Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 85 Lusamine Must Be Taken Down Today!

In the Aether Foundation Laboratory, everyone is busy.

The staff of the Foundation have all signed a confidentiality agreement, but only a few senior researchers know about the existence of the Ultra Beast.

After all, there are too many people, even if the agreement is signed, someone will definitely sell the news of the Aether Foundation for the sake of profit.

"The results of the analysis of the Cosmog, the small nebula, came out."

"Ultra Beast is indeed completely different from all existing Pokémon, and any other Pokémon can be traced back to the source at the genetic level.

"From the genetic level, it is also confirmed that Arceus created all the Pokémon legends, and all the Pokémon discovered so far are like this."

"There are even some body parts left by Legendary Pokémon. Under modern research, it is found that there is no difference between their genes and ordinary Pokémon. The source all comes from the same Pokémon."

"Of course this same Pokémon is not necessarily Arceus, it could be Mew."

"This proves that the biggest difference between Legendary Pokémon and ordinary Pokémon is actually the influence of priesthood."

Lusamine is always serious when she is working, with a report in her hand, and a pair of slender legs, she steps up to Luo Yuan and reads the content of the report to him.

"But Cosmog is different, all its forms are inconsistent with the existing Pokémon, so I think that the Ultra Beasts in the Ultra World, which have nothing to do with Arceus, are likely to be a new form of Pokémon!"

Lusamine's tone was unbearably excited. This research simply created a new research subject, and it can be said to be a research achievement that can be recorded in the annals of history.

With the current research alone, Lusamine and Luwan are enough to be awarded the highest research award in the Pokémon world.

However, compared to Lusamine's excitement, Luo Yuan is very calm, after all, no one knows the Ultra World and Ultra Beasts better than him.

Not to mention that he has the ability to summon Necrozma, even Pheromosa, the ultimate beast that symbolizes lust, and the sun and moon gods are in his hands.

It's absolutely fine to say that no one knows Ultra Beast better than I do.

The future Lusamine is also an absolute expert on Ultra Beasts, but Lusamine in this period has just conducted research on Ultra Beasts.

"What are you looking at, A Yuan?"

Lusamine noticed that Luo Yuan was distracted, as if not listening to her, so she asked curiously.

Unknowingly, Luo Yuan has been in the Aether Foundation for several months.

During these few months, he and Lusamine got along almost day and night.

After waking up, the two eat breakfast together, conduct morning research together, eat lunch together, and then continue to work in the afternoon until evening.

Now it's almost a Rest.

There will only be two situations in this kind of day and night relationship of a man and a woman, either the two people don't see each other and can only become very close partners, or they can develop feelings in the midst of ambiguity.

And Luo Yuan and Lusamine are obviously the latter, whether it’s Luo Yuan’s deliberate intention or Lusamine’s inherently bold character [there is also a gap of ten layers of window paper between the two.

"I'm looking at this."

Rubbing his chin, Luo Yuan pointed to a strange crystal picture on the computer screen in front of him and said.

Since the relationship with Lusamine has become more and more intimate, Luo Yuan's position has also increased, and now he is the vice chairman of the Aether Foundation, and his position is only under Lusamine

If it weren't for his own ability, enough to convince anyone, the members of the foundation would probably complain that he got to the top by eating soft food.

But even so, this kind of talk is still rampant within the foundation, because now Luo Yuan has almost all the power of the Aether Foundation, and many times even Lusamine has to listen to him.

What do you mean by saying that you are not relying on soft food to gain power!

Lusamine approached, looking at the picture of the crystal that Luo Yuan was pointing at, she asked, "...do you know what this is?"

"This crystal was dug out from this island when I established the Aether Foundation, and because I don't know its function, it has been stored in the warehouse of the Aether Foundation.

Luo Yuan smiled confidently: "...If it's someone else, I definitely don't know what it is, but I happen to know it."

"The Rocket Team in the Kanto Region has acquired something similar and is using it to create a weapon capable of threatening the world.

"It's the Legendary Pokémon priesthood!"

Luo Yuan didn't hold back, and told Lusamine the answer directly.

Lusamine's pupils shrank, she took a step forward suddenly, pressed both hands on the computer table, stared at the picture, she couldn't believe it:

"...Ayuan, you said this is the priesthood of Legendary Pokémon?"

The priesthood of Legendary Pokémon, although all Pokémonology research experts know that there is such a thing, but no one has ever seen it, and they don't know what it looks like.

"Can I still lie to you? If there is this priesthood, I think we can use it as the core to create a Legendary Pokémon!"

Luo Yuan's eyes flickered at this moment, and he suddenly thought of the information he found from Lusamine's underground Laboratory when he first traveled to Earth's Hawaii.

Among them are Silvally's manufacturing drawings. At that time, Luo Yuan copied those materials and went back to study them. All the materials were in his mind.

