"Senior, please spare your life!"

Yu Jinhe staggered, with a panicked expression on his face, trotted into the room, knelt down in front of Lin Tian, ​​and kowtowed for mercy.

Gray hair, messy one.

There was panic and pleading on the pale old face.

After glancing at the old man who knelt on the ground and kowtowed again and again, Lin Tian stood up and said indifferently: "This is a serious statement, where do you start with the matter of mercy?"

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Yu Jinhe trembled all over his body, his heart became more uneasy, and he said anxiously: "Senior, when I was in Liurong People's Hospital, it was the junior who had eyes that didn't know Mount Tai and offended the senior, please ask the senior to forgive me. On the one hand, spare my life!"

"How can I spare your life?"

Lin Tian looked at the other party with a half-smile, and sneered.

"Please... Senior, please help the junior to pull out the formation! As long as the senior spares his life, the junior can do whatever he wants!"

Yu Jinhe gritted his teeth and kowtowed, begging for mercy again.

"Actually, the needle was on your body, and it wasn't fatal!"

Lin Tian's words made Deyu Jinhe heave a sigh of relief, but what he said later made his face turn green with fright, "It's just that if you can't pull it out after half a year, you will still go crazy, and the whole person will probably go crazy." Shattered by the true energy in my body, my soul flies away!"

"Senior, please forgive me! This junior knows I was wrong, it is this junior who sees people as inferior..."

At this moment, Yu Jinhe was frightened to death, begging non-stop.

"It's not impossible to forgive you. I'll ask you a few questions. If you answer them satisfactorily, I'll pull out the silver needle for you!"

Lin Tian nodded slightly, and said, "Which sect are you a monk from? What's your relationship with the Ning family?"

Deyu Jinhe was taken aback by this very simple question.

"Senior, junior Yu Jinhe, from Yelang Valley..."

After regaining his senses, Yu Jinhe quickly opened his mouth, telling Lin Tian everything he knew in detail in order to survive.

It turns out that Yelang Valley is the largest sect in the Southwest Cultivation Domain of Yelang Cultivation Domain.

Other than that, there are only two major cultivation forces, Feiyunju and Fengminggu.

Among them, Feiyunju is also a gathering place for casual cultivators.

In the world of self-cultivation in western Guangxi Province, the self-cultivators are relaxed and like to go alone, so there are many casual cultivators.

And Feiyunju has become a gathering place for those casual cultivators, and it has become another sect of self-cultivation.

The Ning family in Liuyuan City is a family force arranged by Yelangu in Fansu, dedicated to running Yelanggu in Fansu.

To put it bluntly, it's just a pawn being controlled.

Yu Jinhe happened to come to Liuyuan City, and was invited by Ning Shicang, head of the Ning family.

In addition, the other two big families in Liu Yuancheng, the Murong family and the Yan family, are the Fengminggu and Feiyun's family forces that live in the common world.

In addition to these, other families also vaguely have the shadow of Yelang's cultivation domain forces in them.

After listening to Yu Jinhe's explanation, Lin Tian suddenly understood. After pondering for a while, he frowned and said: "This Yelang cultivation realm is really weak enough, there are only a few sects. Such a small realm, you Can you hear any treasures appearing? Or some major event related to the cultivation world?"

The first thing Lin Tian thought of at this time was the fragments of the ancient map. He wanted to take a side-by-side look to see if he could get valuable information from Yu Jinhe.

"The treasure appeared? This junior didn't hear the news. As for the big event, it is to select the elite seedlings to go to Dongzhou, especially within the sect, it is especially intense. Who wouldn't want to have the opportunity to enter the Sword Saint Mountain to practice?"

Yu Jinhe frowned, and after thinking for a while, he shook his head and explained: "Senior Er said that Yelang's realm of cultivation is weak, but in fact, compared to other small realms of cultivation, he can still be ranked high. Except us Outside of Yelang Valley, Feiyunju, and Fengming Valley, there is a very mysterious place—the Bone Village! It’s just that the place is weird and weird, and I’ve never been there before, I just heard that it’s not simple!”

Lin Tian frowned, and quickly asked, "Is Buried Bone Village located in Buried Bone Mountain?"

