There are at least tens of thousands of Tianhu making medicine this time.

And there are thousands of corpses of Tianhu smashing medicine piled up in front of him, and many of them have been annihilated in ashes!

The rest escaped, at most one or two thousand!

With such a heavy loss, the mutated drug-making Tianhu King did not appear, which is so unusual!

With so many clansmen dead, it is impossible to remain indifferent!

Unless it is closed to death!

So I didn't sense the situation here.

The one who let go of so many remaining medicine-making sky foxes must have gone back to inform the mutant sky fox king.

"What if the Fox King doesn't take the bait that day?"

Xingya said anxiously, but at the same time she was full of uneasiness.

Who knows how terrifying the strength of the mutated drug-making Tianhu King is!

If this formation fails to trap them and is unable to deal with them, then they will all die here.

"With so many clansmen dead, the mutated drug-making Tianhu King must be furious!"

Xingwei frowned and said, "I'm afraid that guy is in a life-and-death test at this time, and it will be troublesome! We can only wait here. The longer it takes, the worse it will be. No one knows what will happen!"

Fei Leng Xin also nodded.

This is the territory of Tianhu who makes medicine, and it will change if it is too late. It is best to kill the king of Tianhu who makes medicine as soon as possible!

Lin Tian didn't speak at this time, he held down the captured seventh-level medicine smashing sky fox with his palm, and killed it with a flame after a long while.

"Let's wait and see! If the mutated drug-making Tianhu King doesn't appear, there are other ways to attract it!"

Lin Tian sat cross-legged on the spot very calmly.

The others looked at each other.

But seeing Lin Tian's determined look, Fei Lengxin and Xing Wei waited patiently.


Several hours passed, more than half a day.

Outside the Panlong Spirit Swallowing Formation, there was no movement at all.

Except for the mutated medicine-making Tianhu King, the other medicine-making foxes are afraid of being beaten.

"Friend Daoist Lin, should we continue to wait? Or go directly to the Tianhu King's lair?"

Fei Lengxin frowned lightly and asked.

Lin Tian shook his head and said, "No need! It seems that the drug-making Tianhu King is really in retreat! I still have other ways to attract it! If we go directly to the lair, we will have to face two magic worlds at the same time." Level monsters, plus the thousand-faced monster ape, there is no chance of winning."

Even with the spiritual fire in his body, and the supernatural power sealing the spirit at the bottom of the box, Lin Tian will not feel that he is the opponent of the two Illusory Heaven Realm monsters.

"any solution?"

Everyone present cast curious glances at Lin Tian.

"Naturally, it destroyed the treasure of Tianhu King who smashed medicine. I don't believe it can't sense it!"

The corner of Lin Tian's mouth raised, and then he walked directly towards the depths of the medicine field: "Just ten kilometers away, there is the most precious medicine field! Let's go and see!"

Fei Leng Xin, Xing Wei and others became even more curious.

It's a pity that the consciousness is restricted, and it's impossible to find out the situation a few kilometers away.

I can only go to find out.

"You Lin Daoyou searched the soul of the drug-making Tianhu just now, did you get any important news?"

Fei Leng said with a sweet smile.

Lin Tian nodded and replied: "That's right! It is said that in the deepest part of the medicine field, there is still the most precious elixir! It is the treasure of the Tianhu King who is smashing medicine!"

Xing Wei and the others couldn't help but shake their hearts.

The treasure that can be valued by the Sky Fox King must be extremely extraordinary.

Not far away.

A gust of wind began to appear around.

above mid-air.

The heavy black clouds surged like waves, and the white rain that fell with a splash also began to scatter in all directions.

Here, the wind started to blow, very strong.

When walking through a hill.

far away.

A vortex like a hurricane appeared, spinning wildly in the air, making a loud rumbling noise.

The white rain all around was torn apart by the vortex crazily.

"what is that?"

Xing Wei and the others were shocked.

"In the vortex, there should be a medicine field in the air! In it, a treasure that is most valued by the Sky Fox King is planted!"

Lin Tian's eyes glowed brightly, and he said lightly: "Maybe, we will have unexpected gains!"

The formation of the vortex is not natural, but supported by a magic circle.

As for how this magic circle came about, it's a bit strange.

It couldn't have been laid by Tianhu himself.

Or it was left by the people who punished the ethnic group that day.

No matter how.

It must be extremely remarkable to have such a place with such heavy support.

Then approach.

Lin Tian could feel the strong aura surge.

Arriving here, the aura in the air seems to have condensed together and turned into substance.

"My God, if you practice here, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!"

Ji Yun couldn't help but marvel.

Everyone else couldn't help nodding.

But everyone stopped a few hundred meters away from the vortex in mid-air.

The entire vortex hurricane, from the hills on the ground, spinning crazily, to hundreds of meters in the air, is spectacular!

look up.

A huge thing can be vaguely seen, which seems to be supported by the vortex hurricane, suspended in mid-air.

But the clouds and mists are too dense, and the white rain is too heavy, it is difficult to see clearly with the naked eye.

"Is there something on it?"

Can't see clearly, everyone can't help guessing.

Lin Tian nodded firmly and said: "There is indeed something, it is a medicine field suspended in mid-air! This vortex is supported by a formation! If you break the formation and get the treasure, then the Tianhu King who smashed medicine should come out." !"

He is also a little uncertain.

But according to the information obtained by Souhun, the medicine-making Tianhu, the things in the medicine field are the most caring existence of the medicine-making Tianhu king.

In the huge medicinal field, the most precious thing is also the mid-empty medicinal field.

Of course.

The power formed by this huge vortex hurricane is also extremely terrifying.

Under the loud rumbling noise, the void trembled.

If it is an ordinary star-level strong person who enters, there may be a chance to protect himself if he goes all out.

But it's just a chance, I'm afraid I will be directly torn into it by this vortex.

So this vortex not only lifted the medicine field above into the air, but also protected the medicine field!

"Friend Lin Daoist is sure to break the magic circle?"

Seeing Lin Tian's calm and composed appearance, Fei Leng couldn't help laughing.

And Xing Wei and others also saw Lin Tian's powerful attainments in the magic circle, and they were all looking forward to it.

The treasures on this medicine field must be amazing!

"Not necessarily, I can only say try it!"

Lin Tian was also not sure, shook his head, and started to do it.


The magic circle supporting the vortex itself has a long history.

Although the vortex is the first time Lin Tian has seen this type of formation, it is very likely that it was left by the Tianfu tribe, otherwise it is impossible for him to have a formation structure that he has never seen before!

He can also arrange such magic circles that are similar to supporting the vortex to hold huge islands and other things in midair.

But the structure of the vortex array in front of him is obviously very strange, and many of the formulas and structures in it are something he has never seen before!

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