Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2008: Silver angel

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The administrative division of the United States is very different from that of the Yan state.

For example, under J State, it is a county-level area.

The huge L city actually belongs to the big L county.

And the entire city of L is not divided into five major urban areas like Bailu.

In the regional planning of City L, it is a circular surrounding structure with the center of the city as the core and various large and small areas distributed outside.

Yantang Street, for example, belongs to the Yantang Villa area outside the city center.

The angel anime is in the most prosperous downtown area.

About half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a very strange building.

While Ye Hong was still tipping the driver, Zhou Hao couldn't help but rushed out of the car wowling.

The trouble in the United States is that in many cases, extra tipping is required.

This is not a matter of mood, but is mandatory in law.

Such as accommodation, such as eating, such as playing... In many cases, tips should be added to the normal price.

After paying the money, Ye Hong also got out of the car and looked at the building in front of him that Zhou Hao couldn't control.

I saw this building made of silver building materials.

The whole building is designed as two large pieces of silver wings joined together.

The wings on each side are composed of layers of floors.

The left and right wings extend right from the intersection to both sides.

From a distance, it looks like an angel with a silver gleam.

No wonder this company is going to be called Angel Anime.

When I walked to the door with Zhou Hao, I saw Zhou Hao carefully handing his invitation letter to the doorman.

And tried to introduce himself in crappy Glan.

This dumb guy will only look more solemn when facing the painting he loves.

The strong security guard at the door glanced at Zhou Hao and asked him to wait at the door, then he entered with an invitation letter.

Zhou Hao fidgeted, and the whole person walked anxiously at the door.

"I say......"

Ye Hong was dazzled by Zhou Hao, and quickly said: "This is how people invite you, what are you nervous about?"

"Of course nervous!"

Zhou Hao came to Yehong, the **** mysteriously said: "I have inquired online, although this angel anime invited several people to visit their headquarters in a year.

But in the end, only one artist can be invited to join in the collaborative creation of this year's masterpiece!


Speaking of this, Zhou Hao scratched his head embarrassedly.

Ye Hong, who is familiar with Zhou Hao's urination, has already seen it. Zhou Hao is staring at this final place!

After a while, the security guard came out from inside again.

His face seemed to be much more impatient than others. He returned the invitation letter to Zhou Hao and waved his hand: "Sorry, the company's visit this year has ended, please come again next time."


Zhou Hao reluctantly heard the refusal in the words of the security guard, and suddenly stood like a thunderbolt.

"But, will the visit last for a week?"

Zhou Hao asked bitterly.

The security guard appeared angry and impatient this time: "This year ended early!"

Ye Hong frowned slightly, but it was faintly aware that the security guard was not right.

As he was about to step forward, the door was pushed open from the inside, and two Yan Guo men walked out of it.


Ye Hong carefully observed and listened to their conversation, and found that they were just two Sakura people who looked like the Yan people.

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