Urban PokéMon Tyrant

Chapter 17 Special Competition Double Happiness

Having won the competition and received the championship reward, Zhao Shuan has completed his merits this time.

The next thing to do is to advance Tyrunt as soon as possible to add new contract slots, and contract Abra into his own Pokémon.

It happens that the next two days are weekends, so I don’t have to go to school, so I can concentrate on training two Pokémon.

With Advanced energy cubes, Zhao Shuan trained the two Pokémon more and more strictly, but fortunately, the previous training was a gradual process, so the two Pokémon did not feel unbearable.

And most importantly, after experiencing such a competition in school, Tyrunt's desire to become stronger became even stronger.

If we say that we listened to Zhao Shuan's arrangement and trained hard, on the one hand because Zhao Shuan is a trainer, and on the other hand because of the desire to grow and evolve rooted in every living being, now Tyrunt is really just because he wants to change powerful.

Affected by it, Abra also trained harder, and even the rest time was much less than before.

"Left rear!"



In the same park as before, Zhao Shuan was training with two Pokémon. Abra controlled the sandbags to hit Tyrunt, and Tyrunt evaded according to Zhao Shuan's instructions. Sometimes, Abra would use Teleport to change directions, which made the training The difficulty is greatly enhanced.

But also because of this, Zhao Shuan and Tyrunt gained a lot during the two days of the weekend.

"Okay, let's take a break!"

Constantly observing the position of Abra's sandbags was a big test for Zhao Shuan's energy. When he felt his eyes were a little sore, Zhao Shuan stopped.

Because now it is mainly for Tyrunt to level up, so Zhao Shuan gave all the Advanced energy cubes to Tyrunt, and Abra still eats the Common energy cubes.

Of course, the competition was originally won by Tyrunt, so there is nothing wrong with doing so, but Zhao Shuan still told Abra the reason, after all, he uses Pokémon as a companion, not a simple tool Pokémon.

Abra also understood this very well, and was not jealous of Zhao Shuan's arrangement. Instead, he paid more attention to the fact that after Tyrunt was promoted, he could sign a contract with Zhao Shuan.

Seeing Tyrunt eat the energy cube and lay down on the side to digest it, Zhao Shuan and Abra looked at it expectantly while resting.

After all, after two days of super-intensive training, Tyrunt is only a step away from being a novice Advanced, and he may complete a breakthrough at any time, but the best breakthrough is when he has just eaten the Advanced energy cube and the spiritual power in his body is quickly replenished. time.

Accompanied by the sound of slow and long breathing, Tyrunt digested the Advanced energy cube, stood up and looked a little disappointed, because this time he did not complete the breakthrough again, even though Zhao Shuan and Abra had diverted their attention before it opened its eyes strength, but its heart is still very guilty.

"Okay, if breaking through is really that easy, then there will be countless Trainers in this world! We still have time, don't worry." Zhao Shuan said while stroking Tyrunt's head.

"Mi!" Abra teleported to Tyrunt and comforted Tyrunt with Zhao Shuan.

As for its elusive behavior, Zhao Shuan and Tyrunt have become accustomed to it, and they were frightened at the beginning, but now it has calmed down.

For this, Abra is quite disappointed, after all, under the appearance of a good baby, there is still a heart of a bear hidden.

"Okay, after training for two consecutive days, let's go to a good place today."

After resting for a while, watching the sun go down, Zhao Shuan took Tyrunt and the others to a small hillside in the park.

A small hillside in the park is the most suitable for watching the sunset. This was discovered by Zhao Shuan by accident when he was training here before, but because he also spent all his time on training before, he has never had the opportunity to sit quietly Come down and have a look.

Now that Tyrunt has been unable to advance to the next level, it is probably due to a little impatience. As the saying goes, haste makes waste, so I just took this opportunity to take it and Abra to see the beautiful scenery and have a rest.

Arriving at the location in memory, Zhao Shuan found that there were already many people here, but this was normal, after all, in a place with a lot of traffic like a park, many people had beautiful eyes.

Of course, this does not prevent them from joining, and except for a very few couples here, many of them bring Pokémon.

One of them, a Trainer with an ice Ninetales, attracted many people's attention. After Zhao Shuan took the Pokémon to find a place, he couldn't help but look there.

It's not because of that Trainer, after all, it's not a coincidence like the storybook, this Trainer is a man, but because the coat color of that ice Ninetales is really beautiful, and at the same time, he used his nine tails to build a temporary armchair for that Trainer , which made Zhao Shuan very envious.

