Urban Medical Martial Immortal Zun

Chapter 842 Ten Mile Ridge Track (First update!)

The beast tide, like a black torrent, rolled in from the distant mountains.

Wherever they passed, the mountains and rocks rolled down, the ancient wolf forest was broken and corrupted, leaving a shocking mess behind them.

These ferocious beasts seemed to have gone mad, and ran together, with the momentum of mountains roaring and tsunami, causing the earth to roar and shake.

"How come there are so many beasts?"

Many people in front of the Ten Mile Ridge loft were stunned.

As the ground shook, their bodies began to tremble, and horror and fear gradually appeared on their faces.

So many beasts galloping together, this scene is too scary!

It was the first time for most people to see such a scene, and while they were stunned, they were also terrified!

Even Zhou Zhenjun, the leader of Yelang Valley Sect Master, was terrified to see it.

"Everyone, go into the attic and hide!"

Mr. Zhou Zhen came back to his senses and shouted to the people present.

Hearing loud shouts, the people present finally came to their senses and ran into the attic one after another.

Lin Tian finally entered the attic with Mu Xirou.

Facing such a huge group power, even Lin Tian is unwilling to confront it.

"Sovereign, will these beasts go to Liuyuan City? If they enter the city, it will be terrible!"

Standing next to Mr. Zhou Zhen, an old man in similar clothes frowned and said worriedly.

This old man is obviously also a monk of Yelang Valley.

"Don't worry, if these beasts really go there, the army stationed nearby will respond!"

Standing at the entrance of the attic, Zhou Zhenjun looked at the rushing black torrent, staring and said: "Wait a while and see where these things are going. If possible, I will try to make them change direction!"

Here Zhou Zhenjun has the highest cultivation level and has reached the stage of fake alchemy. If he wants to change the beast tide, he has a chance to do it.

Among the beast hordes in front of them, the most powerful ones were only Tier 3 monsters, and their numbers were extremely small.

Most of them are just like ordinary beasts.

It's just that there are too many, it seems to be at least tens of thousands.



The beast swarm was approaching, and they galloped past the edge of the attic, smashing the surrounding trees to pieces and collapsing them.


However, the animal horde diverted from the attic. Due to the obstruction of the attic, most of them rushed to the depths of Shiwanda Mountain.

But there are nearly a thousand ferocious beasts heading in another direction.

"That small part is going to the Shililing race track! After passing Shili Street, it is Liurong District!"

At this time someone exclaimed.

"Don't worry, this small group dare not enter the human territory, and will turn around soon!"

Mr. Zhou Zhen waved his hand and said calmly.


The beast tide is still going on, and everyone can only hide inside.

"What's going on with this beast tide?"

Lin Tian frowned and looked outside, then asked Mu Xirou in a low voice.

Before, Lin Tian heard from the old man of Huangfu City that there was a beast tide in Shiwanda Mountain and Yelang Region. It is said that it was caused by the riot in the Dark Forest, but the specifics are unknown.

"I don't know either. But Elder Wu has received news before, saying that there are some situations in the interior of Central Continent. The beast tide in front of us may just be the aftermath!"

Mu Xirou frowned, shaking her head in response.

Hearing this, Lin Tian nodded slightly, and immediately picked up his mobile phone and dialed out.

However, when he came down, Lin Tian frowned.

He first called Huang Jun. Since Huang Jun gave in at that birthday party, he has been listening to him.

Now in Liuyuan City, Lin Tian also asks the other party to do many things, and Huang Jun is also diligent and conscientious, maybe it has something to do with Lin Tian saving his life last time.

It's just that the phone can't get through, it's turned off.

"Why did this guy go?"

Lin Tian muttered, and then called his eldest grandson Yinghan, but the response was an empty number.

This made Lin Tian very surprised, and finally he continued to call Zhou Yadong, but the phone was turned off again.

"what happened?"

Lin Tian's heart throbbed suddenly, and he had a bad premonition in his heart. He quickly dialed and called Yan Yanxin directly.

