Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1761: Am I not a genius?

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As soon as Yuwen Zuoye's voice fell, the Yuwen family burst into laughter.

After going out this time, Yuwen Saoye's corpse was completed, and the strength of the Yuwen family skyrocketed.

When Yuwen Saoye knew that Yehong was also an ancient warrior, he designed this trap to lure Yehong to come alone.

When Yehong enters this stone house, Yuwen Zuoye summons the three puppets of the three ancestors who are also the ancient martial arts, which is equivalent to shaping a four-to-one situation!

The people of the Yuwen family seem to have seen the scene of Ye Hong being subdued by the four ancient warriors.

At that time, the Yuwen family can use Yehong's temple consultant status to do many things.

The confrontation between the two sides of Kyoto will suddenly change.

The glory of the ancient race is coming tomorrow!

Thinking of this, the people of the Yuwen family certainly laughed unscrupulously.

The bound Qin Hongshuang and Xue Jianing saw the people in the Yuwen family laugh so joyfully, and their eyes also showed anxiety and despair.

There was no expression on Ye Hong's face, just staring blankly at the three puppets.

The Yuwen family thought that Ye Hong had been stunned and laughed more unscrupulously.

"Ye Hong, the old man can give you a chance now."

Yuwen Zuoye said with a win in his face: "If you join our Yuwen family, the old grudges between us can be blamed.

Not only that, the Yuwen family will also confine you as the elder guest, the status is equal to that of Yuwen Lianxi!

Your two lovers, the old man can also be released.

The old man loves talent and can't bear to kill you, but not everyone can have this opportunity! "

Yuwen Lianxi, the head of the Yuwen family, also echoed: "You will have one tough enemy and one strong ally, why not do it?"

Seeing Ye Hong still look dumb, Yuwen Zuoye was a little impatient.

He stretched out his thin fingers and pointed to Qin Hongshuang and Xue Jianing not far away, saying sensibly: "If you don't agree, then die here with the two of them today.

Just the coffins are ready for you! "

Ye Hong, who had been silent for a while, suddenly raised his head to look at Yuwen Zuoye, and asked without a word, "I used to learn the way of others, why can't I create my own way of thinking?"

"Nonsense!" Yuwen Zuoye sneered. "Throughout the ages, it is the genius among the geniuses who can create their own ideas."

"Am I not a genius among geniuses?" Ye Hong asked simply.


Yuwen Zuoye was almost mad, and the whole person choked on the spot, exasperated and said: "The old man is watching you just delaying time!

In this case, then send you to see the king! "

I saw Yuwen Zuoye's hands folded towards the Dantian area, and a triangle was formed.

A cold and damp breath suddenly broke out from him.

"The soul rises for nine days, the soul enters the ninth peaceful, the three corpses transform into ghosts, and they will claim their lives!"

With a stern mantra, combined with the gray and black breath that suddenly rose in the sarcophagus, the whole stone house seemed to turn into a ghost hell.

Three puppets, cuddles, and cuddles suddenly burst into green light.

"kill him!"

Yuwen Zuoye pointed to Yehong's position, and the three puppets struck towards Yehong with lightning.

This time, Ye Hong saw clearly that their offensive method was actually the sharp nails in their hands.

These nails are extremely long, like daggers extending from the fingers.

The green light on it made Ye Hong believe that if he was accidentally caught by these nails, there would be no happy ending.

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