Urban PokéMon Tyrant

Chapter Fifty-Seven I Understand Everything

Zeng Xingjian stood beside Zhao Shuan's table with a tangled expression, and he let out a sigh of relief after a long time. He still believed in the power of money, but Zhao Shuan was considered an outlier, and he had already been excluded from the ranks of Common people in his heart. .

On the contrary, Zhao Shuan was reminded by Zeng Xingjian's performance, and found that he seemed to be so lucky that he exploded, and the Pokémon he subdued seemed not very common.

Of course, in the case of only four Pokémon, Zhao Shuan prefers to call this behavior a coincidence, not to mention, isn’t Abra quite Common?

In the days that followed, Zhao Shuan's life was still peaceful and regular. With Dong Yuan and others forming hills and helping him stop a large number of challengers, Zhao Shuan had no chance to make a move except for the friendly match with them. .

This led to Tyrunt, who didn't have a chance to wow the crowd, until the end of the semester.

After one semester, everyone has accepted the rules set by Zhao Shuan, and also got used to those guys with long hair who walk around the market every day.

Even the second year of high school also accepted the key hairstyle. As the first year of high school students are gradually becoming stronger, especially Zeng Xingjian, Tan Taiwan and Dong Yuan are already close to the top ten strengths of the second year of high school, most of them also Turned into a bald head shape.

However, apart from that Xu Ke, there were still no top ten students in the second year of high school. They didn't know what they were waiting for if they shot Zhao Shuan or Zeng Xingjian.

Under such circumstances, many second-year high school students have habitually ignored their existence, and spend more time fighting against the first-year high school students, which has greatly improved their strength.

Like Zhao Shuan and the others who dominated the rankings, gradually no one challenged them. In the second year of high school, because the competition became more brutal, the top ten list was always those few people, and gradually no one challenged them.

After all, if you know you can't win, why waste your time?

However, after the exchange competition between the two grades became more frequent, more and more people began to challenge the top ten. Although no one succeeded in getting the ranking, the gap was narrowing at a speed that everyone could feel. .

As for the first grade, it is the opposite of the second grade. There are fewer and fewer people challenging Dong Yuan and the others. Even Zhuo Wenguang has begun to gain a firm foothold. He has been picked down by Shen Haobo and Jiang Xiaolan from time to time. It has been going on for a month and is sitting firmly in the fifth position.

This obvious change can be seen from the fact that Zhuo Wenguang now has a certain length of hair.

When Zhao Shuan and the others completed all the exams and were officially on vacation, Zhao Shuan once again announced in front of everyone that after entering the second year of senior high school, the top ten people would be eligible to have hair, which made Shen Hao Bo They are excited.

Although they have gradually gotten used to the current look, and even occasionally feel that it looks good, and it would be good to keep it up, but having hair has gradually become a symbol of strength, and they naturally don't want to miss it.

In addition, Zhao Shuan also asked everyone to bring a message to those who were former sophomores and are now going to be seniors.

From the beginning of the next semester, Zhao Shuan will challenge the top ten students one by one, and then apply the system of their grade to the entire third-year group.

As for those junior high school graduates who are about to enter, Zhao Shuan chose to ignore them. After all, when they entered high school, they were not troubled by those energetic second-year students, and there were hints from the Teacher School in it.

As a beneficiary of this unspoken rule, Zhao Shuan does not want to break it, at least give those new students a semester to learn about the unspoken rules of this school, let them adapt in advance, and then meet in person in the second semester of high school. Experience it, don't you?

As the maker of the rules, Zhao Shuan went home with a very relaxed and happy mood, while other people who are the adaptors and adherents of the rules, they were agitated or anxious by Zhao Shuan's decision explain.

Among them, the ones who felt anxious were the top ten former sophomores. Originally, they had already kept a low profile and did not plan to interfere in Zhao Shuan's plan, but they did not escape in the end.


"Who does he think he is? Challenge us all?"

"We must teach him a lesson in the next semester and let him know how good we are!"

"Yes, that's right. Allowing them to run amok for such a long time is nothing more than seeing that it is really good for others to improve their strength. Now that they are inflated, let them recognize the facts.

In a chat group, those people who were originally the top ten in the second year of high school were discussing passionately.

