Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1043: That's called a coward!

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Dark black mask, eyes without emotion.

This person turned out to be Dongluo Yong, who competed with Taiwan in the daytime!

At the moment when he saw him, Ye Hong's mind suddenly became a masterpiece, and many things that were originally unimaginable suddenly became bright.

Why do people in the Nightmare Factory know the specific location of Jiu Weixing Spoon?

Why are they able to pinch the time so accurately that they only emerge when everyone is poisoned?


All kinds of doubts now have answers.

This Dongfang Luyong must be a member of the Nightmare Factory!

It was precisely because of the information he revealed that he secretly directed the actions of the Nightmare Factory.

Seeing that the person coming was Ye Hong, Dongfang Luyong remained silent for a long time.

Then he said in his hoarse, hoarse voice: "You shouldn't be here."


Ye Hong stepped closer to Dongfang Luyong step by step, with a sneer in his mouth: "If I don't come, won't the nine-flavored star spoon fall into the hands of your nightmare factory?!"

Dongfang Luyong was silent again.

He didn't seem to intend to refute, but just asked frankly: "Why are you organizing the actions of our Nightmare Factory?

I remember you haven't targeted you in the factory? "

"Good question!"

Ye Hong has arrived five meters before Dongfang Luyong.

After standing, Ye Hong's eyebrows were angry, and he shouted sharply: "Because you hurt the people around me!"

Both Xian'er and Leng Feng were kidnapped by the Nightmare Factory for no reason.

Leng Feng's wife, so far no trace can be found.

Whereas Xian'er, if it was not because of Yehong, it must have been taken away by the Nightmare Factory.

This kind of dark organization that specializes in madness may one day target the people closer to Ye Hong.

Ye Hong is destined not to let this happen.

He will not sit still, but will look for opportunities to uproot this organization, otherwise they will be spied in the dark, and he will have trouble sleeping and eating!


Dongfang Luyong suddenly reprimanded Ye Hong. Like the elders who care about the younger generation, he said lightly: "If you become a big event, you can't fail to make sacrifices.

People who can't even sacrifice a little sacrifice are destined to do nothing.

If you block our nightmare factory again, you will surely suffer even greater revenge.

Is it worth it? "

Ye Hong was unmoved, and Justice abruptly retorted: "Big Husband was born in the world, doing something and not doing it!

I will not sacrifice the people around me in exchange for my own interests.

Such a person is not called a big deal, call! cowardly! husband! "

These two words of coward seem to stimulate a certain nerve of Dongfang Luyong.

I saw his pupils shrink suddenly, shouting angrily: "You know what a fart!"

While shouting, the figure was like a black lightning, quickly attacking the night!

He squeezed his hands into fists, but his posture made Ye Hongda feel familiar.


That's right, the tricks used by Dongfang Luyong are awesome from the Ji family.

At the same time, two white airflows suddenly wrapped around Dongfang Luyong's fist.

Ancient and powerful military!

And the strength is not low, otherwise Ye Hong has no reason to see his data.

Ye Hong didn't dare to be indifferent, and his whole body breathed, and he suddenly greeted him with his fists.

But just as the two streams of air were about to collide, Dongfang Luyong's gesture suddenly changed.

"The fist is not visible in three quarters.

Hearing the murmur from Dongfang Luyong's mouth, Ye Hong's face changed greatly!

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