Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 132 Your Character Is Too Soft, Sister Beauty!

"Hello, passengers on MU3559, this flight is now boarding——

The boarding announcement came over the airport's radio.

As the first-class passengers, Luo Yuan and others have priority boarding qualifications.

Strictly speaking, in fact, there is no first-class cabin on domestic planes, it should be called business class. I really want to sit in that ultra-luxury first-class cabin, which can only be had when traveling internationally.

Poppy and the students from Imperial University, who had booked the entire business class of the plane, carried their suitcases one by one, and boarded the plane under the smiling guidance of the airport staff.

The location of the plane ticket was randomly booked by the school, and the person sitting next to the poppies should be a boy from Lugia Lin Baqiang.

But as soon as he entered the business class of the plane with great discernment, he changed seats with Luo Yuan.

Although poppies are beautiful, sitting next to her is pleasing to the eye and refreshing.

But the poppies are already famous, and besides, as the current Fairy Elite, this ordinary-looking student of Imperial Capital University is not popular enough to think that she can impress the poppies.

What's more, playing NTR in front of Master Luo, isn't that courting death!

The seat width of the business class is better than that of the economy class, but it is only better in the eyes of Luwan.

At the very least, he feels that flying business class is not as comfortable as taking a special class seat on a train.

Poppy was sitting near the window in the business class. She had already taken off her velveteen jacket, revealing the knitted gown inside.

This long gown is more slim, and it fully shows the exquisite and delicate body of the poppies.

Luo Yuan took a visual inspection and secretly marveled at the size of the poppies.

In particular, her waist is like a willow, forming an extremely perfect S-shaped curve with the towering body. Under such a simple knitted sweater, it is like mountains and rivers.

Lillie, you are a total loser, hurry up and try to be like your mother, I like your mother's figure too!

"Would you rather sit inside or outside?"

Poppy, who was sitting by the window, gently brushed her 10 folded hair with her hands, and the faint scent of shower gel flowed into Luo Yuan's nostrils.

Luo Yuan sniffed his nose and said, "...I prefer to be on top."

Yu Meiren was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly understood what he meant, she kicked one of her feet wrapped in white stockings, hitting Luo Yuan's calf, making him grit his teeth.

It still hurts to get kicked by the toe of that shoe!

"Speak seriously!"

Poppy glared at Luo Yuan. Although she was a little ashamed, she was a mature woman of twenty-four years old, so she wouldn't lose her color just because of these two words.

"I'll sit outside."

Luo Yuan said and sat down.

After getting in touch with Poppies a lot, Luo Yuan just found that her character is actually quite gentle, which is completely different from her superficial coldness and indifference.

Luo Huaijin also looks cold on the outside, but after getting in touch with her, you will find that Luo Huaijin is indeed a very strong character.

In private, it seems that my sister only showed her little daughter to herself?

As for Poppy, it's different, she actually has a soft personality in private, the type that always makes people feel like bullying.

So even if Luo Yuan didn't get to know her that well, he still dared to make some jokes.

I didn't see the scandal between the two of them spread like this, and he still leaned on her, Yu Meiren was never angry.

If it were other Stephanie sons-in-law, Luo Yuan really wouldn't dare to be so brave.

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing that Luo Yuan seemed to be in a daze, Yu Meiren curiously raised her white jade hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

Luo Yuan came back to his senses, and said cheekily, "I miss you."

Hey, what kind of switch did I wake up to? Or a man's instinct broke out, why did I suddenly become flamboyant and started to flirt with Stephanie?

I, Luo Yuan, swear to God, I am really a righteous and kind person, Lucario testify to me!

Lucario: Yes yes yes!

Yu Meiren suddenly sized Luo Yuan up and down with scrutiny eyes, and Luo Yuan felt hairy.

"What are you looking at? What's on me?"

Luo Yuan looked himself up and down, there was nothing wrong with him!

"Sometimes I really wonder if you and Luo Huaijin are real siblings."

Yu Meiren said seriously.

When Luo Yuan heard this, he pointed to his own face and said, "...you can tell that we are relatives just by looking at my face."

I still want to come up with a dog-blood plot that is not a real sibling, but this face has already exposed our blood relationship, okay!

Luo Yuan cursed in his heart.

He and Luo Huaijin really resemble each other.

"It's not about looks, it's about your personality."

"Luo Huaijin is the kind of person who is particularly strong, both in terms of behavior and language, but you are completely different.

Poppy said word by word.

Seeing Meiren Poppy's flower-like and jade-like face is very close to him, and he can still smell the elegant fragrance like gardenia on her body when he smells it lightly.

After thinking for a while, Luo Yuan asked, "...Then what kind of character do you think I am?"

"Very scumbag character."

What Yu Meiren didn't even think about was to reply.

Luo Yuan was depressed all of a sudden, and protested: ".....You're wronged, Sister Yu! I've lived for twenty years, and I haven't even had a girlfriend. How can you say I'm a scumbag.

"You know I didn't even hold Stephanie's wife's hand..."

Having said that, Luo Yuan quickly stopped his words.

He still held the hand of Stephanie's son-in-law, Luo Yuan felt that he could not deceive himself, it would be unfair to Lillie.

And Lillie even held her own phantom limb.

"Why don't you talk?"

Seeing Luo Yuan suddenly shut up, Yu Meiren became interested instead.

She turned her body slightly, looked at Luo Yuan and said with a smile.

That elegant and beautiful face is really like a fairy in the sky, with a smile better than Xinghua.

"I've held my sister's hand, I've held my mother's ass, they're both Stephanie's, and I don't think I can lie.

Luo Yuan shook his head and said.

In order not to let himself fall into a passive position, Luo Yuan changed the subject: "...Sister Yu, do you like strong personalities?"

