In a few minutes, Tianhe Entertainment was directly acquired.

This kind of financial resources is nothing short of astonishing!

Ordinary listed companies basically cannot have such terrible means!

Acquiring a large company requires cumbersome formalities and legal procedures!

In just a few minutes, Tianhe Entertainment changed hands.

What does this mean?

Tang Jiajia, Wang Dao and others all looked at Lin Tian, ​​and they wanted to see Lin Tian through.

This seemingly ordinary boy in front of him may have a terrifying background!

At least the family behind it is rich and powerful!

In the whole of China, there are countless people who can have such strength!

Who is he?

Tang Jiajia, Han Qiusheng and the others had doubts in their minds.

But Wang Xiaofei was still very calm at this time, shaking his head to Lin Tian and said: "Is this all you have to do? Let alone even if I leave Tianhe Entertainment, there are countless companies in the huge Huaxia entertainment circle who are queuing up to sign me Wang Xiaofei! What's more , I can easily start my own company!"

"Besides, if you buy Tianhe Entertainment, I can buy it at any time if I want!"

"You said, how did you block me?"

Seeing Wang Xiaofei's extremely confident posture, Lin Tian smiled lightly and said, "Now, publicly apologize to Xiaoqing, and then explain the plagiarism! I can still give you a chance!"

For a narrow-minded and unscrupulous woman like Wang Xiaofei, Lin Tian will naturally not be soft-hearted!

The many harsh words towards my sister Lin Xiaoqing just now must make this woman lower her high head severely!

"I really don't know where your confidence comes from!"

Wang Xiaofei said with a sneer on his face: "Do you think that with a little money in the family, you can be lawless in the huge China? You really don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth!"

Shouldn't this be what we said?

At this time, Mo Xiaomo, who was hiding in Lin Tian's pocket, felt very strange when he heard Wang Xiaofei's words.

"Then as you wish!"

Lin Tian picked up his phone and sent another text message.

This time, the person he sent the text message to was not someone, but Shi Xiaobei, whom he hadn't contacted for a long time.

This girl is very special in Shenlong Bureau.

In her capacity, such a trivial matter is still a matter of minutes!

And just less than half a minute.

The manager standing next to Wang Xiaofei, the several mobile phones in the bag suddenly rang crazily.

As a broker, it is natural to pay attention to efficiency.

In order to avoid trouble and delay, several mobile phones are directly equipped.

After all, in addition to the company's publicity, acting, etc., Wang Xiaofei also has a lot of cooperation and advertisements in advertisements and portraits with full copyright.

These things.

It all needs to be taken care of by her agent.

phone call at this time.

Almost all of them are calls from advertising companies.

One purpose, that is to unilaterally force the termination of the contract!

There are even companies that want Wang Xiaofei to pay double the high liquidated damages, otherwise the lawsuit will see the truth!

One phone call.

But the agent was terrified!

Not only the high amount of compensation for liquidated damages, the most important thing is...Wang Xiaofei was officially listed as a bad artist, and was banned from top to bottom!

Offline advertising agencies, online film and television, live broadcast, advertising, media and other channels are all blocked!

This is a complete and real ban!

It is the kind of ban that is completely impossible to come back!

The manager was terrified and just stood there in a daze!

"Sister Wu, what's going on?"

Wang Xiaofei frowned and asked.

"Xiaofei, something happened... something serious happened!"

Manager Sister Wu's face was full of nervousness, and she said in a trembling voice, "Let me confirm first!"

As she spoke, Sister Wu took her mobile phone and began to search online.

When she saw a series of official media, Wang Xiaofei was identified as a bad artist for many reasons, including plagiarism!

The official media has made official announcements, so it is a certainty!

It is a complete ban!


Sister Wu looked at Lin Tian with horror on her face.

What is the origin of this young man in front of him? It's too scary!

the moment before.

When they said they wanted to ban Wang Xiaofei, they thought it was just a threat, that it would take a lot of trouble, and it was even impossible to do it!

Such a comprehensive ban will only be carried out after careful consideration by the authorities unless it causes bad influence across the country.

But the boy in front of him just sent a text message, and he was really blocked!

What kind of celestial means is this?

"what happened?"

Wang Xiaofei asked again.

Tang Jiajia and the others all looked in astonishment and looked at each other, a little puzzled.

Han Qiusheng's complexion changed drastically. He thought of a certain possibility, and his eyes were filled with endless horror. ,

What kind of background does this need to be blocked in a blink of an eye?

If Lin Tian came from an official background, it would be amazing!

But thinking of the people behind Wang Xiaofei, Han Qiusheng's back suddenly shuddered!

The fight between the two parties is like sparks colliding with the earth. Whoever gets involved will be smashed to pieces!

"Xiao Fei, you have been banned!"

Sister Wu swallowed, and said with a terrified expression.

"Banned? How is it possible!"

Wang Xiaofei frowned, she didn't believe it.

However, when Sister Wu handed over the phone, she took a look, and her expression changed suddenly.

The official official announcement says it all!

At this time, the major media are also reposting wantonly, and the entire entertainment industry has set off a turbulent wave!

But apart from the media, other major stars have basically fallen into silence.

Wang Xiaofei, this is the top class in the entertainment industry!

But overnight, he was inexplicably banned!

This made countless stars tremble with fear and dare not take the lead!

And Wang Xiaofei's many platform social accounts were also banned!

This is not the kind of practice that the film and television company cooperated with Xuezang to block.

In that case, she still has room to maneuver.

this time.

It's an official reputation, it's a real ban!

It is equivalent to completely sealing off her acting career. It is almost impossible for her to act again!

Countless pairs of eyes in the entire Huaxia Kingdom watched.

If she wants to come back, it is tantamount to confronting the whole country.

What's more, most of the fans will probably abandon her because of this!

At this time, outside the clear water lake, countless fans have already exploded.

There was an uproar.

Constantly coming from outside.

At this moment, Wang Xiaofei was sure that he was really banned!

My acting career is over!

It is almost impossible to come back again!


Unless the person behind makes a shot, there may be a certain improvement and opportunity!

But it's just a chance!

After all, the huge Huaxia entertainment industry is intricate and complicated, with too many conflicts of interest.

The forces and families involved are unknown, and they may have many identities and strengths as terrifying as that one!

However, Wang Xiaofei is not in the mood to pay attention to these things at the moment.


In her mind, there was only endless anger and resentment left~!

The fact that script changes were thwarted and the plagiarism was exposed made her furious in itself.

Now, I have been banned!

This is something Wang Xiaofei couldn't believe!

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