Urban PokéMon Tyrant

Chapter 60 The Final Battle

The strength displayed by Prinplup, as well as the active posture during the battle, are completely different from the previous two Pokémon.

However, this does not mean that Houndour is not really Prinplup's Rival, because after avoiding Prinplup's Peck, Houndour leaned over and pushed Prinplup out directly

Afterwards, flames enveloped his whole body in an instant, and then rushed towards Prinplup.

Flame Charge is a trick that Houndour and a Graveler collide with each other during the summer vacation. Houndour has not been able to use this trick very skillfully until now, but it is enough to use it at this time .

Facing the galloping Houndour like a fireball, Prinplup had to fight back with Hydro Pump. At the same time, he could also assist the reaction force to keep himself away from Houndour.

But what Prinplup didn't expect was that although Houndour was blocked by the Hydro Pump for a while, and it was indeed far away from Houndour, the second it landed, "Houndour's strength and speed have been greatly improved. .

Caught off guard, Prinplup was directly hit by Houndour's Flame Charge and flew backwards.

In the next second, Houndour's originally soaring aura instantly plummeted.

This is the result of Houndour releasing the special berserk Contest Condition, because according to the training results some time ago, it can only maintain Smelling Salts in the first few seconds before entering this Contest Condition, and if you do not exit the Contest Condition afterwards, then Houndour will directly lose my mind.

In some cases, it is indeed more difficult to deal with an irrational Pokémon, but as a Trainer, Zhao Shuan does not want his Pokémon to become an irrational beast.

Even though this Contest Condition can only be maintained for a short time, under the Smelling Salts Contest Condition, obtaining blessing 623 is what Zhao Shuan is after, so he has been training Houndour, trying to let it gradually control this Contest Condition .

On the other side, after Prinplup got up from the ground, anger welled up in his heart, but it became calmer.

Facing the aggressive Houndour, Prinplup's Hydro Pump hit quickly, but Houndour managed to dodge every time. Prinplup didn't panic at all, and Hydro Pump's trick didn't stop either.

It wasn't until Prinplup felt that the time had come. Once Blizzard's trick was used, the temperature in the field dropped rapidly. As a fire-type Pokémon, Houndour was very sensitive to temperature changes, and suddenly sneezed uncomfortably.

In the case of using Flamethrower to no avail, he rushed straight to Prinplup.

However, due to the sudden drop in temperature, the ground that had just been wet by Prinplup had already frozen a lot at this moment, and Houndour couldn't stand still for a while, and fell directly to the ground.

During this process, Zhao Shuan and Deng Feng did not command, and all decisions were made by the two Pokémon themselves.

Facts have proved that compared to Prinplup, Houndour is still a little younger, and his combat experience is not as rich as Prinplup. Fortunately, these can be made up for, and Zhao Shuan believes that there will be a lot of battles in the future, which will be enough for Houndour to quickly make up for this deficiency.

Looking at the fallen Houndour, Prinplup's eyes lit up instantly, feeling that this is a good opportunity to attack, without any hesitation, skating quickly to Houndour, Peck quickly stabbed Houndour.

And when Houndour found that he couldn't control the Ground at this time, he was ready to use Flamethrower to melt the ice on the Ground. When the wave emperor (ciej) attack came, Houndour already had enough foothold.

Moreover, the reason why Houndour retreated before facing Peck of Prinplup was to a greater extent because it was not conducive to his future performance at that time, but now, facing Peck of Prinplup, Houndour directly used Crunch to bite him.

Prinplup's beak became longer because of the use of Peck, and it was directly killed by Houndour's deadly Bite.

Prinplup uses Metal Claw to launch an attack on Houndour, but Houndour has no choice but to keep adjusting the angle to avoid Prinplup's attack.

After the two Pokémon stalemate for a while, Prinplup voluntarily gave up on Peck, and the beak transformed by the unique move dissipated immediately, and Prinplup also broke free instantly, and the long-prepared freezing light directly hit Houndour.

Houndour's Flamethrower trick, also prepared for a long time, immediately hit the freezing light.


In the end, the two tricks collided and an explosion occurred.

The distance between the two Pokémon was not far, both were affected by the explosion, but they both got up quickly and launched another attack by virtue of their willpower.

This time around, Prinplup chose Whirlpool, while Houndour chose the big word.