He still remembered that the crazy old lady who appeared in the hospital back then, was thinking about Buried Bones Mountain.

In addition, Shangguan Xin also mentioned that Buried Bone Mountain was renamed Baiyu Mountain.

"Ah...Senior, do you know about Buried Bone Mountain?"

Yu Jinhe showed surprise, and immediately said solemnly: "The Buried Bone Village is indeed located in Buried Bone Mountain, but that place is too weird, seniors had better not step into it!"

Lin Tian touched his chin, his eyes showed curiosity, and then said: "Go back, I will go to Liuyuan City in a few days, and I will pull out the silver needle for you!"

"Ah, thank you senior!"

Yu Jinhe was overjoyed and thanked again and again, but soon he showed a look of hesitation, and hesitated to speak.

"Go away, when the time comes, I will go to Liuyuan City, and I will help that Ning Beihan cure the poison! I knew you didn't have that ability!"

Lin Tian waved his hand and said coldly.

"Senior has kindness in his heart, and he is extremely grateful!"

Yu Jinhe showed embarrassment and embarrassment on his face, and finally thanked him again before leaving the hotel.

He had boasted to Ning Shicang before that any injury could be cured, but now he is helpless, if he ignores Ning Beihan, Ning Shicang would not dare to vent his anger, but his old face would be embarrassing.

Now that Lin Tian was able to respond and let him live after the catastrophe, he was overjoyed again.

After Yu Jinhe left, Lin Tian sat down cross-legged again and began to practice. Although the progress of the cultivation was very slow, the accumulation of time and time made more and more.

this day.

The 20th anniversary reception of Zheng Han's hotel chain has begun.

Shangguan Xin called early, and Lin Tian took a taxi to her house, and together they rushed to the Tianranjiao Hotel.

Although it was early in the morning, when the two arrived at the hotel, the parking lot in front was already covered with luxury cars, lined up neatly, like a large auto show.

"Where's your manager? Those road cones in front are too small. There are so many cars, they can't get through. Let's solve it quickly..."

"Yes, yes, yes... and those battery cars, all occupying the parking space..."

When Lin Tiangang and Shangguan Xin walked to the hotel gate, they heard a loud commotion.

Following the sound, I saw two people negotiating with the hotel security.

"Lin Tian, ​​why don't you go in first and let me solve it?"

Shangguan Xin turned around and said hesitantly.

Lin Tian glanced over there, and said noncommittally: "I'm going to be promoted in a few days, why go to Liuyuan City, why bother!"

"Wait for other leaders to solve it. Maybe things will get worse. At least for now, I'm still the manager. Let me solve it!"

After thinking about it, Shangguan Xin decided to help.

"That's fine! Sister Xin, I'll go in by myself first. I happen to be hungry, and there's a buffet inside. Let's have breakfast first!"

Lin Tian didn't stop him, and went into the hotel alone.

The natural corner hotel building structure is extremely large.

On the first floor there is a large restaurant for receptions.

When Lin Tian walked in, he had already seen a lot of high-class people dressed in gold, silver and jewels coming and going.

Ignoring these people, Lin Tian went directly to a corner, sat at a table full of various wine, fruit plates and dishes, and began to eat and drink leisurely.

"Hey! How dare you steal it! Hands up!"

Suddenly, a crisp and sweet shout came from behind, and then Lin Tian felt his back was held up by a jade finger.

"I'm eating it openly, I didn't steal it!"

Lin Tian didn't look back, curled his lips, and continued to feast.

Zheng Xiaoshu saw that Lin Tian was still eating and drinking contentedly, her beautiful eyes widened, and she came to the front, her small black jewel-like eyes rolled around, revealing a pair of canine teeth and said: "Do you know who I am?"

Shawl long hair, big eyes, willow-leaf eyebrows, cherry lips and small mouth, beautiful nose like jade, fair skin, glowing luster, tall figure!

The girl looked like she was only seventeen years old!

There is an aura of spirituality in the whole person, especially those eyes, which are strange and seem to be able to talk!

Lin Tian raised his eyelids and glanced at the girl, then shook his head and said calmly: "I'm not interested in knowing, I'll eat first!"

After speaking, he returned to packing up the food in front of him.

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket! Let's eat first. Then continue typing...

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