Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1265: Identity exposure

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Qin Xu was so determined that he was convinced that Ye Hong couldn't come up with anything good.

However, at this time Ye Hong showed a deep sarcasm, and took out a stack of documents from his arms.

"This is Hongshuang's birthday gift to Aunt Ning."

Qin Xu looked at the stack of documents, and somehow his heart jumped.

Qin Guang frowned, "What kind of stuff is this?"

Ye Hong did not speak, spread out a certain page of the document, and showed it in front of everyone.

Many people came close together and narrowed their eyes to the documents.

"Transfer agreement..."

Obviously, this is a stack of transfer agreements about the company.

And when they saw the red, bright and shining official seal of the transferor in the lower right corner of that page, they were suddenly terrified.

Just because the company name engraved on the official seal is the Qin Group!

In other words, this is an agreement for Qin Group to transfer its subsidiaries abroad!

In the eyes of these guests, the Qin Group is a big crocodile in the clothing industry.

It has always been the only one that has annexed other small companies, and where will there be such a shameful act of transferring companies abroad.

Unless, the other party is more terrifying than Qin's group.

The air became dead in an instant.

All the guests looked at Qin Guang aside, intending to hear his explanation.

However, Qin Guang's expression was more stunned than anyone else.

The authenticity of the document, he instantly judged-

That official seal must be the doubt of the Qin Group.

But this also makes Qin Guang more confused.

He can't remember when the Qin Clan Group signed such a bereavement treaty.

Unless it is... signed by another person in the group who has an official seal.

And this person can only be the heir trained by Qin Guang-Qin Shu!

Qin Guang raised his eyebrows, his angry eyes immediately pointed at Qin Shou.

At this time, Qin Shu was completely white and his teeth kept trembling.

What he was most worried about still happened!

But he never thought that the person who shook it out was the young man he had never seen before.

Or, he never thought why these ten contracts were on Yehong!

"You, where did you get these?!"

Qin Xu asked in exasperation, his face grimacing.

His performance became more and more convincing Qin Guang's guess, so his face couldn't help being cloudy.

Ye Hongmian was joking, and suddenly adjusted his voice slightly to the voice he used when he was easily dressed up as Ximen.

"Good boy, I haven't seen you in a few days, so I don't recognize him as a teacher?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Qin Xu's face changed dramatically.

He finally understood why Fang Cai Yehong would say those strange things.

"You... so you are...!"

Qin Xu looked at Yehong with a frightened face, couldn't help but stumble backwards, and one didn't stand still.

At this moment, he already understood that this guy in front of him was Simon who had deceived his contract before!

Suddenly Qin Xu's pupils shrank suddenly, remembering that the transferee that Yehong had asked him to sign was Qin Hongshuang's name!

At that time, Qin Xu was not too skeptical, but now he was awake!

It turned out that from that time, Ye Hong had already calculated him!

Qin Zhu's heart was like a falling ice cave, and Ye Hong's eyes were full of horror.

This guy... a terrible idea!

Ye Hong glanced at Qin Shu, who was like a mourning student, smiled coldly, and suddenly said, "Yes, these ten companies belong to the Qin Group.


Ye Hong's mouth twitched a bright smile: "They are all now red."

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