Urban PokéMon Tyrant

Chapter 9 Battle And Surprise

"The battle begins!"

With the referee's order, the battle officially began.

Tyrunt, who was already excited, rushed to Bulbasaur without Zhao Shuan's orders. His powerful thighs made his explosive power excellent, and these days, Zhao Shuan also intentionally exercised it, so Tyrunt at this moment Zhao Shuan, who is a trainer, couldn't help but shine at the speed displayed.

In contrast, under Ye Yuming's instruction, Bulbasaur decided to stay the same and respond to all changes. When Tyrunt rushed in front of it to attack, it suddenly assisted Vine Whip's power and moved to the side to avoid Tyrunt. At the same time as the attack, the Razor Leaf trick was used in the air.

"Tyrunt, rush over, use Crunch!"

Zhao Shuan's order was issued, and Tyrunt reacted instantly. Through these few days of training, Tyrunt kept dodging Bulbasaur's not too dense Razor Leaf attacks. Doesn't affect offense at all.

"Bulbasaur, Vine Whip!" Ye Yuming ordered at this time.

Bulbasaur immediately gave up the unskilled Razor Leaf trick, and played two Vine Whips one after the other.

After dodging the first Vine Whip, Tyrunt opened his mouth and directly bit the second Vine Whip. Then he shook his head and pulled Bulbasaur to his side with even stronger force.

Although Bulbasaur tried his best to stabilize his figure, his strength disadvantage and his weight, which was far less than that of the evolved form, made him fly straight up.

After all, it is a novice Pokémon with insufficient combat experience. Bulbasaur, who was flying in the air, felt his involuntary body, and looked very flustered when he saw Tyrunt who was ready to launch his unique move. Involuntarily took it back.

"Bulbasaur, calm down, use the power of Assist Vine Whip to use Tackle." Ye Yuming showed a good fighting quality, and calmly gave instructions to Bulbasaur at this time.

And his calm tone made Bulbasaur calm down. While using the Vine Whip to straighten his originally flipped body, he also used the Assist Vine Whip to speed up his Flying, making the power of Tackle's trick even more powerful.

"Take Down!"

Although Zhao Shuan could have made Tyrunt dodge Bulbasaur's Tackle and counterattack at this time, and Tyrunt did have such strength, but Zhao Shuan chose a head-on confrontation after weighing.

Through getting along these days, Zhao Shuan has a deeper understanding of Tyrunt's character. Knowing that this guy likes to fight head-on, although he has special training to avoid it, it is only necessary training. In the real battle, Zhao Shuan I still hope to play different fighting styles according to Pokémon's own personality.

Just like common people do work, there is a big difference in motivation and effect between what they like and what they don't like or have no interest in doing. Moreover, Zhao Shuan once saw an interview with an Elite Trainer, which said that as a Trainer, it is very easy to influence and change your own Pokémon, but if you can really play to their strengths and teach students in accordance with their aptitude, then They will also give you something different in return.

Tyrunt, who was already prepared to evade, became even more excited when he heard Zhao Shuan let him confront him head-on. He kicked his legs and ran directly towards Bulbasaur.

In the case of neither size nor weight, Bulbasaur barely collided with Tyrunt by virtue of inertia, but Tyrunt, who is on the ground with both legs, can obviously have more changes.

After the Tackle, Tyrunt turned around, and the short tail hit Bulbasaur directly on the head.

Bulbasaur originally wanted to repeat the same trick, using the power of Assist Vine Whip, to move his body to avoid this attack, but the Tackle just now obviously still had a certain impact. When Vine Whip stretched out and touched the ground, Bulbasaur was dizzy, and Vine There's something wrong with the angle of the Whip.

When it reacted and wanted to correct it, Tyrunt's stubby and powerful tail had already hit it.

And after that, Tyrunt launched a pursuit directly, biting Bulbasaur fiercely with his big mouth.

Bulbasaur tried to resist with Vine Whip, but when Crunch was launched, Bulbasaur's Vine Whip obviously couldn't be as durable and invincible as in the anime, but was directly bitten into several pieces by Tyrunt.

The unwilling Bulbasaur also hit the Razor Leaf, but Tyrunt, who was already on top, rushed in front of it regardless, and bit Bulbasaur's head directly with his big mouth.

"Wait, I admit defeat!" Seeing that Bulbasaur was about to be bitten, Ye Yuming hurriedly said.