In the face of the huge Whirlpool's unique move that was coming towards us, one big character fire was obviously unable to withstand it. Houndour had no choice but to use several big character fire unique moves in succession.

However, while using Dazihuo's unique move to fight recklessly, Houndour also used Odor Sleuth's unique move, which is a fighting skill that Zhao Shuan usually taught it.

In Houndour's detection, it represents the smell of Prinplup, and its position is constantly changing, which proves the correctness of its use of this trick.

A few shots of big characters, collided with Whirlpool, and Prinplup, who used the Drill Peck trick, kept spinning and 'flying' over from the side. Fortunately, Houndour had already found its position, otherwise he would have been hit by this move middle.

Facing Prinplup's constantly spinning long beak, Houndour finally chose to back down, but when Prinplup flew by, Flamethrower unceremoniously wrapped Prinplup up.


In just a few seconds, the two Pokémon clashed fiercely, and the final result was that Prinplup followed in the footsteps of Corphish and was directly burnt out.

Of course, Houndour was also having a hard time. When Prinplup was wrapped in flames, he didn't sit still, but fought back with a Hydro Pump trick, causing a lot of damage to Houndour.

The battle ended here, and Zhao Shuan only sent two Pokémon to successfully defeat Deng Feng.

This kind of record made everyone amazed, especially those freshmen who deliberately came to watch the game. They saw their blood surging, wishing that they were the one who just played.

However, everyone in the second and third grades of high school knows that Zhao Shuan's Earl Dervish Pokémon Tyrunt and the second-ranked Abra did not appear, which proves that Zhao Shuan still hides a large part of his strength.

"Damn it, how did this guy get to this level?"

These are the top ten who came to watch the battle, the most real thoughts at the moment.

Deng Feng has been defeated, and it will be their turn next, and how to face Zhao Shuan's challenge when they don't even know Zhao Shuan's true strength?

Their worry was obviously necessary, because in the next few days, Zhao Shuan would pick one person a day, and successfully killed all the others except Zhu Feiyun.

According to the bet, they all shaved their heads.

On the day when Zhao Shuan and Zhu Feiyun fought, the top ten players who had passively shaved their heads, including Xu Ke, all came to the sidelines to cheer for Shifei.

Feiyun had never felt the warm congratulations from these classmates before. He just felt astonished for a while, but after he figured out what was going on, he didn't say anything.

That's right, unlike when Zhao Shuan was fighting with other people before, among the crowd watching the battle today, the third graders, without exception, chose to support Zhu Feiyun, which shows their confidence in Zhu Feiyun.

"It seems that you are quite popular! But I have my plan, so you must be defeated today." Zhao Shuan looked at the powerful Rival in front of him, whom he had never met before, but he really felt its strength, and said seriously .

After Zhu Feiyun withdrew his attention from the newly added cheerleaders, he also solemnly said to Zhao Shuan: "Popularity and so on are all illusions, they are just unwilling.

"Your name, junior, can be described as thunderous, and I have long wanted to have a fight with you, junior."

"Really? In fact, there was a chance before, and you still had a chance to beat me at that time, now..."

"Maybe, we'll have to fight to find out." Zhu Feiyun's eyes narrowed, and he didn't know if it was because he was like this when he was serious, or because he was offended by Zhao Shuan's arrogant words.

Such a peak match between the students of No. 2 Middle School naturally required the teachers and leaders to watch the match. The school even specially arranged referees and medical staff, which can be described as extremely formal.

At the same time, with the consent of the two people, the school also arranged a video for future teaching.

Of course, the essence of this battle is still a discussion between students, and all matters are decided by both parties.

After both of them said they were ready, the referee arranged by the school quickly took their place and announced the official start of the battle.

Two Poké Balls were thrown at the same time, and after opening in the air, two white lights flashed, Houndour and a Mightyena confronted each other on the battle field.

Like Zhao Shuan, Zhu Feiyun did not choose an Attribute specialization. The Pokémon Attributes in his hands are diverse, and because he contracts two more Pokémon than Zhao Shuan, he actually has more choices.

However, in this first battle, both sides release Pokémon at the same time, so there is no question of superiority.

The civil war of canine Pokémon has really aroused the interest of many people. Some of the canine Pokémon even released their own Pokémon directly, preparing to watch the battle together [to see if they can receive something. .

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