Perhaps also because of envy, someone suddenly released a Snorlax. Although Snorlax was still soundly asleep because there was no call from the Trainer, the soft body was obviously very comfortable to use as a cushion.

Some people imitated their own Pokémon and called out their Pokémon, or used it as a pillow or as a pillow. They were originally here to enjoy the beautiful sunset, but suddenly the painting style changed, and it became an alternative Pokémon contest. The silent contest, as more and more people came, became more and more lively, and the various Pokémon seemed quite interesting.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the Ninetales and his Trainer.

Although one of the people who joined later also had a fire Ninetales with a good coat, it is obvious that this person cultivated Ninetales more as a pet. As for the tail of the fire Ninetales, there is nothing wrong with developing it. Might do that ice Ninetales move.

As time passed, the sun gradually set in the west. The originally noisy hillside suddenly became quiet, and everyone was admiring the beauty of the sunset.

Zhao Shuan's side was no exception, one person and two Pokémon were immersed in the beautiful scenery, and they didn't get up to leave until the sky gradually dimmed.


Because of sitting for a long time, Zhao Shuan stood up and stretched. The clicking sound of his joints twisting made him feel quite comfortable.

And just as he was about to call the two Pokémon to leave, Abra floated to his side and tugged at the hem of his clothes.

"What's the matter Abra?" Zhao Shuan was a little puzzled, and he didn't react until he saw Tyrunt who stood up but closed his eyes, with energy fluctuations on his body.

"It's great, work and rest are combined, the ancestors are sincere and don't deceive me!" Despite the frequent mental activities, Zhao Shuan didn't make the slightest sound, for fear of disturbing Tyrunt and affecting this long-awaited promotion.

And because Zhao Shuan and the others are the last ones staying here, there is no need to worry about being disturbed by others. Zhao Shuan just asked Abra to use Confusion to pay attention to the surroundings to prevent people or Pokémon from approaching and disturbing Tyrunt.

As night fell, on the silent park hillside, Tyrunt finally made the cut.

And the moment Tyrunt opened his eyes, Zhao Shuan felt a surge of energy gushing out from Tyrunt's contract position, which began to merge into his spiritual power and strengthen his body at the same time.


After the strengthening was completed, Zhao Shuan couldn't help punching a nearby tree, feeling his body full of strength.

Of course, nothing happened, the tree was still the same tree, there was no break, and the person was still the same person, except that the other hand was constantly rubbing his fist.

Although his fist did not cause any damage to the tree, on the contrary, his fist still hurt, but Zhao Shuan was still very excited, because he could feel that his strength had indeed increased again, and if he continued like this, he would eventually have The day I became a Tory.

Although that day may be far away, Zhao Shuan believes that he can.


"Oh, yes, I will sign a contract with you right away." Zhao Shuan calmed down a little after being urged by Abra, but he still patted Tyrunt first, "You did a good job, Tyrunt!"

Having finally completed the promotion, Tyrunt felt relieved of his guilt, but at the moment he was very reserved and just nodded slightly.

Regarding Tyrunt's reaction, Zhao Shuan was a little puzzled. The Pokémon in this world are not as good as those in the anime, where they get along well and change their temperament after evolution. There are reasons for all changes, so Tyrunt is not in line. What is the reaction of its character?

Before he had time to think clearly, Abra tugged on Zhao Shuan's clothes again, and Zhao Shuan had to stop thinking, and began to make a contract with Abra.

Because of his previous experience, Zhao Shuan was able to complete the contract on his own this time without needing father Zhao's guidance again.

In the final analysis, the contract of this world is nothing more than a special way of spiritual power operation, which allows Trainer and Pokémon to have a slight connection. As long as you concentrate and don't make mistakes in the operation, there is no possibility of accidents, so Zhao Shuan went smoothly with Abra contracted.

Like Tyrunt's contract position, it was just a blank Common contract position. After completing the contract with Abra, Abra's pattern quickly emerged, but because of Abra's strength, it is still suppressed by the novice Primary, so there is no Gold energy generated. .


The moment he completed the contract and felt the connection between himself and Zhao Shuan, Abra was very emotional, and it was at this time that Abra's promotion began.

"Double happiness?!" Four words flashed in Zhao Shuan's mind, and his originally calm mood became excited again in an instant.

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