Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2875: Prince and Queen

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The Greek State is a very magical country.

In the glorious era of God of War, the **** of war was the master of this country.

Since the **** of war, Fu Luo Ni, died, and after the decline of the **** of war, Xi Dianguo fell into a state of division.

In all major cities, the heroes are divided.

But in fact, the Greek State has the position of king.

It's just that this king is usually a diplomatic puppet that was pushed onto the table by major religions.

Except for some public affairs, the King has no right to intervene in core affairs.

Today, the Night God Church is in full swing in Xizhou, and it is the largest **** church in the Greek State. The king also surrendered to the Night God Church.

On this day, the king sent a message to the Temple of Night God, informing the Special Envoy of the Grand Kingdom that he would visit the Temple of Night God.

It seems to be for the meteorites and miracles of the sky a few days ago.

After receiving this news, Ananke immediately told Yehong.

Hearing this news, Ye Hong inevitably remembered his experience in the country last year.

The land area of ​​the Grand Nationality is not large, but its comprehensive national strength is the largest in Xizhou.

This island nation, built on the island of Sundown, once set off from the island of Sundown with a powerful fleet hundreds of years ago and conquered one country after another.

Because the territory of conquest spans four continents, the Grand Kingdom is also known as the Sunless Sunset Kingdom.

Even the United States, which was so prosperous at that time, was once crushed and crushed by the Granland.

It is precisely because of this history that the people of the United States today still speak Glan.

Not only that, but also the largest language in the four continent divisions.

Although the glory of the Kingdom of God is not here today, the status of the Grand Kingdom in the hearts of the people of Xizhou is still as high as ever.

It was a time last year that Ye Hong once accompanied the Phoenix Rose team to play a game in the capital of the country.

But Ye Hong first recalled that it was the girl who met on the shore that day—

The girl kneeling in the middle of the night praying in front of the statue of the goddess of the ocean.

The royal lady of the Gran King, [Leilani Windsor].

After a year, I don’t know how she is now...

On this day, a team of luxury convoys came from Shenchi City.

Every car in the fleet is a vintage classic car.

This classic car is now out of print and has no price in Xizhou.

The only luxury that can be used as a team is the Windsor family where the Grand King's House is located.

This convoy is a team of special envoys sent by Granland to visit the Temple of Night.

Because the night **** temple is located above the **** mountain, the convoy can only stop under the **** mountain, and the people inside are ready to hike up the mountain.

One soldier after another came down from the convoy and escorted by a car in the middle of the convoy.

These soldiers, dressed in red and wearing white feather hats, are the royal guards that are famous in the country.

The car being guarded has a golden color, and the car has a rounded corner, just like a retro golden carriage.

After the cart was opened, a young man and a young girl got off the cart.

The girl has blue hair and blue eyes that are rarely seen by the Granite people, and she wears a sea-blue dress, like a delicate doll.

It's just that the girl's eyes seemed to be tired and listless.

The young man with blond eyes and sharp figure is a very standard template for the handsome boy of Granland.

He looked arrogantly and looked at Shenshan impatiently, frowning: "This night, God is so rude to teach, there is not even a person to greet, so I don't take my Grand King's room in my eyes?"

The girl did not speak, but looked up at the statue of the night **** at the top of the mountain.

In the eyes, with memories and thoughts.

It seemed to suddenly return to that night.

The girl who prayed by the sea alone met a magician boy from the mysterious Eastern Flame Kingdom.

["You, who are you?"

"Don't be afraid, I am a magician."

"Magician? Why is the magician here?"

"Silly girl, it is because I am a magician that I can come in here.

If it wasn't for my magic to work, do you think the guards will let me in? "

"Since you say you are a magician, show me a magic certificate!

If you can’t perform, I’m going to call the guard. "

"No problem, look good.]

["Mr. Magician, what kind of magic is this?!"

"This ball...

It's called [I'll let you whisper and I will break it]. "


["Mr. Magician, haven’t you said your name yet?"

"night God."】

Past pictures, like movie fragments, flash in my mind.

The young man's face slowly coincided with the statue of the night **** on Shenshan.

"night God......"

The blue-haired girl muttered to herself.

The fair-haired young man seemed to notice the strange appearance of the blue-haired girl, turned around and sneered with disdain: "Lellani, don't you think of that [Mr. Magician] again?

The royal guard has long investigated that Yan Guo does not have a magician named Ye at all.

I see, you are just cheated by a liar.

There are many scammers in Yan Guo. "

He shook his head and said: "I don't know what the night gods are thinking. We have so many gods in the Xizhou land who don't believe it, but they believe in a Oriental god."

The blue-haired girl frowned unpleasantly, but a slightly majestic face suddenly appeared on her slightly young face: "Brother Crumb, as the crown prince, you should not have this kind of regional prejudice.

Otherwise, your people in the future will also wear colored glasses to watch you.

What's more, the latest research shows that the fraud rate of the people of the Yan nation is declining year by year. On the contrary, the fraud rate of the Grand Country is increasing day by day. "

The look of the young man called Krumb flashed annoyed immediately: "Leilani, I am the crown prince. Need you to teach me?

You still have to learn how I deal with foreign affairs, and help me well in the future, don’t point fingers at me! "

Speaking coldly.

With the royal guard, take the lead in setting foot on the mountain.

The blue-haired girl shook her head, her eyes full of anxiety.


When a group of people walked halfway up the mountain, they saw the huge meteorite at sea on the suspended platform on the mountainside.

Faced with this situation, Krum looked disdainful: "What kind of **** luck does this Greek country have, is there even a meteorite?

A **** like this should be right in my Grand Kingdom. "

The blue-haired girl shook her head again, her eyes full of disappointment.

Then, the mission finally reached the night temple in front of the mountain.

Can see the scene at the door of the temple, Krom exploded again.

He looked at the empty door somberly: "Is there any Grand King's room in the eyes of the night god, is this how we received us?"

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