The higher the Species Strength of the Pokémon, the more energy it needs to increase its strength!

For example, to cultivate a quasi-Celestic and a Catterpie, it must be better to cultivate a Catterpie!

Pokémon's individual potential is manifested in two aspects, one lies in Pokémon's individual value, and the other lies in Pokémon's energy absorption and conversion efficiency!

If the power contained in one energy cube is 100, two Pokémon of the same race can absorb energy cubes. The one with high potential can absorb more than 90% of the energy, and the one with low potential can absorb only 6%. The amount is about seventy, therefore, the cultivation cost of Pokémon with high potential value will be lower than that of Pokémon with low potential value.

At the same time, Pokémon also has an upper limit, not all Pokémon can break through level 100 in one fell swoop.

For example, the upper limit of a Pokémon's potential value is at the gymnasium level, so when he cultivates to around the gymnasium level, the absorption and conversion efficiency of energy cubes will become lower and lower, so that there is no!

Therefore, when this Pokémon limit is reached, there is no need to use power cubes to feed!

A Pokémon can absorb a limited amount of energy cubes every day!

As an example, Su Qi's Giratina can absorb a full twenty high-quality energy cubes a day, while Kartana can absorb three to be full!

As soon as the three high-energy energy cubes were removed, Su Qi saw that Kartana's level increased layer by layer as Kartana digested and absorbed the energy cubes!

Shortly after taking the energy cube, a prompt appears:

【Kartana level up, level 2】

After a minute or so—

[Kartana level up, level 3]

Three minutes later—

【Kartana level up, level 4】


After a period of time [Kartana level up, level 11]

Kartana champion level potential has the highest absorption conversion rate for energy cubes, and the energy cubes made by Su Qi are also most suitable for grass Steel type to absorb, so Kartana's improvement is very fast, three energy cubes, directly improve It's level eleven.

【Kartana Society: Razor Leaf】

【Kartana Academy: False Swipe】

At this time, Su Qi was in a very happy mood, and the next step was to take Kartana to complete the actual combat and improve the actual combat experience!

Suddenly, in the system prompt, two Rookies appeared!

Tan Jinlian's emotional value has been blocked by Su Qi, this Rookie is her brother Tan Dongxu and mother Zhang Cuihua!

[Tan Dongxu's contempt +1500]

[Tan Dongxu's anxiety +2500]

[Tan Zhang's contempt +2000]


Seeing these negative emotions full of contempt, Su Qi couldn't help cursing, this family is a white-eyed wolf.

Yuanshen could say that he was sorry for everyone around him, but for the Tan family, he was absolutely heartbroken, but what did he get in return?

That's it, that's it?

Speaking of Tan Dongxu, in the novel, he is Tan Jinlian's older brother, very business minded, but a smart woman can't cook without rice, there is no platform for him to display, and he has nothing to do.

But he has a good sister, Tan Jinlian!

Tan Jinlian's Leech Life squeezed Su Qi fiercely, and got a lot of money from Su Qi, and even the support from Su's family, which made Tan Dongxu jump up and become the youngest and best youth Entrepreneur in Shanghai!

However, this guy not only has no gratitude towards the Su family, on the contrary, under a fake smile, there is also a deep hatred!

Because the Tan family is a new family and belongs to NewMoney, they have always wanted to squeeze into the upper class circle of Shanghai. However, if you, a NewMoney, also want to enter the circle of OldMoney, you will naturally be stared at and rejected.

And Tan Dongxu received the most rejection, and was unanimously believed by the upper class people in the magic city that the Tan family just had a vixen-like woman who obsessed the young master of the Su family. It's just someone who eats my sister's soft rice!

Because all of Tan Dongxu's achievements were attributed to the help given by the Su family, this led to Tan Dongxu hating the Su family in the novel. Not to mention business secrets, when the Tan family was rising and the Su family was weakening, this guy not only didn't show any gratitude, but also made trouble, occupied the magpie's nest, helped the protagonist destroy the Su family, and annexed all the properties of the Su family. Become the Totem of Gangnam!

It really is the white-eyed wolf among the white-eyed wolves! !

At the end of the novel, the original owner betrayed the villain Gu Yunxiang, and returned to Tan Jinlian to continue to be a licking dog. At that time, the identities of the two had changed drastically, and Tan Dongxu became the biggest and most outstanding member of the entire Huaxia Alliance. Entrepreneur, and Su Qi is just a dog of the Lin family and the Tan family, who has been humiliated!

Thinking of this shit-like plot and weird dog-licking, Su Qi's brain bleeds so fast!

He felt deeply unworthy for the Su family's parents and the female villain who loved Su Qi deeply.

Su Qi, you deserved to die.

Tan Dongxu, Su Qi is definitely going to deal with it, not only that, he also has to trample Tan Dongxu under his feet, to let him understand that he is a servant, and the Su family can give him everything they have now, and they can also give him everything. Take everything back from him!

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