Urban Medical Martial Immortal Zun

4768--Andrew Collapsed Hole

"What is the mysterious nether world like? Is it stronger than our alien world?"

Dihun looked at the altar in front of him and whispered softly.

In his eyes, among the many planes, the alien world can be said to be the most powerful existence.


On the other hand, there are countless planes and countless ethnic groups.

Although the alien world may be much smaller than the many planes below.

But in terms of overall strength, it can surpass most planes.

As for the legendary Netherworld, it is too mysterious for Dihun!

It is said that it is the place where the soul goes after the death of the living beings, and it is also said that countless ghosts appear there, and it is also said that it is a dirty and terrible hell world.

Looking at it now, the nether world is different from what you imagined.

"I don't know about the alien world, but the nether world is bigger and more terrifying than imagined! Of course, the strength may not be as strong as the alien world..."

Lin Tian said softly: "However, there are too many weird things in the Nether World! No one wants to get entangled with them! The altar in front of me is left behind by which ethnic group in the Nether World! There are such things as headless cavalry, Not surprising either!"

With those words, Fei Leng Xin waited for a breath of air.

Everyone still has lingering fears about the strength of the five-headed cavalry.

If it weren't for the appearance of the Snake Rat King, those hundreds of headless horsemen might have wiped out millions of Snake Rats.

How powerful that is.

If they face each other, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

Only Lin Tian could kill those headless cavalry.

And the headless horseman probably came out of the altar in front of him.

According to Lin Tian's guess, there must be more than one altar in front of him!

Perhaps there are other terrifying things under the altar!

"Patriarch, if there are other things coming out of our Gouhun Village, then we..."

At this time, there was a strong man from the Soul Ecstasy clan, who said in shock.

When the other clansmen thought of this, they all panicked.

"The Poison Cloud Forest..."

Dihun also felt uneasy at this moment, and spoke hastily.

Lin Tian frowned, and said, "If there really are headless cavalrymen in the Hooking Village, it's too late to go back now!"

"And the altar in front of me is obviously connected with other altars! The blood extending out shows this point, and these bloods seem to have happened to be sprinkled on the veins of the formation between the altars. Obscure light!"

Dihun was extremely anxious, and said: "Mr. Lin, what you mean is that we can find another altar along the extended blood?"


Lin Tian nodded, and walked directly towards the direction where the blood on the ground extended.

Fei Leng Xin and Di Hun could only follow quickly.

Now the powerhouses of Dihun and other Hunhun clan also understand.

There really was a headless cavalry in the Poison Cloud Forest, and now it was too late to rush back to the Poison Cloud Forest.

If those five-headed cavalrymen appeared in the Poisonous Cloud Forest, then the magic circle of Gou Hun Village would be able to resist them.

If it appeared directly inside the Haunting Village, it would be really troublesome!

No one can resist the appearance of any headless cavalry!

Besides, it's all just speculation!


After walking along the blood on the ground for half an hour, no other altar was found.

along the way.

On the contrary, many corpses of monsters were found, and blood flowed like rivers on the ground.

Eighty percent of them were beheaded by headless horsemen!

But the blood shining with a faint light on the ground is still spreading out.

In the end, he even entered a certain ancient cave and ancient tomb.

Soon, he came out from the hidden exit of the cave and the ancient tomb.

As Dihun said before, the abyss below Tiantian Mountain indeed has many, many ancient caves and ancient tombs.

They are all left by the strong of the unknown ethnic group.

It's a pity that all the treasures have been looted.

Basically, it was done by the strong soul-hunting clan in the soul-hunting stronghold.

What can be left is either broken bones or sarcophagi in ancient tombs, nothing else.


There are some valleys around, and many vigorous spiritual grasses can be seen growing.

However, most of them are low-level spiritual grasses, and Lin Tian doesn't like them at all.

He stared at the blood extending from the ground, and kept moving forward.


I don't know how long I walked, but it seems that I have reached the other end of this underground wilderness.

There is a huge collapsed entrance here, as big as a road that can pass a dozen cars.

The blood extended directly inside.

"There is an entrance here?"

Seeing the collapsed opening, Dihun and the others were stunned.

Obviously, they entered the abyss of Tiantian Mountain before, but they didn't find this entrance.

Or in other words, there was no such hole before.

Because of the traces of the collapse, it is very new.

"Wouldn't it be those headless horsemen left behind?"

Fei Leng said in a deep voice.

The other people showed awe-inspiring expressions, and their expressions changed one after another.

Everyone looked at the direction where the hole protruded, and couldn't help feeling horrified.

If this huge hole, deep inside, is another altar, are there more headless horsemen?

"Mr. Lin, shall we still go in?"

Ji Yun asked weakly.

This is what other people want to ask, and their eyes can't help but fall on Lin Tian.

Think of the Headless Horseman, they don't want to go inside!

"Go in! Why don't you go in? If it was before, you need to think about it!"

Lin Tian smiled lightly, and said calmly: "But now I have a way to deal with those headless horsemen! Although there are many ghost symbols on those altars are very strange, but one of them is very similar to the headless horsemen. Similar! The weak point of this thing should be there! Of course, if the strength is enough to crush the monster mouse king, it can kill them!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Lin Tian is so confident, they are also relieved!


Lin Tian strode forward.

Although his consciousness is limited, he is not reckless.

The nine golden bees on the shoulders have already led the way hundreds of meters away!

Any situation ahead can be reacted immediately.

However, there seems to be no danger in this cave.

All the way past, all unimpeded.

Except for the blood on the ground showing rays of light along the veins of the formation, there is nothing else.

However, this also reassured everyone a lot.

Everyone was very afraid of encountering some powerful monsters or ghosts again!

Especially the headless cavalry, it's too scary, I definitely don't want to meet it again!

The entrance to the cave first extended downwards, then turned up and down in zigzags, and went around several times. It was almost impossible to tell the direction, which made people dizzy!

Lin Tian has been staring at the formation on the ground and moving forward.

At the beginning, the formation vein gradually weakened, but at this point, the fluctuation of the formation vein became stronger again.

Maybe it's not far from another altar!

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