Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1526: The youngest in history

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Soon after, Ye Hong opened his eyes and slowly exhaled.

"Fortunately, it's not humiliating."

He clapped his hands, stood up, and smiled lightly.

"Ding! Heal dummies, +1 medicinal skills!"

At the same time, the experimental machine also began to verify results.

"After the verification is completed, all the symptoms of the experimental body have fully recovered. The current round of certification: [full score].

Passing time: 19 minutes and 32 seconds, the shortest record in history, the record leaderboard has been updated. "

Five ancient physicians were shocked.

Ye Hong didn't lie. He really cured the sick experimental dummy in such a short time.

They asked themselves, if they were replaced, they would have absolutely no confidence to be as perfect and efficient as Ye Hong did.

The mindset of the people has changed wonderfully again, and Ye Hong's height in their hearts has once again risen.

At the same time, a set of data also appeared on the screens of the five top-level ancient physicians.

These data are the records left by Ye Hongfang before applying acupuncture to practice medicine.

Five top-ranking ancient doctors can ask questions remotely.

"Xiao Ye, can you tell me the purpose of this needle in Fuzhong?"

"Returning to Zheng Lao, the so-called Qi Xuanzhong, the needle at the Fuzhong point combined with ancient Qi therapy, can cure the patient's wind syndrome and Qi deficiency at the same time."


"Xiao Ye, I ask you, what happened to Qingming Point?"


Unconsciously, the five ancient physicians seemed to leave the status of their examiner aside, forgetting to discuss the techniques of ancient medicine with Ye Hong.

The tone also ranges from the original question to equal communication, and even ask for advice!

Ye Hong also seized this rare opportunity and made many gains.

"Ding! Participate in the top ancient medicine exchange meeting, medicine +1!"

Suddenly, Ye Hong blinked his eyes in the sunlight outside the window.

Ye Hong looked up and frowned, "How come this time..."

He had a good conversation with the five big brothers, but found that it was almost noon in a blink of an eye.

Although Ye Hong was reluctant to take this opportunity, Fang Yun was still waiting for himself underneath.

Besides, in the afternoon, they had to see off to Ono.

Seeing that Ye Hong was different, the five top-ranking ancient doctors all recovered.

They smiled bitterly and shook their heads again and again, sighing: "It's been a long time since I talked about medicine like this."

"This is a worthwhile trip today."

Han Lao took a deep look at Ye Hong, and the smile on his cold face finally burst out.

"With this son today, Yan Guo's ancient medical technique is expected to have a surname! Hope!"

He praised several times and disconnected with a satisfied look.

Several other ancient doctors said goodbye at the same night.

When Xiao Jing finally remained on the screen, Ye Hong couldn't help but ask: "So my certification passed?"

Xiao Jing glanced rashly at Yehong: "What do you say?"

He shook his head again and again and sighed: "The youngest super-class ancient doctor in the history of less than 20 years old is really enviable."

With that said, the video was also disconnected.

"Congratulations to the certifier Ye Hong, who has passed all the examinations of the ancient doctors, please bring the certificate to the sixth floor to receive the exclusive ancient doctor logo."

Ye Hong took the proof printed in the experimental machine and lifted his foot to the sixth floor.

At the same time, the lobby on the first floor.

Xiang Zhilu proudly dangled two silver five-pointed stars in front of Fang Yun.

"Waste, have you seen it? This is my strength of Xiang Zhilu!"

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