Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1257: Bieyuan

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Ye Hong answered the young man's ridicule with the same words.

Compared with the words of young people, Ye Hong's sentence is full of lethality.

This lethality comes from Ye Hong's money.

In the end, it is clear who is poor.

"you you......"

The young man was angry and wanted to refute Yehong, but he looked at the credit card at the bottom of his foot, but he was not confident.

The female companion beside him witnessed the scene throughout, and I don't know when the young man's hand was quietly released.

Instead, he took off the toad mirror and cast a glamour at Yehong unscrupulously.

Ye Hong completely ignored the woman, took a pile of bags handed over by the shopping guide, and walked away with Qin Hongshuang.

Seeing the back of the two leaving, especially Ye Hong's back, the shopping guide and the woman of Cai Cai all showed a look of infatuation.

"Why is such a good man not belonging to me..."

Hearing that the shopping guide and the female companion were in unison, the young man was so angry that he almost broke the credit card on the spot.


In the shopping mall, Qin Hongshuang couldn’t help but look at Ye Hong who was carrying big bags and small bags: “How hard are you compared with him?

It’s better now, what are we going to do with so many evening dresses? "

Ye Hong smiled slightly: "Some guys who naturally love to look down on people have to learn in such a simple and rough way, and he will remember long."

He smiled mysteriously at the evening dress packages in Qin Hongshuang's hands, and said, "Moreover, these were not bought in vain."

Qin Hongshuang was stunned for a moment. It seemed to realize the deep meaning in Yehong's words and quickly asked, "What do you think?"

The corner of Yehong's mouth was slightly hooked, and the mysterious secret in Qin Hongshuang's ear asked: "Does the Snow Phoenix Group plan to make this market for evening dress?"

Qin Hongshuang's eyes suddenly lighted up: "Aren't you going to buy it back to study the design style of these dresses?"


Ye Hong smiled brightly and took Qin Hongshuang to pick a casual dress for himself.

Afterwards, he returned to the hotel, put down all the things and prepared to go to the Qin family to attend the birthday feast of Qin Hongshuang's mother.


Night fell.

Qinjiabieyuan, East Lake District.

The Qin family is particularly lively tonight, and the door is already full of luxury cars.

A beautifully dressed man and woman dressed in and out of this luxurious and chic garden garden.

Suddenly, a pair of young men and women came slowly from a distance.

I saw that it was a handsome young man, a black dress completely lined out its mysterious and noble temperament.

And the beautiful woman who smiled hand in hand next to him, in a white dress, was like a blooming net lotus, the heavenly gods descended, and the glamorous was nothing.

The pair of handsome men and beautiful women, as if walking out of the picture, instantly attracted one after another.

Countless people secretly explored their origins.

But somehow, no one present on the scene recognized where they were sacred.

The men and women coming together are of course Ye Hong and Qin Hongshuang.

Qin Hongshuang's face became more and more complicated as she looked closer and closer to the "home door".

Ye Hong felt Qin Hongshuang's emotional changes and gently squeezed her fingers, giving her a peaceful look.

But when the two came to the door, they were stopped by two fierce black suit men.


The two snorted coldly: "Today is the wife of the chairman's wife, birthday. Without the chairman's invitation, they will not be allowed to enter!"

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