Urban PokéMon Tyrant

Chapter 50 Anxious Battle

Crobat, who succeeded in one blow, seemed very excited, and without Xu Ke's command, he once again used Agility to attack Tyrunt.

But at this time, Tyrunt closed his eyes and listened carefully.

Because the speed is too fast, when Crobat is flying at full speed, there is already a very small Sonic Boom sound. Although humans can't hear this sound even with spiritually enhanced hearing, it cannot be hidden from Pokémon.

At the same time, when Crobat was flying, because the speed was fast enough, Tyrunt could still hear the tiny sound of its wings passing through the air, and this sound was enough for Tyrunt to judge its position.

I saw that Tyrunt stayed in place at first, and then burst out and launched the Crunch trick towards the right front of his body. Although he failed to hit Crobat because of his fast enough speed, it was already a great improvement.

Xu Ke, who discovered this, didn't pay much attention to it. He also knew the shortcomings of Crobat, but it couldn't be solved in a while, and he didn't think about solving it in high school. Instead, he decided to continue to increase his speed.

After all, as long as the speed is fast enough, even if the target can find the direction of attack, and even the location and timing of appearance, it is impossible to cause damage to Crobat, and in this case, the small disadvantage of Crobat is nothing up.

Crunch's trick failed, which left Tyrunt with a few more wounds, but Tyrunt didn't care about it, and still closed his eyes and waited.

Crobat has a feeling of playing Rival, and is also very excited, using Agility with Wing Attack again.

Once, twice, three times, Tyrunt still failed to counterattack Crobat effectively, which made Crobat even more excited, and Xu Ke also felt that he seemed to be able to completely replicate Abra's wanton attack on Koffing just now on Tyrunt. So it didn't mean that Crobat changed his trick.

However, when Crobat attacked again, Tyrunt first calculated the trajectory of his attacker Xianghe, and then used the mutated Sandstorm trick to create a small wind shield on the only way Crobat had to pass.

Crobat, who was caught off guard, directly bumped into this alternative wind shield. Although the wind shield could not directly block Crobat, it was enough to slow down Crobat's speed.

As a result, Tyrunt, who had failed to attack several times before, succeeded in biting one of Crobat's wings this time.

The severe pain, as well as the humiliation of being caught by the enemy, made Crobat go crazy, slapping Tyrunt with the other three wings frantically.

However, this has no effect. Although Tyrunt and Crobat are far apart in terms of level, they have a specialization in the art industry. Compared with Crobat, who is specialized in speed, Tyrunt's power is absolutely crushing.

When Tyrunt Bite Crobat's wings began to shake his head non-stop, and the bite wound gradually expanded, Xu Ke couldn't bear it anymore, and directly ordered: "Crobat, use Supersonic."

Under the influence of Supersonic, Tyrunt couldn't help letting go of Crobat in the end, but the speed of Crobat, who was injured by a wing, was obviously affected, so he didn't dare to attack rashly anymore.

"Cross Poison!"

The previous melee attack, to a large extent, was just to satisfy the vanity of Xu Ke and Crobat, and for the last game of Revenge, Koffing was caught tightly by Abra, a little exhausting behavior.

Now that the wings are injured, the speed will inevitably be affected. Xu Ke also knows that he can't continue to wave, otherwise he may overturn in the future.

So I chose to let Crobat attack from a long distance, and Crobat was also worried about the injury. Under Xu Ke's command, Cross Poison hit Tyrunt one after another.

And although Crobat was unable to display its peak speed due to an injury to one wing, it was still surprisingly fast with four wings. In the case of constantly changing positions, it used Cross Poison against Tyrunt, which also made Tyrunt in addition to defending. There is no other choice.

Rock Tomb was originally used to block the enemy's movement, but now, it is used by Tyrunt to block Crobat's attack on himself.

When Crobat was about to attack from above, Tyrunt directly used the Rock blade to attack it.

The speed is fast, but compared to Tyrunt, it can be regarded as a crispy Crobat. Even if the strength level is higher, he dare not rashly take Tyrunt's attack.

In this case, Crobat can only use Supersonic, a unique move that can ignore Rock Tomb's block, and Tyrunt, under Zhao Shuan's command, used the noise unique move to cancel the sonic attack with sound waves.

