Urban Medical Martial Immortal Zun

Chapter 4745 Restriction

Looking at Lin Tian in front of him, Dihun couldn't help feeling sad.

Think back then.

In the alien world.

Although their soul-hunters are not a powerful group, they still lead a carefree life.

Every clansman is working hard to cultivate, to improve their lives, and to make the whole clan stronger and richer.

Strong strength, no worries about food and clothing!

The most important thing is the mysterious upper clan, that is, the protection of the taboo clan!

In a different world, it is a kind of honor for a weak ethnic group to have the protection of a superior clan, and it is something that countless ethnic groups envy.

To know.

In the alien world, most of the lower-level ethnic groups do not have the protection of the upper-class groups.

It is the desire of many lower-class groups to be selected by those powerful ethnic groups as subordinates.

There are many low-level ethnic groups, among which the upper group includes the dynasty ethnic group, some upper-middle ethnic groups other than the dynasty ethnic group, and there are also very weak ethnic groups.

The reason for this is that the powerful ethnic groups shelter the weaker ethnic groups in order to form alliances and obtain more resources.

Because every year, the weak ethnic groups have to enshrine a certain amount of treasures to the upper clan in order to be sheltered.

But this kind of enshrinement is voluntary by countless ethnic groups.

And there are very few ethnic groups that can be sheltered by taboo ethnic groups.

Even most of the dynastic groups have no chance to become subordinates of the taboo group!

So the soul-hunters are also one of the luckiest groups in the alien world.

Of course, it can become the lower group under the protection of the mysterious taboo group, because the Ecstasy Clan has special resources to attract the attention of the mysterious taboo group.

Otherwise, where is the chance to be sheltered by the taboo group!

And later.

With the disappearance of the taboo group overnight.

Many ethnic groups that were originally protected by taboo ethnic groups began to decline gradually, and even ushered in tragic suppression.

Even a certain dynasty group among them has begun to be attacked by groups.

The main reason is that during the period when this dynasty group was sheltered by the taboo group, they took hostile actions against many dynasty groups and were unscrupulous.

With the disappearance of the taboo group, they naturally ended up with a tragic end.

Later, the Soulhunters were targeted by the Heavenly Punishment Clan, and their branch was taken to the lower plane, imprisoned in the Tiannan Holy Land, and imprisoned in the small burial dragon abyss.

Thinking of all the past, the expression on Dihun's face became even more gloomy.

Originally in the alien world, their soul-hunters can be said to be thriving.


It's hard to go back to the glory of the past!

"With the disappearance of the taboo group, our soul-hunting group has become suppressed by many groups in the alien world... Our branch is trapped here..."

Dihun probably had to briefly tell Lin Tian what he knew and heard at the beginning, his face was full of bitterness.

They dare not imagine that they are in a higher-level plane group, but they have come down to the plane.

"It seems that there are battles everywhere!"

Lin Tian sighed.

At the same time, he also felt great pressure. He practiced the method of the taboo group in the alien world, and he will definitely be troubled in the future.

"How powerful is the upper clan of your soul-hunting clan?"

Lin Tian asked casually.

"Among the taboo groups, it's one of the top!"

Dihun said with emotion: "It's a pity that everything is in the past!"

The top taboo group!

Lin Tian let out a breath of cold air secretly. ,

It's no wonder that the nine-revolution three-life tactic of this practice is so powerful.

Not to mention taboo groups.

Now, if those dynastic groups know that the method he cultivated comes from a taboo group, they will definitely become their targets. In order to obtain this powerful method, they will use all means to hunt him down infinitely!

Fortunately, the Heaven's Punishment Clan has left Tiannan Holy Land, and I hope I won't meet them again for the time being!

Otherwise, Lin Tian can only run for his life!

"Now that the Heaven's Punishment Clan has left Tiannan Holy Land, there is no need to worry for now!"

Lin Tian said to Dihun: "We came here for the friends who got here by mistake, and the blood of the ancestors of the Dragon Clan!"

"Back then, it was said that the giant stone of the Heavenly Punishment Clan set up this magic circle in order to obtain the purest dragon essence! We were imprisoned here to protect the blood of the essence! Now that drop of blood essence of the dragon is brought Let's go, the Heaven's Punishment Clan is leaving, we are still trapped here! As for the remaining blood of the Dragon Clan, there must be some!"

Dihun suddenly became excited, and said to Lin Tian: "Everyone can come in here, is there a way to get out? The magic circle here is set up by the strong men of the Heaven's Punishment Clan. We have tried to leave this poisonous place for many years. Cloud Forest, but they were blocked by the magic circle outside!"

"Beyond the poisonous cloud forest, the place we can go is the ancient battlefield in the swamp! We live here aggrievedly, and we have completely lost the scenery of the time in the alien world! Everything will never return! Now we see Everyone has come, we have seen the hope of leaving again!"

Speaking of which.

Dihun's eyes glowed with fiery light.

Sitting next to him should be many high-level ecstasy masters of the ecstasy clan, and they also looked at it one after another.

When seeing Lin Tian and the others, Dihun and the others were already concerned.

Since Lin Tian and the others can enter here, they must have found a way to enter Zanlongyuan!

"If possible, it's no problem to take you away!"

Lin Tian nodded and said, "It's just that we worked hard to get in here, but it's not so easy to get out! The most important thing is that you are imprisoned here, and the poisonous cloud forest is surrounded by layers of magic circles! Of course, Those magic circles can't stop us, but you are restrained by the scared magic circle in your body!"

This word.

Di Hun and the other strong men of the Soul Ecstasy clan were shocked.

Because they have magic circle restrictions in their bodies, they don't even know it.

Dihun waited to turn around and look inside, but there was nothing in his body!

How could there be a magic circle restriction!


If it is restricted by the magic circle, they can't get out, but why can't the younger generation also get out?

Dihun and his group of high-ranking ethnic groups all came from different worlds.

But many of the descendants in this Gouhun Village were born in the Poisonous Cloud Forest and never went to the outside world.

The surrounding dharma gates also blocked them.

Leaving here, for them, can be said to be as difficult as climbing the sky!

Seeing Lin Tian now, they all see hope.

But hearing Lin Tian talk about the restriction of the magic circle in his body, his hearts couldn't help sinking.

"Your Excellency, if it is restricted by the magic circle, why are so many children in our village unable to leave?"

Dihun asked out the doubts in his heart.

Fei Leng Xin was also very puzzled at this time.

After all, the magic circle restriction must be implanted in the body.

And the descendants born, it is impossible to be banned by genetics, right?

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