Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 204: God Of Excess And Future

"This is BBA News and I'm reporting from the front in Madrid.

"Oh, Arceus, what the hell is going on here, this is war, it's a naked war!"

"As you can see, Madrid is devastated, with collapsed buildings and fires everywhere."

"Hurry up, put on the mosaic, don't let the children see the horror, my God, my God, there is blood everywhere, burnt marks and corpses everywhere.

"Mom, I don't want to be here, I want to leave, I want to leave!"

“These Pokémon are scary!”

When Gu Luerton came to Madrid with the army of the past, many media from all over the world stationed in Madrid began to report like a carnival.

It's just that it may be that modern times have not experienced the ravages of Legendary Pokémon for eighty years, and have not experienced a real large-scale war.

Soon these Reporters who reported with the purpose of news found that things exceeded everyone's expectations.

War is no child's play, it is a huge casualty.

When Luton and the past army rushed into Madrid, everything was beyond human control.

Cities have been ravaged, human buildings have been destroyed, and the proud technology is like paper in front of Legendary Pokémon.

When Reporters and some self-media and individual publishers spread the tragedy of Madrid to the Internet around the world, people really recalled the fear of being dominated by Legendary Pokémon.

After all, what is recorded in the history books are just some dry words. Only by seeing the horror of war with one's own eyes can one understand the powerlessness and pain that a short sentence in the history books will bring to people.

When they saw Guleton's destruction of Madrid, and saw the horrible scene of people dying and hanging upside down, everyone recalled the teachings in history textbooks they had learned.

Throughout the ages, only a very small number of countries in the world have been destroyed because of human self-reasons.

Most of the countries that perish are related to Legendary Pokémon.

Such words, for those who have not experienced the Legendary Pokémon battle in the modern world for eighty years, are ordinary words, and they are the stuff of conversation after dinner.

But today, people have once again seen the natural disasters that were feared by all countries in ancient times.

Although the overall strength of Spain is not strong, it is also a developed country and a medium power.

But it is such a country, even when the whole country fights against a Legendary Pokémon that is not a first-level god, there is a crisis of shattering.

If a real first-level god appeared, how frightening it would be.

Those who have witnessed all this finally understand that the words in the history books are by no means cold fonts, but the suffering of human civilization moving forward in the cracks!

When Gleton once again splashed high, ready to unleash the power of his priesthood once again, showing the exclusive skills of Legendary Pokémon.

All the trainers in Madrid are Soaring in the sky from afar, showing desperate expressions.

The current Spanish champion and the Elite Four were sitting on the ground at this moment, with dull eyes and lost all motivation.

Although it is only a group of young people under the age of 30, they have been fighting desperately on the front line in order to resist the ravages of Gu Leton and the "Past Species" Pokémon army.

However, in the face of Legendary Pokémon, their group of Trainers, who are not even champions, apart from fighting on the front line with the majority of Trainers, did not have the kind of high-spiritedness among their peers at all.

Those who can really face the Legendary Pokémon and fight to the death have to look at the older generation of Trainers.

This is the tragedy of an Alliance without a leader.

However, even if the whole world is combined, the number of master-level trainers who can still participate in the battle is less than twenty.

And such as (baci) Tongxia Kingdom, Unova Kingdom and other Mega Power Alliances, there are many leaders.

Therefore, for ordinary alliances, it is even more difficult to have a leader.

All these Alliances hope is that their own Alliance will not be ravaged by Legendary Pokémon.

But Spain just encountered a Legendary Pokémon. Even if it is not a legend of a first-level god, Guleton alone is enough to make the country feel a crisis.

A disaster at the regional level, Spain is only a country at the regional level!

"All Trainers evacuate here, quickly, all evacuate!"

A man in his forties stared painfully at Guleton, who was once again tall and splashing, and finally made up his mind and issued his own order.

The middle-aged man's name is Balmond, who owns a Pokémon at the master level, and is the strongest member of the Spanish Alliance.

It was under his leadership that many Spanish Trainers united as one to block the past army.

But at this time, the Spanish Trainers have already suffered heavy losses, and continuing to resist will only increase the casualties.

So after some struggles, he chose to let all the Trainers evacuate here.

In order to issue this order, he almost gritted his teeth and made up his mind, because Balmond knew that if Gu Luerton's blow was allowed to hit, the civilians in Madrid would suffer a large number of casualties.

Although the casualties in the previous battles were not small, they were still within the acceptable range, and this blow close to the city center, such casualties are definitely not within the acceptable range.

It's just that we can't help it. The current Spanish Trainers simply don't have the ability to stop Guleton's legendary skills.

At this time, we can only preserve the vigorous areas of Spain as much as possible.

It was with this thought in mind that Balmond made such an order, even though this order might cause him to be criticized by everyone afterwards, but how could Trainer care about these.