Xu Ke had no choice but to ask Crobat to use a relatively stupid method to break the Rock Tomb's alternative defense first.

Compared with Cross Poison, Air Cutter does more damage to Rock Tomb, so Crobat frantically uses Air Cutter to attack Rock Tomb's Rock block after roughly determining the location of Tyrunt.

A large number of fast and extremely destructive Air Cutters, under the control of Crobat, attacked a position.

The huge Rock block that looked thick and had a very strong defensive power was quickly pierced through. If Tyrunt inside hadn't reacted quickly enough to temporarily block the gap with a Rock Slide, it would have been concentrated by the Air Cutter at this time. attacked.

Seeing that this is very effective, Crobat continued to use the Air Cutter to attack, and after Tyrunt blocked it twice, he found that he could not continue, because although it is possible to use Rock Slide to make stones to block the gap, it will be compressed step by step own activity space.

So after a few more tries, the Tyrunt Assist made a few jumps over the boulders and headed straight for Crobat, who was using the Air Cutter.

Under Zhao Shuan's training, the explosive power of Tyrunt's two thighs was quite astonishing. At this time, he rushed to Crobat condescendingly, showing an unnatural speed.

Crobat tried to use the Air Cutter to attack Tyrunt directly, but Tyrunt also used the Rock blade in the process of rushing towards Crobat, constantly offsetting the Air Cutter.

And as the distance from Crobat got closer, the two Pokémon's unique moves became more and more fierce, and they also desperately stimulated the spiritual power in their bodies.

Finally, the collision of the two Pokémon's ultimate moves stopped, and Tyrunt finally failed to rush directly in front of Crobat and attack it in close quarters.

However, at the moment of landing, Tyrunt quickly used the Rock blade, forcing Crobat to fight back with the Air Cutter, so that he could not rely on speed to shift positions, and the two Pokémon clashed again.

After all, Crobat is a higher-level existence, and has evolved to the final form, and even its volume is larger than Tyrunt, so when Tyrunt's spiritual power is exhausted, Crobat still has spare energy.

So Tyrunt could only run quickly, passing the Stomp non-stop, shaking the stones on the Ground, and then directly hitting Crobat with his tail.

During this process, Tyrunt was still looking for a chance to get close to Crobat, but unfortunately, in the case of being injured, Crobat was more cautious and didn't give Tyrunt a chance, as if he was determined to consume him.

Under such circumstances, Zhao Shuan smiled mysteriously, and Xu Ke, who had been paying attention to him, discovered this, so he thought quickly, and finally thought that Zhao Shuan was holding on to himself and an Abra, and was going to sacrifice Tyrunt to exhaust Crobat's spiritual power reserves .

While lamenting how insidious Zhao Shuan was, Xu Ke commanded Crobat to save energy as much as possible while still using long-range attacks. Facing the stones hit by Tyrunt, he should not use his unique skills to smash them if he could hide.

Ever since, the battle between the two Pokémon is no longer a one-sided trend.

After a stalemate for a while, it was discovered that Tyrunt had consumed a lot of physical strength in the process of dodging attacks, causing the speed to slow down. Crobat measured the speed difference between the two sides, and chose to seize the opportunity to get close while attacking from a distance. personal attack.

While constantly dodging long-range attacks, Tyrunt had to be vigilant against Crobat's melee attacks all the time. Tyrunt had to rely on his will to persevere, while tensing his muscles, waiting for the fatal blow to Crobat.

Seeing that Tyrunt's Contest Condition was getting worse, and Crobat had to face the difficult Abra, Xu Ke made a decisive decision to let Crobat open the distance first, and then finish with a big move.

But just when Crobat opened a certain distance, made sure that Tyrunt could not cross over to attack in a short time, and began to prepare to destroy the death light, Zhao Shuan gave Tyrunt a look.

In the next second, Tyrunt, who was exhausted and slower than usual, suddenly accelerated, rushing under Crobat at a speed that Crobat couldn't even react, and then jumped up and bit Crobat.

In desperation, Crobat could only send the unprepared destructive death ray to Tyrunt.

ps: There is nothing to say. Up to now, the book has exceeded 150,000 words, and the contract has been sent. It is time to put it on the shelves. I hope you will support me a lot, thank you!

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