Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2653: Xiaomingjun

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Yehong, who was going to the entrance of the dojo, also saw the oncoming guard of honor.

I saw a total of two columns, go hand in hand.

These people in gray robes, even hair and eyes are gray, very strange.

Nether people!

Both Ye Hong and the people present quickly judged the identity of these people.

This appearance feature can only be possessed by the talents of the Ming nationality living in the southern part of the ancient world!

However, these two columns of the Ming people are just the pioneers of the way.

Immediately behind them is a grayish white beast.

These beasts look like a giant wolf, but each has three heads.

The fierce eyes scared many people at the entrance to the dojo.

Nether Beast!

In the Southern Netherworld, the Nether Beast is a good companion of the Nether Tribe, but it is a nightmare for races in other regions!

Haunted beasts possess strange and unpredictable traits, and are often caught off guard by other races.

However, before Ye Hong came to the ancient world, he had already seen the power of the Nether Beast!

By now, he had understood many things.

In the Blue Star, the place where the rumors are fairyland is the fairyland of the ancient world.

In Nanzhou legend, the place named Netherworld is the Netherworld of the ancient world!

At first, those Nether Beasts who entered Nanzhou through the cracks in the air were from the Netherworld of this world!

Even the place name shouted before the nine-headed giant wolf was dying, can also find the corresponding record in the underworld.

"Don't think that defeating me, you can sit back and relax!

In our world, I just exist insignificantly.

The more powerful will come to the New Territories again and avenge me!

Yehong, I will be waiting for you in the depths of the Nether Sea! "

Today, Ye Hong still clearly remembers this passage.

The Nether Sea in the mouth of the Nine-Headed Giant Wolf is a mysterious area located in the center of the Netherworld.

It is rumored that no matter how many injuries the Ming tribe suffers, as long as they are soaked in the sea, they will be fully recovered!

Even those who have already died can rebirth in the sea.

Such weirdness makes many regional races that intersect with the Underworld shudder.

Coincidentally, the fairy land located in the east, just borders with the nether land in the south!

The people in the Netherland also come to the edge of the Xianyuland from time to time, often terrifying the people on the border.

Ye Hong did not expect that this strange race even sent people to attend the birthday feast.

He looked up slightly and looked at the sedan on the back of the three gray wolves.

Outside the boxy car, there was a looming gray curtain.

Inside the sedan chair, there was a lazy figure leaning back, which made people unclear.

At this moment, a staff member in charge of singing screamed with a long voice: "Master Xiaoming is here--"


A piece of information suddenly appeared in Ye Hong's mind.

The supreme rulers of the seven domains can be called emperors!

The supreme ruler of Immortal Territory, the sovereign of Taiyi Immortal Sect, is also known as Immortal Emperor!

By analogy, the beast emperor in the valley of the beast emperor, the **** emperor in the **** domain, and the snow emperor in the snow domain...

And the Emperor of the Underworld.

And just like the strong under the fairy emperor is called the fairy emperor, there are a group of strong emperors under the emperor of the Ming Dynasty!

Among them, the military achievements are tremendous, and the most well-known one is naturally the proficient [Nine Nether Underlord].

But the son of Jiuyou Ningjun is also known in the world, and even the immortal territory nearby has been heard.

This person is the little king in front of him!

The appearance of Xiao Mingjun attracted everyone's attention.

Wu Mou, Yot Kris, Niu Li, Tao Tong and his son... everyone frowned at the figure in the sedan chair.

Ye Hong could feel the tense atmosphere in the air, and knew why it was, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

The most famous place of Xiaomingjun is not because he has a father who covers the underworld.

One of his biggest headaches is his ability to make trouble in the world!

Many emergencies in the ancient world are behind the shadow of Xiao Mingjun.

Such a scourge appears at the birthday banquet, and it is no wonder that it will cause headaches for many people.

However, these have nothing to do with Ye Hong.

He is leaving the dojo.

While Wu Mou is busy with the birthday banquet scene, leave Xianhe City!

When he is strong in the future, come back to revenge today!

Ye Hong looked indifferent, just stepped forward.

The moment I passed by the sedan chair, it seemed that there was a glance out of the sedan chair, stopped on my body, and immediately moved away.

Ye Hong didn't know that the man in the sedan was frowning slightly.

"Strange, how did I feel the same kind of breath in that human?"

Just when Ye Hong was about to step out of the gate of the dojo, there was a sudden commotion in his ear.

The sound comes from the second ring zone outside!

There are also seats for entertaining guests, but most of them are ordinary people.

"Someone is poisoned in the second ring zone, don't move the food on the table!"

A disciple of the Jianhe Legion arrived at the dojo in the first ring zone on a crane, and shouted anxiously at the scene.

Wu Mou's face changed and shouted coldly: "This must be someone poisoned!

Come here, close the passages in each ring area to prevent the gangsters from escaping the scene! "


In front of Yehong, the gate leading to the second ring zone was instantly closed.

He stopped and narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the dojo at this time, everyone is also in danger.

Especially those guests who have just drunk alcohol on the table and eaten food on the table are all pale.

"Relax, you have the best group of doctors in Xianhe City in the dojo, and will definitely not let you have any risks!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Wu Mou's voice fell, a guest covered his chest and fell to the ground with foam.

His face was purplish blue, obviously a symptom of poisoning.

Immediately afterwards, people fell one after another.

The scene was suddenly chaotic.

"Medical team!"

Wu Mou froze, shouting at a nearby wooden tower.

From that wooden tower, a figure wearing a white coat immediately ran out.

Among them, there are some faces that Ye Hong is familiar with.

It seems that in addition to the doctors in the hospital such as Xianhe Hospital, even the veterinarians who take care of Xianhe on weekdays are arranged here.

"Don't panic, please make room for the medical team."

Under the arrangement of Wu Mou, the guests on the spot gradually became quiet.

The people in the medical team were also the guests who started treating poisoning.

"Fortunately, it's just a slight food toxin."

Not far from Yehong, there was a man who was poisoned and fell to the ground.

A doctor smiled and comforted the loved ones beside the poisoned person.

Only Yehong frowned slightly.

If someone deliberately poisoned today, why only such a light toxin?

Seemingly confirming Ye Hong's thoughts, a sad cry came from the seat on the east side.


A young man is holding a poisoned old man in pain.

But the old man was filled with lifelessness, obviously already dead!

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