This is the best choice right now!

After hearing that their commander gave the order to retreat, all the trainers in Spain were discouraged and scattered, fleeing in all directions.

In the Alliance headquarters building, the Spanish chairman looked at Guleton, which had once again turned into a 100-meter-high Splash, and felt the condensed colossal energy of the fighting system.

He fell to the ground, his legs trembling, and he also showed a look of despair.

He knew that the Spanish Alliance might be doomed!

If there is only one Legendary Pokémon in Guleton, then we can take advantage of the number of Trainers to slow it down.

But following Gleton, there is also an army of those "past species" Pokémon.

It is precisely this overly large army of wild Pokémon that makes Spain seem stretched and hard to resist.

Just when everyone was downcast and many Madrid citizens looked at the flames of war in the distance "huddled together and wept silently.

Suddenly, dark clouds covered Soaring in the sky, violent thunder burst in the dark clouds, the future organ rang, and a huge hadron engine force field like a magic circle appeared in the air.

That Lucas, who bred the unimaginable power of thunder, formed a strong contrast and contrast with the crimson pulsation on the ground under his feet.

Those thunders are not natural lightning, but the lightning of the hadron engine produced by the future mechanism.

The mysterious thunder light from the future, and the ancient crimson power that beats the pulse of the ground under their feet appeared at the same time, forming a perfect confrontation.

At this moment, a wonderful view of things appeared in Madrid, the capital of Spain.

The ground under their feet was glowing red, and people seemed to be able to hear the beating of the earth's pulse, and the ancient and wild breath gushed out from the earth that recorded everything.

Above the sky, amidst the flashes of thunder, it seems that countless illusory metal gears and doors are opened and rotated. Under the roar of the future sci-fi engine, the beam of plasma shines and the future star descends to the present.

That is the power of the past and the future, at the intersection of the present!

Under the gaze of the pair, a giant dragon that also expanded to a hundred meters and shone with thunderous purple light appeared in everyone's sight.

And after seeing this new Pokémon appear, the whole of Madrid was silent, and everyone was completely numb.

Is this another Legendary Pokémon coming?

Just the god of the past has already made the Spanish Alliance exhausted, and there is a crisis of the Alliance's demise.

At this time, there is a new Legendary Pokémon appearing, this is going to destroy Spain!

Thinking back to the Spanish Armada, how high-spirited I was, but now being ravaged by Legendary Pokémon in various ways, this is really depressing!

Just when all the Trainers and residents in Madrid were completely desperate and ready to face destruction, someone suddenly shouted:

"...is there someone on that Legendary Pokémon's head?"

On the head of the Legendary Pokémon...someone?!

When the shout "Growl" sounded, everyone squinted their eyes and saw a figure standing there at the head of the 100-meter-long purple dragon.

With one hand in his pocket, he let the strong wind of hundreds of meters hit his face, but with calm eyes, he stared at Guleton who was gathering the power of the 'past priesthood' amidst the crimson pulsation.

The figure looking at all things is so familiar, even though it is far away, even if it is completely different from the Spaniard because of the different race.

But his identity and name are ready to be revealed in the hearts of many people.

That is Luo Yuan from Xia Kingdom, the only Trainer who can use Legendary Pokémon outside of mythology!

After seeing Luo Yuan appear in Madrid Sky, all the citizens and trainers in Madrid were shocked and looked ecstatic.

They may be saved!

The Alliance headquarters building, the chairman is even more of a carp, climbing up from the ground to break through the medical miracle.

With his hands on the window, he looked at Luo Yuan who was confronting Guleton above Soaring in the sky.

Although no one has seen the new Legendary Pokémon driven by Luo Yuan.

But if the Legendary Pokémon was used by Luo Yuan, people would take it for granted.

Only a very small number of Trainers who have read the book of nobles recognized the Pokémon under Luo Yuan.

That is the legendary god of the future, recorded in the Purple Book, the iron serpent who once destroyed the earth with thunder!

"Millerton, Lightning Dash!"

The future agency came, the hadron engine was activated, and the power of the future priesthood gathered in Millerton's incomparably huge body.

Millerton's pitiful little eyes turned fierce and cruel, and from the depths of those eyes gathered the crimson Lucas, surrounded by thunder, just like a god descending!



The gods of the past and the future roared together.

Therefore, Leton originally wanted to smash the iron fist to the earth, gathering desperate Fighting energy, and blasting towards Millerton.

And Millerton also turned into a huge ball of lightning, rushing towards Old Millerton!


God of the Past VS God of the Future, Crimson Pulse VS Hadron Engine, Take Down VS Lightning Rush!

The exclusive blow of two Legendary Pokémon's priesthood suddenly exploded in Madrid Sky, and almost made a big hole in that Soaring in the sky!.

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