Poppy looked at Luo Yuan vigilantly with her starry eyes: ...... I always feel that there is something in your words. "

"You misunderstood. I just think you have a good relationship with my sister, so I asked this question. Didn't you just say that my sister has a strong personality?"

Luo Yuan's words did have a hint of teasing, but he wouldn't say it explicitly.

"Which eye do you see that I have a good relationship with your sister!"

Yu Meiren gave Luo Yuan a blank look. Even if such a beauty does this action, she will feel astonished like a spring breeze.

"Of course, my relationship with your sister is not too bad. She and I are not enemies, it's just a dispute between the two sides who are good at Attribute."

"It's an ordinary colleague relationship at best."

Yu Meiren nodded and said, as if confirming the relationship between herself and Luo Huaijin.

Luo Yuan doesn't believe this. It's true that the relationship between his elder sister and Yu Meiren is not an enemy, but if it's really a normal colleague relationship, it doesn't seem so strange.

From Luo Yuan's point of view, the two felt like enemies.

It's also fortunate that these two are not lesbians, otherwise one has a strong personality and the other has a soft personality, which is simply a match made in heaven.

"Actually, you don't need to have any Attribute disputes with my sister. You, an Elite who is good at Fairy, have nothing to argue with my sister's Flying Elite."

Luo Yuan said righteously.

Besides, when the MEGA evolution is discovered, my sister's Earl Dervish Pokémon Altaria will join you!

I'm sorry old lady, in order to make Stephanie happy, I can only slander you, anyway, you can't hear it, right?

Yu Meiren was startled when she heard Luo Yuan's words, and then she couldn't help covering her mouth with her hands, her smiling branches trembled, her smiling face flushed red.

Luo Yuan looked at Yu Meiren's enchanting figure that was turbulent because of her laughter, and turned her face calmly.

Arceus, I didn't mean to look just now!

A group of students from Imperial University sitting in the back of the business class looked at Lu Yuan with admiration.

No wonder this big guy can be recognized by Legendary Pokémon, look at even the poppies are amused by him and laugh like this!

Have we all learned wrong in the past? To become an excellent Trainer, you must first practice your penetrating tongue?

Luo Yuan: No, you guys are going to learn how to cook!

"I must tell your sister what you said."

Poppy laughed so hard that she almost couldn't breathe, and suddenly felt like a dark cloud in her heart, and her mood suddenly became clear.

Heh, Luo Huaijin, your younger brother always talks about you like that, let's see how I can laugh at you then.

Luo Yuan was very calm.

Go ahead and talk about it, anyway, with my sister's personality, she will never believe what you say, and will only think that you are trying to provoke our sibling relationship.

Even if she really believed it, so what, she loves me so much, at most she will stare at me a few times, but she won't really hit me.

This means that those who are favored have nothing to fear!

"So sister Yu, let me ask you a question."

"you say."

Poppy who was in a good mood said generously.

"Then do you like my sister's personality, or mine?"

As soon as the words fell, Yu Meiren gave Luo Yuan a look.

Set me up again, right?

If I say I like your sister's character, isn't that saying that I like strong ones.

But if I say I like your character, will you say that I like you?

Heh, whoever wants to lie to my old lady, you are a little tender.

"I don't like either."

Yu Meiren said coldly: "...I don't like your sister's personality is too strong, and I don't like it when you talk like a liar."

Luo Yuan said seriously: "...Sister Beauty, I don't like to hear that."

"You can take me for a liar, but as a Trainer, don't you trust Pokémon?"

"You should know that I have Lucario's Trainer413, as an Elite, you don't know that only an upright Trainer can be recognized by Lucario.

Lucario: ...Don't CUE!

In a word, Poppy's tone suddenly choked, and she really couldn't refute this.

Could it be that he really put colored glasses on Luo Yuan? Just because he is Luo Huaijin's younger brother?

"By the way, you said before that my sister and I have different personalities. I think people's personalities are always different, even if they are relatives."

"I remember sister Yu, you also have a younger brother? Does he have a personality similar to yours?"

Yu Meiren was completely speechless, thinking of her younger brother's passionate appearance, she would never admit that his personality was the same as her own!

In the end, Luo Yuan used his killer move: "...Sylveon!"


Sylveon yelled happily, "唰" very quickly, the ribbon was tied on Luo Yuan's arm.

Luo Yuan Taunt looked at Poppy, look, even your Sylveon has recognized me, don't you trust your Sylveon?

The poppies were completely sunk.

Luo Yuan thinks this Fairy Elite is really interesting, the contrast between her real personality and her cool appearance is too great.

Even if

It's Lillie, she looks stronger than you, beautiful sister!!

The plane flew all the way and arrived at Shencheng Airport.

No way, the economy of the Yangtze River Delta Region is so developed that there are too many airports, but Gusu has no airport.

It can be said that it is quite convenient that Shencheng Airport and the train station are together, which makes Luo Yuan feel that all parts of the country should learn from Shanghai.

A group of people changed trains from the airport and finally arrived in Gusu in a short time.

Poppy is the "teacher" and all the itineraries are arranged by her.

After arriving in Gusu, she took everyone to the hotel. Imperial University is generous in this regard. Everyone has a room and does not need to live with other students.

This time from the imperial capital to Gusu, everyone brought a lot of salutes, and some of them don't need to be taken to the secret realm.

Just put these salutes in the hotel.

Under Poppy's order, everyone disbanded on the spot. According to her request, take a good rest tonight and head to the secret realm early tomorrow morning.

Even if this is a college student-level relaxed secret realm, Poppy does not reveal anything and is not careless.

From this point of view, she is quite qualified as a Trainer. .

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