Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2621: To buy some fruit

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Yehong's voice had just dropped, and suddenly an awe-inspiring voice came from above the apartment.

"Taiyi Xianzong is doing things, and the idle people are retreating quickly!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a panic sound and quickly fell silent.

When the first day comes, all the people avoid it!

This is the magnificence and majesty of the first gate of Immortal Realm.

"Why are the people of Taiyi Xianzong coming?"

The faces of other brothers like Min are all changing.

Then Min Brother gritted his teeth and glared at Ye Hong and others, and said viciously: "Today you are lucky!"

"Let's go!" With a wave of his hand, he had to take someone to evacuate.

"Go? Don't you want to go alone today!"

A frosty voice came from the door, accompanied by the sound blocked by the door, it was Wu Xian with a sad face.

"Don't you dare to lend money to my Tai Yixianzong site? Do you want to be ruined by the Jianhe Legion?"

Wu Xian's icy gas field bloomed all around, as if the indoor temperature had dropped several degrees.

She is famous for her low EQ with Wu Xian, as well as her jealous character.

After changing to other children of the Wu family, they probably would not be bothered to take care of this kind of trivial matter.

It can be changed to Wu Xian, it will definitely not be light!

Obviously, several celebrities also recognized the celebrity Wu Xian.

His knees softened, and with a few bursts, he actually knelt down in front of Wu Xian.

"Shangxian, misunderstandings, all misunderstandings!"

Brother Min knelt on the ground, his face sweating and sweating, and then his flexible mouth seemed to be tied with a knot and became stuttered.

At this time, his heart is like hanging on the sword, trembling with fear!

You know, compared to Taiyi Xianzong, Jinxianmen is not as good as an ant.

He usually used the name of Jinxianmen to succeed, but he didn't dare to provoke Tai Yixianzong by lending him 10,000 guts!

What's more, he is not even an entry disciple of Jinxianmen, only a peripheral member.

If this matter were stabbed to Jinxianmen, Min Ge had no doubt that Jinxianmen would send the heads of several of them to Taiyi Xianzong Gate the next day.


Wu Xian said with a sneer: "We were just outside but heard clearly. Are you telling me a misunderstanding now?"

It seems that to confirm Wu Xian's words, a heavily armed crane flew over the window.

The cold eyes of the Taiyi Xianzong disciple on the back of Xianhe directly frightened the goblins with goose bumps.

At a glance, the sky outside the window has long been occupied by a crane.

The sky suddenly darkened.

Sword Crane Legion!

The five little bullies were even more frightened when they saw it, and they were all shaking.

At this moment, they seemed to understand how Yehong came in through the window.

I also understood what Ye Hong said just now.

Where is this special person, is a legion!

There is no doubt that Fei Long is on the thigh of Tai Yixianzong!

Min brother's head is turning fast, thinking about it, there is only one way to survive!

So he forced out a smiley face and flattered, "It's really a misunderstanding. Fatty Dragon didn't owe us money."

When this decision was made, Brother Min was bleeding.

Needless to say, when he went back, he would definitely have to pay for it with his own pocket.

But compared to Xiaoming, money is something outside of him.

"Oh? What about the injuries on them?"

Ye Hong pointed to Fei Long and Shou Hu, his face seemed to be a smile.

Anyone who knows Ye Hong knows what bad water is brewing in his stomach.

Brother Min's cold sweat was frightened again, and the anxious student said, "That's...that's what we and the Fatty Dragon are doing!"

"Just for fun? Can't I stop?"

In the five panicked eyes, Ye Hong said slowly: "I think they are a little bit injured. If you go to the hospital for examination, you should spend a lot of money..."

"We pay! We pay!"

Before waiting for Ye Hong to finish his speech, Min Brother had already heard the hints in Ye Hong's words, and took out a bank card from his arms.

"There are 10,000 cents in it. Brother Fatty Dragon, you can buy some fruit and eat it. It's a brother and I don't know how to pay."

Fei Long took the bank card with a confused look, some did not respond.

"Please, can we go now?"

Min brother asked anxiously.

Wu Xian's eyes suddenly cold.

With her character, even if Brother Min already apologized, he would have to take back Taiyi Xianzong for interrogation to stop.

But before she could speak, she saw Ye Hong waving her hand and said, "Go away."

Wu Xian opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but finally he gave up.

No way, she now wants to let Ye Hong accept her challenge, so in certain things, she can only come with the meaning of Ye Hong.

Ye Hong also noticed Wu Xian's expression, and knew what she was thinking about.

Wu Xian grew up in Jinyuyu eating area, and rarely contacts these people at the bottom of the society.

Whatever happened, I was used to the tyranny of Taiyi Xianzong overwhelming it.

This background has created her present personality.

However, Ye Hong, who has experienced heavy winds and waves, is clear that appropriate warnings are enough for rash characters like Min Brother.

If you use too much force, it is likely to stimulate the other party's ferocity.

Ye Hong could not always protect Fei Long, and it was Fei Long who was most likely to be retaliated in the end.

what? You said that it would be done to put them in prison directly?

Not to mention such trivial matters as lending and debt collection, there can never be a lifetime.

Just to mention a little, who dares to guarantee that Brother Min does not have other passionate friends to take his place?

Until there is no absolute certainty, Ye Hong will not be as rash as Wu Xian, but will stand in the perspective of Fei Long and consider their safety.

This is where Ye Hong's mental growth over the past few years.

Brother Min and others walked away in vain, and Fei Long's money should not be paid back, but Fei Long's face was still a depressed look.

Ye Hong saw that he had something unspeakable, so he first asked Wu Xian to take him outside the apartment and waited. He stayed at Feilong's house and was ready to ask the situation clearly.

Fei Long is the second worthy of his training in Xianyu, so Yehong Club will try his best to help him solve the difficulties to completely subdue him.

Fei Long's family is very simple, and can even be described as poor.

In the empty house, there were rust and dust.

Fei Long and Shou Hu were already packing up the room messed up by Brother Min, but they found that Ye Hong was also following them together, and they were suddenly scared and waved their hands.

"Senior, just give us this rough job!"

Although they didn't know Yehong's specific identity, when they saw that even Wu Xian and Jianhe Legion were serving Yehong, they knew that Yehong's identity was not simple.

What's more, Yehong had just rescued the two of them. In any case, they dared not let Yehong do this kind of physical work.

However, Ye Hong ignored the anxiety of the two of them, and calmly helped to tidy up the room together.

Then he introduced himself with a smile: "You should know my game ID. My real name is Ye Hong. I am very happy to meet you two."

The easy-going gesture moved Fei Long and Shou Hu for a while, and he was about to cry.

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