Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1587: Instructor

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The slightly dark face was firm and firm, and his straight posture was like a green pine.

The sharp eyes glanced at everyone, and it made many people feel dazed.

"Good classmates, I am your instructor Zhang Hao.

In private, you can call me Lao Zhang, or you can call me a mouse, I don't care.


Zhang Hao's face suddenly sank: "During the military training activities, you must call my instructor.

Call for reports when something is happening and follow orders for everything.

Really regard myself as a soldier under my hands!

If you find anyone who doesn’t follow the discipline, hum..."

Zhang Hao's face suddenly showed a deep, deep smile, and scared a few timid girls into a pale face.

"Okay! Next, let's start the first content of military training [Standing Military Position]!"

As Zhang Hao blew his whistle in his hand, everyone immediately followed Zhang Hao to learn to stand in a military posture.

But perhaps it is usually too long in the greenhouse, and many students are unable to adapt to such strict activities that are prohibited by the law.

Not to mention, Zhang Hao requires everyone to have no deviation in every movement.

If something is wrong, he will be scolded severely by him.

Gradually, after the initial curiosity dissipated, most of the people began to get irritated by this boring training content after being exposed to the hot sun.

There were a few girls who started hiding behind the crowd.

"A few of you!"

Zhang Hao pointed at the girls and sternly shouted, "Exit!"

The girls didn't seem to care, rolled their eyes and stood lazily.

Zhang Hao did not do anything else, just took a small book from behind and painted on it.

"Brother Xiong, what are you remembering, tell us chant?"

Not only did a girl show no cowardice, she asked with a chuckle.

Zhang Hao looked up and said coldly to her: "During military training, call me an instructor!

This is your point register.

Your name is Zheng Yingying, right?

Zheng Yingying, disciplinary slack, points -1, current points: -1 points! "

Zheng Yingying said a little unnaturally: "If you buckle it, I will not buckle it anyway."

Zhang Hao's mouth corner slightly ticked: "This point can not only be used to redeem prizes, it is also linked to your future credits!

How much do credits mean to you, do I need to say more? "

The face of the entire class of students changed.

Credits are very important to a college student.

It is related to scholarship appraisal, student cadre appraisal, personal appraisal, and so on... and a series of activities closely related to college students.

As soon as he heard that the points would affect the credits, Zheng Yingying and several other girls immediately stood upright in shock.

With a crying voice, he apologized to Zhang Hao: "Consumption... Instructor, we are wrong!"

Zhang Hao didn't take care of them, just warned the rest: "You guys who don't care about credits, don't be too happy too early.

The military training regulations stipulate that all students who have a negative net increase in scores on that day will have to be punished to run around the playground every time they accumulate a negative score! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the sun in the sky and all changed their faces.

If such a weather ran on the playground for a lap, it would be peeled off in the sun, and collapsed in the worst!

Ye Hong glanced at Xiao Cao, who was originally careless about Zhou. After hearing this sentence, he also followed and stood upright like a ruler.

The lazy atmosphere in the class disappeared instantly.

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