"Tyrunt!" Zhao Shuan also uttered a voice to stop Tyrunt, and although Tyrunt was a little unwilling, he still stopped the attack.

It was originally a collision between novices, lack of training, lack of combat awareness and other issues were undoubtedly exposed in this battle, so winning or losing is not important at all. As the winner, Zhao Shuan also didn't care too much. What he cared more about was the experience he and Tyrunt could gain in this battle.

"Wow, that person really won!"

"Should it be called Flash Pokémon?"

"What should I do? I'm sore."

"Ye Yuming finally lost, I thought he..."


After the battle was over, the originally quiet onlookers started discussing with the acquaintances in an instant, saying everything, and even some harsh words out of jealousy reached Zhao Shuan's ears.

Those harsh words were not aimed at himself, Zhao Shuan couldn't help frowning, but it was Ye Yuming, the person who was said, who took care of his Bulbasaur calmly.

Tyrunt, who won the first victory for himself and for Zhao Shuan, happily returned to Zhao Shuan's side, with a bit of arrogance in his originally naive expression.

Naturally, Zhao Shuan would not be stingy with his praise. If he sums it up, it is something to do after the war. Now he should encourage Tyrunt and check his injuries.

After careful inspection, Zhao Shuan patted Tyrunt's head very satisfied. In the battle just now, the last wave of Razor Leaf left Tyrunt with a little more wounds, but because Pokémon The powerful Constitution has almost recovered at this time, and from the beginning to the end, there is no blood seeping.

For Zhao Shuan's affirmation, Tyrunt seemed very happy, and Abra, an important companion, also made a very high evaluation of Tyrunt's performance just now, as if he wanted to recognize his big brother.

Zhao Shuan saw the interaction between the two Pokémon and felt very happy at the same time.

Earl Dervish Pokémon, especially given by the temple, has a different meaning in itself, not to mention that Zhao Shuan is indeed cultivating Tyrunt as the captain, and now it turns out that this guy really has the potential to be a big brother, Zhao Shuan was naturally relieved.

"Your Tyrunt is well bred." Ye Yuming, who had treated Bulbasaur's injury, came to Zhao Shuan and said.

"Thank you, your Bulbasaur is also very powerful!" Zhao Shuan boasted from the bottom of his heart.

It is indeed not easy to cultivate that kind of tacit understanding with Bulbasaur in a few days, and to cultivate it to this level, and there are certain other factors in the reason why Tyrunt can achieve such a victory, If you fight again next time, it's time to fight for your trainer's talents.

Sensing the sincerity in Zhao Shuan's tone, Ye Yuming smiled knowingly, "I haven't seen you among the freshmen in our school, maybe we can fight again in the high school league."

"Okay, let's have a showdown then!"

"At that time, I will never lose to you again!"

"Hahahaha, if you think too much, the result will not change."

"Maybe, but it's not good to be overconfident. Then, I'll withdraw first!"

"Huh? Don't you have friends with you?"

Zhao Shuan was very strange. This guy took the initiative to find someone to fight, and he seemed to have a little prestige in this battle field. He didn't look like a lone wolf! Even if there are no friends, there should be a few followers, right?

Hearing Zhao Shuan's question, Ye Yuming said with a natural expression: "Dragon does not live with snakes. The reason why they have that attitude is because I scared them these days. See you next time."

Looking at Ye Yuming's back, Zhao Shuan was speechless for a moment. Originally, this guy gave him the feeling of a noble son, but he didn't expect to have such a Zhong Er side.

But soon, Zhao Shuan also left here with two Pokémon, because those onlookers chatted on the sidelines for a while, and after realizing that Ye Yuming had left, one by one they were ready to come forward to chat.

Some wanted to compete, some were curious about Tyrunt's skin color and wanted to touch it, and there were some more weird guys who asked Zhao Shuan where he bought the Flash Pokémon and how much it cost.

Zhao Shuan, who really didn't want to deal with these guys, could only leave. At the same time, he also somewhat understood Ye Yuming's attitude towards these guys.

But trust me, it will be fine in a while.

After all, most of them are novice trainers who have just completed spiritual enlightenment and feel very fresh about everything. Some even have decided not to be professional trainers at all, just to watch the excitement.

When the novelty is over, those who can persist in training and fighting, I am afraid there will not be too many left.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Zhao Shuan, he is walking briskly towards the breeding house.

What he didn't expect was that on the way back, Tyrunt gave him a surprise.

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