Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1563: Trivia, i'm right

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Wei Hongshu's words surprised Ye Hong a little, but he did not expect Mo Tianlin to pay special attention to his studies.

Not only that, Ye Hong seemed to hear a bit of resentment against Mo Tianlin from Wei Hongshu's words.

Presumably something unpleasant happened between the two.

Ye Hong finally knows why Fang Cai Wei Hongshu's attitude was a bit stiff at first. Should Ye Hong be regarded as Mo Tianlin?

Secretary Zhang's respectful attitude has also been explained.

After all, a director of the provincial palace personally confessed to the person to be cared for. Does Secretary Zhang dare to neglect?

Ye Hong threw away the complicated thoughts in his mind, and he mentioned Yi Wei and Wei Hongshu in the future.


Wei Hongshu frowned and said: "The man's big husband, when he is glorious.

Even if you are the top student in the college entrance examination, there is no need to be so low-key? "

Ye Hong knew that Wei Hongshu had little knowledge of other fields except the literary world. He knew nothing about Ye Hong’s other careers in Bailu City, and thought Ye Hong wanted to hide his status as the top student in the college entrance examination.

"Principal, I have other last resorts."

Ye Hong smiled bitterly.

"Forget it, your young people's thinking is sometimes wonderful."

Wei Hongshu insisted that Yehong insisted on calling Zhang Secretary outside to help Yehong handle the pseudonym.

After this incident settled, the atmosphere of the conversation between the two was much easier.

Wei Hongshu made up his mind to use literature to influence Yehong, and Zhangkou is a variety of literary anecdotes.

I have to say that Wei Hongshu is worthy of being a regular TV player and his eloquence is quite good.

Some bland little stories can be told by him.

Ye Hong also listened with interest, and from time to time published some insightful insights.

This invisibility made Wei Hongshu look at Ye Honggao a bit.

"Ding! Exchange literary knowledge with the principal, literary knowledge +1, current progress: 110, current level: entry level."

"By the way, since your literary talent is so good, why not choose the literature department, but choose the most unpopular archaeology department?"

Talking, Wei Hongshu asked this doubt that made him most incomprehensible.

"Because students want to understand prehistoric civilization through archaeology."

When saying this, Ye Hong observed Wei Hongshu's expression.

"Prehistoric civilization?"

Wei Hongshu's white eyebrows frowned and said in a deep voice: "This field is unpopular among the entire literary world, and it is also a blind spot for my knowledge. I didn't expect you to be interested in this stuff."

Ye Hong was a bit disappointed. He didn't expect that even Wei Hongshu, who learned the rich and five cars, did not understand prehistoric civilization.

Seemingly seeing the disappointment in Ye Hong's eyes, Wei Hongshu immediately exasperated and said: "I don't understand prehistoric civilization, but it doesn't mean that my literary friends don't understand.

Don't worry, I will definitely find a chance to help you. "

"Then thank the principal."

This is barely a gain.

"Oh, principal, I have an idea that may require your approval."

"Huh? Come and listen."

Ye Hong told Wei Hongshu about the idea of ​​setting up a prehistoric civilization research office with Yue Shiyin.

Shi Yin and he mentioned the previous month that the establishment of this special research room in the school requires the principal's approval.

Only approved laboratories can have more valid reasons to attract more students to join.

"Small things, I'm right."

Wei Hongshu waved his hand with a big hand: "As long as you concentrate on academic research and don't mix up with the old guy surnamed Mo, what are the requirements?

Yehong twitched her lips, how much resentment did Nima have?

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