Su Yu, Bu Ni and Claire Xia took their Pokémon and headed directly towards the city center.

On the way to the Breeders Association, Su Yu couldn't help but ask Bu Ni.

"When will those people arrive?"

“Did they tell you what time it started??”

Su Yu is concerned about this.

Don't go there and you'll have to wait for a long time.

Bu Ni nodded.

"They arrived yesterday."

"If you come over, you can start at any time.

"By the way, I've already asked what you asked me to ask before."

"Someone is willing to use mega stone in exchange."

"Change the Bangira's for Salamence's, and then replace the Blastoise's for Absol's."

"Just give me the things, and I'll run over and help you get these things done."

"Ci Lin is very interested in your super power Z."

"But after she found out it was yours, she became dissatisfied."

“Said I didn’t want to talk to you.

"But she probably also went to find other pure crystals to trade with you."

"You're going to have to wait a while."

Bu Ni remembered the two things Su Yu told her before.

By the way, Su Yu said it.

Su Yu's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

"That's really good."

"sorry to bother you."

After saying this, Su Yu directly took out the two mega stones that he could not use.

Then he used Psychic to deliver it to Bu Ni.

After getting the mega stone, Bu Ni held her hands very solemnly.

Seeing this scene, Claire Shia blinked and said:

"Su Yu, give me Ampharos' mega stone."

"I'm going to raise a baa baa."

Hearing this, Su suddenly rolled his eyes at her.

“This was bought with money.

"If you want it, buy it yourself."

Want him to give it to you for free?

This is impossible, not possible in this life.

Don't even think about it.

This idea of ​​yours will never come to mind.

Seeing Su Yu, he refused without hesitation.

Claire Shia couldn't help but feel depressed.

"Then I can buy it anyway!!"

"Stingy guy."

"It's my fault..."


Elements wipe.

Bu Ni looked over at once.

You say it, you go on.

What happened to you?

Bu Ni was curious.

The moment she noticed Bu Ni's gaze, Claire knew she had said the wrong thing.

He immediately shut up.

These two guys seem to have something.

But what exactly happened?

Claire Shia is really annoying, and she stops talking in the middle of her words.

"Are you... in love?"

Bu Ni suddenly made a bold guess.

No, right?

This daughter actually got together with Su Yu??



This is not true, is it?

"That's right!"

"We got together and then I dumped her.

"After three days of love, she gave me everything."

"As a result,'s okay not to talk about it, this scumbag."

Su Yu couldn't help but sigh.


It's okay if you don't say that, but I won't believe it if you say so.

Bu Ni looked at Su Yu expressionlessly.

Claire Shia on the side rolled her eyes crazily.

"Don't slander my innocence."

What this guy said was even more false than hers.

But she was also relieved.

Bu Ni didn't believe Su Yu's lies.

While the three of them were joking around, they soon arrived at the Breeders Association.

After landing from Soaring in the sky, Japanese people directly collected their Pokémon.

After landing on the ground, Su Yu thought for a moment and took out the remaining Ampharosmega stones and threw them to Claire.

"for you!"

"Remember to pay."

See what Su Yu handed over.

Claire's eyes suddenly lit up.

He was also smiling immediately.


"Thank you, dear Su Yu!"

"you are awesome."

Claire happily took the mega stone handed over by Su Yu, and Claire was very happy.

Then, she also took out her mobile phone and started operating it.

Just give Su Yu some money.

You know, this thing is difficult to buy even if you have money.

It is quite good to raise an Ampharos.

Su Yu didn't bother to argue too much with this guy.

After looking at the money received, Su Yu walked directly into the Breeders Association.

Taking advantage of the fact that it was still early, Su Yu directly obtained some patents.

Claire, Xiya and Bu Ni sat outside quietly waiting for Su Yu.

After Su Yu finished the matter, the time was almost up.

He just walked out of the patent department and waved to Su Yu.

At this time, there was a young lady wearing a suit beside Bu Ni and the others.

"Su Yu, let's go."

"Go over now and start the exam."

"Everyone is here."

"This is the person in charge of your master breeder exam today."

0…………Please give me flowers………………

"Just follow her."

"I'll go help you replace the mega stone."

"Claire Shia will be waiting for you here."

"If you finish the exam and I haven't come back yet, you can just go back to the breeding house.

Bu Ni quickly explained the matter.

Hearing her say this, Su Yu nodded.


The young lady in a suit nodded.

She has been secretly observing Su Yu.

Is this the future Elite?

So handsome, like some readers.


"I am Yang Xi.

"Mr. Su Yu, please come with me.

After saying this, she walked directly towards the elevator entrance.

Seeing this, Su Yu followed directly.

Watching Su Yu follow Yang Xi away, Bu Ni looked back at Claire Xia.

"Just wait here, you guy."

"I'll go and change the mega stone for Su Yu first. 11

After saying that, Bu Ni left here directly.

Of course Claire Xia would not sit here and wait, she took steps to follow Su Yu without hesitation.

One more theatergoer should be fine.

The old man probably won't mind.

Watching Claire, Shia followed up.

Su Yu raised her eyebrows.

"What are you doing following me??"

What does this guy want to do?

After hearing this, Claire Xia immediately spoke confidently:

"Of course I went up to say hello to the old man.

"Let's go, the elevator is here, I won't disturb your exam."

"After all, I'm also one of the future Elites, so it's okay to say hello to the old man.

After saying this, she directly pulled him towards the elevator.

When Su Yu heard her reasons, she rolled her eyes wildly.

Yang Xi, who was watching all this, couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly.

It seems that the future Elites all have a very good relationship?

There is also a future Elite on top now.

If Bu Ni had come up just now and Li Wen had come too, then the future Elite Four and champions would have gathered together.

If nothing else happens, the next Alliance champion will be born among these five people.

Su Yu, Li Wen, Bu Ni, Claire Xia, and the ice type Miss Anna.

I just don’t know who will be able to sit on the final championship throne.

She is also looking forward to this year's national competition.

(Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, monk.)

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