The impact of the nether flames is extremely terrifying.

It also poses an extremely terrible threat to the disgusting monster rat king.

Therefore, the Demon Mouse King of Disgust was also severely injured at this time.

But, it's too powerful.

Even though he was consumed a lot and was seriously injured, his strength and breath were still soaring.

The disgusting rat king galloped up, raising smoke and dust soaring all the way.

The ground is shaking.

The void is trembling.

The terrifying aura made the time-space ring shake violently.

After approaching the space-time ring array, the space-time ring array is almost deformed.

But this formation is also really powerful. It looks like it is shaking violently, but it is actually as stable as Mount Tai.

The powerful aura above the entire magic circle was continuously released, becoming more and more concentrated.

And as he got closer to the magic circle, the Rat Eater King seemed to feel a great threat, and he rushed towards him at the speed of sound.

But when approaching the formation, there was a sudden bang, the huge body disappeared on the spot, and there was a tremor in the void.

The surface of the time-space ring array also deformed suddenly.

And when the Rat King reappeared, he was already inside the time-space ring.

It escaped directly into the void, and appeared from within the void again. .

It has a huge body, but the time-space ring array is even bigger.


The Hate and Eat Monster Mouse King let out a strange cry.

It looked back at the huge magic circle that enveloped itself, with doubts on its face.

Just now it reappeared through the void like that, the force of time and space pulled by it was terrifying, the void appeared to be distorted, which also deformed the entire magic circle.

But even the void is torn apart.

The magic circle still didn't suffer any damage.

It looks shaky, but it's actually extremely tough!


The Rat King, disgusted and devoured, let out a scream as if feeling threatened.

But Lin Tian was waiting for it to enter the battle!

Immediately, he shot more than a dozen formations around, and these formations flew around like a stream of light.

The next moment.

In the sky above the huge space-time ring array, countless rays of light appeared and intertwined together.

The light became more and more intense, and many strange patterns, incomparably mysterious, constantly changed and emerged on the formation.

At this time, the entire space-time ring formation was suddenly activated.

The majestic coercion immediately swept across several kilometers.

Including the formation, the torrential momentum turned into substance, like a hurricane sweeping across the earth.

There were rumbling explosions in the void, twisting everywhere, and even tears and gaps appeared, but they were quickly healed.

Standing in the middle of the formation, Fei Lengxin and the others all looked terrified and shocked.

Although the place they are in is the safest place at the moment, there is a roaring violent sound in the entire formation, and countless piercing auras are like knives. Constantly tearing apart.

at the same time.

Fei Lengxin and the others couldn't feel such violent power inside the magic circle, but they could clearly see it in their eyes.

"This space-time ring formation is so weird!"

"Standing here, we are safe and sound!"

"Will the Rat King find out about our existence? What if it attacks us specifically?"

"Young Master Lin told us to stand still here. There must be a reason for him. This place should be the safest place. Maybe even if the King of Rats finds us, it will be very difficult for him to attack us!"


Even so.

Fei Leng Xin waited for many people, but he was still extremely nervous.

Because they were standing within the empty formation, with nothing around them.

Although he knew that the middle of the formation must be the safest, it cannot be affected, and there may be an invisible formation for protection, but this kind of empty barrier that can't be felt by anything gives people an incomparable sense of oppression.

Those tearing void lights are so close at hand, it makes people uneasy!

Within the array.

Numerous sharp lights, as well as many mysterious and strange rune powers swept down by the formation, all blasted towards the disgusting rat king.

As for the rest of the Ordinary Gourmet Rats, they were already killed by the formation.


Lin Tian only needs to concentrate on dealing with the Nasty Rat King!

However, the defense of the Hate and Eat Monster Mouse King is extremely terrifying.

Even though it is a little weak now, it has consumed a lot, and it has suffered a little injury.

However, countless sword glows and runes bombarded it, and there were still countless clanging sounds. In the sound of metal and stone joining, countless flames continued to splash.


The Rat King screamed again, almost tearing people's eardrums apart, and the void around them was ripped apart by the sound waves it emitted.

The sharp lights and runes flying around were also shattered.

However, the attack of Li Mang and the rune still made it scream in pain.

at the same time.

It feels threatened.

Now the formation's attack seems to just cause it severe pain.

But if it continues like this, it will be consumed to death!


next moment.

Its cruel and bloodthirsty eyes immediately fixed on Lin Tian not far away.

As for Fei Lengxin and the others who were closer, it seemed that it didn't see it and completely ignored it.


At this time, the disgusting rat king galloped up and rushed towards Lin Tian.

During this period, the void continued to collapse.

Because while it was running, it kept escaping into the void and reappearing, its body shape was erratic.

"This guy, even if he is injured, even if his strength is exhausted, he is still terrifying!"

Seeing the disgusting Yaoshu Dynasty attacking him, Lin Tian's face was serious, he took a deep breath, and his whole body exploded with all his cultivation.

Spiritual fire lingered on his body, blue light surged, and the Tianming Child Mother Shield was activated, and all defenses were blessed.

At the same time, there were countless voices of dragon chants on his body, and dragon shadows appeared impressively around Lin Tian.


Countless shadows of fists erupted, and Taikoo Longquan stepped forward firmly to the Hateful Rat King.

A terrifying crackling sound erupted from between a man and a beast.

Lin Tian's small body, but with monstrous power, slammed on the body of the disgusting rat king.

The Rat King was shocked back several steps.

is a few steps up on its own!

And Lin Tian flew out in the air.

The terrifying power was almost beyond what he could resist, and the bones and muscles all over his body were almost torn apart.

Unable to restrain his body, he flew out and flipped a few times in mid-air. Lin Tiancai staggered to a halt.

"So strong!"

He felt like his body was going to fall apart!

Even though his body was so strong that it was against the sky, and he had the blessing of Tianming's son-mother shield, he was still hurt by this big guy, and his internal organs were about to be displaced.

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