However, there were two people who remained silent. One was Xu Ke, who had already been defeated by Zhao Shuan. Even though he still occupied the top ten rankings, he was already disgraced. The other is Zhu Feiyun who has always seemed out of tune with others.

After the other eight people denounced Zhao Shuan and many former senior high school students for a long time, and threatened to make them realize the truth, a discordant voice suddenly appeared.

"So, do you really have the confidence to defeat that Zhao Shuan? Or, in addition to Zhao Shuan, several other people have also shown excellent talent and are growing at an astonishing speed, do you have the confidence to defeat Zhao Shuan?" Those younger brothers?"

As soon as this remark came out, the chat group was instantly quieted down, and it was Xu Ke who was gradually ignored by the others after being defeated by Zhao Shuan who sent this message.

Although they looked down on Xu Ke's initiative to deploy Taunt before and were defeated by others, they did not directly break the face with Xu Ke, but when the public was so angry, Xu Ke suddenly said such words, which really made them feel a little angry.

As a result of Rage, Xu Ke and Zhu Feiyun were kicked out of the chat group.

That's right, although I wish Feiyun has remained silent, since the establishment of this chat group, there were only a few bubbles and a few greetings at the very beginning, and there was no interaction with other people, but at this moment he still got kicked.

After all, Xu Ke's little transparency suddenly uttered a sentence, which made them choke and they didn't know how to react. If Zhu Feiyun made another shocking statement, would they still want it?


…………… Ask for flowers…

Not long after he sent those words, he received the news of being kicked out of the chat group, which made Xu Ke disdain those people even more. Although he has the strength to improve his ranking, he has not improved his ranking since he was defeated by Zhao Shuan thoughts.

In his opinion, instead of wasting time competing for rankings with those guys, it is better to spend all the time on improving strength so that he can complete the battle of revenge as soon as possible

As for the resources brought by the promotion of the ranking, Xu is not too short, and he is too lazy to listen to some gossip, so he simply completes the course every day and goes to do his own thing.

On the other side, Zhu Feiyun, who had always been a transparent person, suddenly found himself kicked out of the group chat, and couldn't help frowning.

After all, it's one thing whether you want to chat with those people, but it's another thing to be kicked away by those people.

But he didn't think too much about it. In his opinion, he and those people belonged to two worlds, and now they just had to study together. There was no need to deal with unimportant things.


But after hearing Zhao Shuan's rhetoric about challenging the top ten, I wish Feiyun had a little bit of interest in Zhao Shuan, a very famous junior.

Of course, none of this has much to do with Zhao Shuan. After the holiday, he went straight back to his grandfather's farm, and spent the whole summer vacation on the mountain.

Because of the improvement in strength, the groups of Golem and Steelix have become Zhao Shuan Pokémon's training partner.

Even when the interest comes, Zhao Shuan will find one or two Pokémon to be his own training partner. Anyway, his physical fitness has increased a lot, so that he can also accept a certain level of training.

In this way, after the whole summer vacation, Zhao Shuan's figure was much better than before, and the price he paid was the numerous wounds on his body and his darkened skin.

And because he couldn't stand Zhao Shuan's complexion that seemed to be ten times tanned on purpose, Zhao Shuan's grandparents strictly ordered him to stay at home in the last few days of summer vacation, and he was not even allowed to bask in the sun.

Fortunately, Zhao Shuan's Pokémon are not banned, and they can still go up the mountain to train.

But even so, when the school started in September, Zhao Shuan's skin was still several degrees darker than that of Common people, which made Zhao's parents and Zhao's mother, who hadn't seen Zhao Shuan for a summer vacation, stunned. Qian Yu and Yin Yue saw this Zhao Shuan, almost didn't even recognize him.

At night, Father Zhao took Zhao Shuan to the garden of the community, looked at his complexion that almost blended into the environment, and said earnestly: "Son! Although your mother and I are against your puppy love, but if you continue to develop like this, it will make you even more miserable." We are worried!"

"No way, dad, I was just getting ready for my sophomore year, and you started urging marriage? Is it too early?" Zhao Shuan felt very speechless. In his previous life, he only saw other people's parents urging marriage in a certain sound. He has never experienced it before, but now he has experienced it in this world full of Pokémon.

"It's not marriage urging, it's just your age, it should be..... It's not that your father was young before, he understands everything!".

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