Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1447: Don’t be hungry

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After that, no matter how those people pleaded, Bai Ziyan was unmoved.

Under the strong pull of the bodyguards, these people were forced out of the cruise ship.

Because of this, Song Qianqin finally found an opportunity and boarded the cruise ship.

Looking at Song Qianqian's extraordinary uniform, white purple smoke flashed in horror.

She finally understood the truth about the retreat of the security staff.

She had never imagined that even the chief inspector of the hall looked like he had been sent by Ye Hong.

Seeing the gentle appearance of Song Qianqian standing next to Yehong, Bai Ziyan inevitably guessed the relationship between the two.

Because of this episode, Bai Xiaoluo's birthday dinner had to end early.

But instead of showing an unhappy look, she looked at Yehong curiously.

Over the years, she has been accustomed to her mother Bai Ziyan's ruthless look.

It was also the first time today that I saw someone able to cure Bai Ziyan in a decent way.

What's more, the other party is still a boy no bigger than himself.

Suddenly she remembered that Yehong was Ye Zhinuo's brother. With a move of her eyes, she pulled Ye Zhinuo to the side and whispered.

"Mr. Ye, are you satisfied with my treatment?"

Bai Ziyan glanced at Song Qianqian next to Yehong and smiled: "If you are not satisfied, I can..."

He bit his lip, showing shyness.

Charming eyes are like silk, like a ripe peach.

According to Bai Ziyan's experience, young boys like Ye Hong can't stand the hint of temptation.


Song Qianqin suddenly coughed and touched his throat without expression. "Sorry, my throat is itchy."

"No need, let's get here."

Ye Hong replied faintly, and Qing Ming in his eyes made Bai Ziyan feel annoyed and depressed.

Her charms failed again.

In fact, Ye Hong also knew in his mind that what happened tonight had little to do with Bai Ziyan.

More from the ideas of Zhu Zihao and others.

Now that Zhu Zihao has been punished, there is really no reason to continue embarrassment.

He glanced aside and whispered with Ye Zhinuo, but Bai Xiaoluo, who kept casting curious eyes on him, wondered: "Is she your daughter?"

Regardless of how Ye Hong looked, the white purple smoke in front of him was only in his twenties.

But her daughter Bai Xiaoluo is the same age as Ye Zhinuo.

If no one mentioned it, Ye Hong thought they were sisters.

"Giggle, what's wrong, isn't it?"

Bai Ziyan lifted her curly hair and covered her mouth with a small smile: "Or... Mr. Ye, do you have any ideas for me?"

Rest assured, I have long since separated from Xiao Luo's father..."

"Cough cough..."

Ye Hong saw that Song Qianqian's eyes became more and more wrong, and even Yao Ling and others looked at him with strange eyes, and quickly coughed to interrupt Bai Ziyan's words.

"Sorry, my throat seems to be a little itchy."

Ye Hong looked embarrassed.

Bai Ziyan suddenly laughed happily, a narrowing flash in his eyes.

At that moment, she suddenly realized that she didn't seem to have no chance.

In an awkward atmosphere, Ye Hong took Ye Zhinuo and others to leave the cruise ship.

On the way, inside the night lord.

The four girls lie on the back seat of the car lying upside down, but they fell asleep because they were too tired.

Song Qianqian's expression on the co-pilot was entangled, but he couldn't help but say: "That white purple smoke is not easy, you, you must not be hungry!"


Ye Hong shivered in his hand and almost didn't hold the steering wheel.

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