Hero's Restaurant for two days. You just called The Hero Restaurant asked, what's the matter? Is Miss Tongtong not at home?" Mother Lin asked strangely when she saw Lin Feng.

"Yes! Mom, Sister Tongtong may be missing, I will now let Rhubarb help me find Sister Tongtong." Lin Feng said the truth.

"What? Miss Tongtong is missing? This...how can this be good? I said it's no wonder why no one answered her mobile phone for these past two days! What should I do? Xiao Feng, let's call the police!" Upon hearing this, he panicked and hurriedly shouted.

"Mom! Don't call the police first. The call is useless. Let me find it first! Rhubarb has a very good nose. I believe it will be able to find the smell of Sister Tongtong as long as it finds it."

With that, Lin Feng greeted the rhubarb and walked towards Li Yutong's bedroom.

"Rhubarb, take a closer look here, Sister Tongtong's smell. By the way, smell the smell of other people besides Sister Tongtong and me. If there is, it is most likely a robber. !"

Because Li Yutong's cell phone was taken away in the bedroom, Lin Feng estimated that Li Yutong was most likely abducted in the bedroom. However, what makes Lin Feng strange is that now Li Yutong is also considered a cultivator. Although she does not have a special "door" to practice some martial arts, but if someone robs her, there should be some traces of fighting in the bedroom. That's right. But now everything in the bedroom is as usual, there is no trace of fighting.

Rhubarb received Lin Feng’s order and rushed to Li Yutong’s bedroom. His astute nose sniffed the surroundings carefully, and then suddenly screamed twice. It seemed that there was something great and he suddenly jumped. When he arrived at the window, he looked back at Lin Feng, and barked with his tongue out.


Lin Feng hurriedly came to the window sill to observe carefully, and as expected, there was a faint trace of burnt ash in the seam of the window sill.

"This is? What traces?"

Before leaving, Lin Feng picked up a little bit of ash with his fingers, put it on his nose and smelled it lightly, and then immediately changed his color to "Rosemary?" It turned out to be like this. Someone took advantage of Sister Tongtong's sleep. At that time, I lit a stick of rosemary on the window sill, and after Sister Tongtong was fainted by the rosemary, she quietly snatched her away."


Rhubarb nodded its dog's head, and then looked outside the window, meaning that the person who robbed Li Yutong had escaped from the road outside the window.

"Okay! Rhubarb, you are looking for the taste, let's chase after it...Who is so bold, even Lin Feng's "female" dare to **** it!"

Because Li Yutong has been missing for at least one day and one night~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng can't wait any longer, he doesn't know how Li Yutong has been hurt, if the robber has a bad heart, I'm afraid Li Yutong is already bad at this time He killed the poisonous hand, so every minute and every second was precious. Lin Feng couldn't wait any longer, followed behind Rhubarb, and hurriedly chased the robber's nest.

At this time, Xiao Nishang got off the car in a very unhappy mood and returned to his residence. Just now, Huang Qiming had conveyed her family's arrangements to transfer her to the capital family base camp. Therefore, Xiao Nishang went home to prepare and may leave Zhi'an City completely tomorrow.

"That's right! Uncle Huang, when we go back to the capital tomorrow, how are the things that cousin Lingsu wants to do? Didn't she say it can be done in two days?" Xiao Nishang asked.

"Miss Biao’s affairs have been done, but there is still a little trouble. People are ‘getting’ back. It’s... the method of making the Beauty Pill, and he refuses to say anything about it..."

Huang Qiming paused, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Moreover, the relationship between this'female' and Lin Feng is also very close..."


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