What Luo Yuan didn't expect was that in the end, this matter formed a closed loop again. He first obtained Silvally's manufacturing drawings, and went back to the past to research Silvally together with Lusamine.

Then that blueprint fell into the hands of my future self.

The world is wonderful, all the reincarnations are connected from beginning to end, without any mistakes, which made Luo Yuan amazed.

"Ultimate beasts are likely to be very dangerous Pokémon. If we create a Legendary Pokémon, we may be able to rely on the power of the Legendary Pokémon to fight against ultra-beasts, thereby reducing the danger."

"Even if the Legendary Pokémon is created, it may not necessarily obey the trainer's command, but it doesn't matter, I have the confidence to make it obedient!"

Luo Yuan's confident attitude also aroused Lusamine's excitement.

Making Legendary Pokémon is beyond the imagination of normal people, not even Lusamine in the past.

But since she met Luo Yuan, she found that her life is full of surprises and excitement. Being with this man makes Lusamine's daily life no longer boring.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, just tell me what materials you need, and I will prepare them for you!"

Lusamine is also a person who never stops, she trusts Lu Wan very much now.

Another few months passed, and night was about to fall. By the beach of the private island where the Aether Foundation is located, Luo Yuan was wearing Alola's local style clothes, sitting on the beach and grilling meat.

Not far away, Lusamine wearing a dress is leaning on a deck chair, watching the sunset in the distance.

0 for flowers--

The floral dress covered her graceful and plump body, and the hem of the skirt only reached above the knees, revealing a pair of calves, which were straight and slender.

Lusamine was not wearing slippers, her petite and exquisite jade feet were beautiful, her ten toes were pink and tender, and fine sand could be seen between the soft soles of her feet.

Although she was lying on the recliner, she was slightly sideways, with a pair of beautiful emerald eyes full of tenderness, staring at Luo Yuan who was baking food.

Beside Lusamina, Little Nebula called 'mogumogu', as if she couldn't wait for dinner tonight.

"Be quiet, little Xingyun, A Yuan is cooking, don't disturb him."

"If you disturb him, you will have nothing to eat tonight."

Lusamine was a little annoyed by Xiao Xingyun Uproar, she immediately glared at Xiao Xingyun and said in a low voice.

Xiao Xingyun quickly covered his mouth with his hand, not daring to say a word again, Lusamine couldn't help laughing at the mental calculation.

Luo Yuan, who was grilling, also noticed the situation here. He glanced here while smearing the sauce on the barbecue.

Lusamine met his eyes with tenderness, and the way she was interacting with Xiao Xingyun made Luo Yuan feel a little dazed, as if he had seen it somewhere.


Isn't that the scene when Lillie and Xiao Xingyun were together before, but the difference between Lusamine and Lillie is that Lillie will never use such a threatening tone

Luo Yuan put the roasted meat on a plate, and he walked over with the plate, sat beside Lusamine, his eyes boldly fell on her curvaceous and graceful body.

"What's the matter, A Yuan, what are you looking at?"

Lusamine lazily stretched her waist, making Attract's delicate body even more breathtaking.

Her Contest's golden hair is tied into a ponytail, and her clavicle is exquisite and small like bamboo. She is white and snowy, making people want to take a bite.

Seeing Luo Yuan's expression of wanting to eat her, Lusamine was a little shy, but she was more excited, giggling boldly, with charming eyes, as if teasing.

To be honest, Lusamine still had some complaints in her heart, always felt that Luo Yuan was too 'wooden', she had hinted at him so many times, and the relationship between the two was so ambiguous, why didn't he take the initiative.

If Luo Yuan is a research madman, it is impossible for him not to be interested in himself, but Lusamine can see desire in Luo Yuan's eyes, but there is also some 'shyness'

Perhaps this man is 'too timid', should he take the initiative?

Just when Lusamine was thinking, Luo Yuan picked up a piece of roasted meat and handed it to Lusamine's mouth, smelling the aroma that made the index finger move, Lusamine opened a small cherry mouth, and was about to eat the piece of meat.

Unexpectedly, Luo Yuan withdrew his hand suddenly and stuffed the meat directly into his mouth. Lusamine was taken aback for a moment, thinking that Luo Yuan was teasing her, and gave him a somewhat reproachful look.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Lusamine's moist and beautiful eyes widened, Luo Yuan actually lowered his head, kissed her red lips at once, and fed her in another way.

Lusamine's delicate body stiffened for a moment, but soon softened. She closed her jade-like almond eyes, wrapped her arms around Luo Yuan's neck, and responded boldly and jerky.

She thought that Luo Yuan had finally got the courage to figure it out, but she didn't know that this was all Luo Yuan's routine, which was to hold back Lusamine, let her accumulate grievances, and then hit third base!

God must take] Sami Nai II!.

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