To his great relief, he was able to get through this time.

"Lin Tian, ​​are you back? Zhou Yadong said earlier that you left Liuyuan City and had something urgent to do. Did things go well?"

On the phone, Yan Yanxin looked very happy, and his voice was full of joy.

However, there were still bursts of roaring sounds on the other end of the phone. Lin Tian was surprised and asked, "Where are you, why are you so noisy? And what's going on in Liu Yuancheng recently?"

"Liu Yuancheng is fine!"

Yan Yanxin was a little puzzled by Lin Tian's words, and responded: "I'm racing against them at the Shililing Circuit now! Hee hee, I'm going to take the first place this time... I'm going to hang up first and I'm driving... I'm looking for it at night Oh, I'll take you home!"

Ten Mile Ridge Raceway!

Lin Tian's complexion changed drastically, and he rushed out of the attic directly.

The direction that a small part of the animal horde went just now is the location of the Ten Mile Ridge track.

"What are you doing, courting death!"

Lin Tian's sudden action shocked everyone in the attic, and Mr. Zhou Zhen yelled directly.

At the same time, he has already stepped forward and rushed out, ready to save Lin Tian.

But at the next moment, Lin Tian stepped across the sky, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

Zhou Zhenjun and the others instantly widened their eyes in shock.

"Then... that person is the ancestor of Jindan?"

Someone exclaimed.

But Zhou Zhenjun stagnated in place, and then he retreated, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "There is a senior coming, but we have eyes that don't know Mount Tai! If we can ask him to make a move, maybe we can wrestle with the Holy Gu Jiaoban Bar……"


Lin Tian flew across the sky at an extremely fast speed.

The Ten Mile Ridge Track soon appeared in sight.

This place is the famous underground racing track in Liuyuan City. On weekdays, there will be many young masters driving luxury cars to play here.


On the Shililing track, more than a dozen luxury cars roared.

at the same time.

At the starting point of the track, a young man led several monks in ancient costumes to fight with dozens of beasts.

Behind these people is a group of young masters who are extremely well dressed.

They looked at the group of ferocious beasts in front of them, and they were all terrified, and they were even more shocked when they saw the unimaginable skills of the young man and others in front of them.

In just a few minutes, those dozens of ferocious beasts were killed by the young man and others.

"These people are all wearing the uniforms of Fengming Mountain's sect, which are the same as the clothes of He Tianci and others who appeared in the ancient stone field! There should only be hundreds of beasts coming here, and they were all killed by these people. ... Yan Yanxin is probably fine!"

Lin Tian let out a long breath, landed in the air not far away, and stood on a mountain ridge, glanced at the corpses of hundreds of beasts lying horizontally below, and thought to himself.

The young men in front of them, the one at the head, has reached the ninth level of the Qi refining stage, and their strength is quite impressive. The strongest beasts in front of them are only at the first level, which is not enough to kill these people.

Lin Tian looked around, but he didn't see Yan Yanxin, he should still be on the track, and then he stepped over.


When Lin Tian walked, a black sports car roared to the finish line.

It was the black ghost that Lin Tian gave Yan Yanxin, and Yan Yanxin ran down from the car excitedly and rushed towards Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian!"

Yan Yan was very excited, and immediately hugged Lin Tian, ​​and hung his whole body on the latter's body. At the same time, he secretly said in fear: "I saw a lot of wild beasts just now. Fortunately, Mr. Zhuge Jing is here, so kill them all." It's over. Now that you're here, it's even better..."

The soft jade was warm and fragrant in his arms, Lin Tian's body tightened suddenly, and he couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Seeing this scene, the elder brothers who were present all widened their eyes in an instant, with shock on their faces.

The young man who took the lead in killing the beast just now had an extremely gloomy complexion.

"Junior Sister Yanxin, who is he? If you're like this, my cousin Xiao Changkong won't be happy if he finds out later!"

Zhuge Jing shouted with a cold face.

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