
It is completely crushed.

Thousands of fighters from the dark side of the Tan family could not resist Dongxuan's massacre at all!

But they are still not afraid of death, and charged and besieged Dongxuan.

It's just that it doesn't work at all, they just have to wait to be slaughtered!

"This man is stronger than when he came here before, and he was beaten to death by Master Lu, and he is still alive!"

Many members of the Tan family gasped, their faces full of disbelief.

Many of the strong members of the Tan family were killed by Dongxuan before.

Now it has appeared again.

"Hahahaha...these are vulnerable!"

Dongxuan laughed and shouted: "The rat who injured me before, get out of here!"


Dongxuan became very confident about his own strength.

Before entering the Tan family, he was only a few levels of Qi refining.

Facing that mysterious strong man, he was beaten half to death and almost lost his life.

But it's different now.

He has broken through to the seventh level, and his strength has been multiplied countless times!

He is confident that now he can crush that mysterious strong man with a snap of his fingers.

"You, you didn't die!"

A hoarse voice came from the distant darkness.

The words just fell.

A black shadow swept over silently.

This person was wearing a black robe and a black mask on his face, so he couldn't see the exact appearance.

It's just that he exudes an amazing aura all the time.

And judging from his aura, this person is very powerful, the cultivation base of Jindan late stage!

Can see this person.

Dongxuan sensed an extremely dangerous feeling from the other party.

How can this be?

"My seat let you escape before, it was careless! Now you come out first, the cultivation base of Yuanying's early stage? It's incredible!"

The black masked man who appeared was very surprised and puzzled by Dongxuan's appearance and cultivation.

However, he didn't show the slightest panic, instead he said with a sinister smile: "I've captured you here, so I can do some research!"

"Haha... a mere Jindan late-stage cultivator dares to be arrogant in front of the young master! I was defeated by you before because of insufficient cultivation. Now, let you kneel down and sing Conquer for Master Chong!"

Dongxuan laughed, bursting with confidence, and directly killed the man in the black mask.

"Kids, come out!"

The man in the black mask ignored Dongxuan's attack, raised his hand and typed out all kinds of weird formulas, muttering words.

Kacha Kacha...

on the ground.

In the corpses of those Anbu warriors who hadn't been blown up, black things came out of them.

The figure shrouded in black aura slowly stood up.

They couldn't see their faces clearly, only their general shapes.

These things appeared and rushed towards Dongxuan.

not only.


Many cracks appeared, and weird black ugly bugs the size of mice crawled out one after another.

"What are these things!"

Whether it was the Li family or the Tan family, they all looked terrified when they saw this.

Facing the attacks of these things, Dongxuan was also a little confused.

"This is……"

Dongxuan stopped his shot, a little dazed.

Not far on the opposite side.

A black magic staff appeared in the black masked man's hand, he muttered something towards Dongxuan, and then swung it violently through the air.


The black attacking breath turned into a sword light, and blasted towards Dongxuan rapidly.

"Back back!"

Lin Tian frowned and shouted.

But Dongxuan didn't listen to Lin Tian's words.

Because in his opinion, the opponent is just a strong man in the late stage of Jindan.

He was able to beat him to half his life before.

It's different now.

He is equivalent to a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

"Master, it's only in the late stage of Jindan, let me blow him up!"

Full of confidence, Dongxuan turned into a black shadow and rushed out.

"Little bug, listen to what you say!"

Mo Xiaomo lay on the entrance of Lin Tian's pocket, and said contemptuously.

"Let him learn a lesson!"

Lin Tian said lightly.

And at this time.

The black sharp light shot by the black masked man came to Dongxuan in a blink of an eye.


Dongxuan was not afraid at all, he raised his hand and blasted several palms.

It's just that those black sharp lights didn't change at all in the face of his attack.

Instead, it turned into strands of black iron chains, entwining him.

next moment.

Dongxuan found himself trapped by these black iron chains.

The black figures and ugly bugs that appeared around him surrounded him in an instant.

Some bugs crawled on him and started eating!


Dongxuan was terrified and let out a shrill cry.

"A mere blood shadow worm dares to pretend to be a ghost! No matter how powerful your cultivation base is, you are still a bug!"

The black masked man sneered.

"Master, save me, save me..."

Dongxuan finally saw his situation at this time, and turned back to Lin Tian in horror and shouted.

Puff puff puff...

Lin Tian finally made a move at this time.

When he raised his hand, sharp lights flew across, cutting off all the things that looked like black iron chains.

Ugly bugs, as well as black shadows, were all blown up.

Dongxuan got away at this time, staggered and flew back.

There was still traces of black air coming out of his body, and the wound began to fester inch by inch.

"If I don't make a move, I'm afraid you will die on the spot!"

Lin Tian glanced at Dongxuan coldly, and said: "Suppress the wound first! Don't think that the suppression of cultivation level is equal to invincibility! The person opposite is not simple, he is your nemesis, even if you are a cultivator in the transformation stage, I'm afraid I'll stumble too!"

"Ah, my nemesis?"

Dongxuan's face was full of horror and fear, he didn't understand.

"He's an exorcist!"

Lin Tian nodded, and said: "The exorcist, who can attract demons, can attract insects, monsters, evil spirits and other things! You are mere Zerg, and you are naturally restrained by him! It just happens to be your nemesis! use!"


Dongxuan took a deep breath, secretly afraid.

He had heard a little about exorcists.

This is an extremely rare branch of cultivation in the cultivation world.

Strictly speaking, it is not a branch.

At most, it is a rare way of cultivation similar to poison cultivation.

Unexpectedly, I encountered it in front of my eyes.

Dongxuan was also fortunate that he had not been taken down by the exorcist when he went to the Tan family to kill all directions.

If he can't escape back, I'm afraid he will become a constant monster now!

"Well, you know The Exorcist?"

The black-masked man on the opposite side saw Lin Tian save Dongxuan in a blink of an eye, and was surprised to hear Lin Tian's words.

"No time to waste time with the dead!"

Lin Tian shook his head, didn't bother to respond, and disappeared directly on the spot.

"Dancing demons!"

The black masked man narrowed his eyes, and swung the black staff violently.

Countless black figures appeared around him, and terrifying faces appeared around him one after another.


All kinds of horrible demons.

bang bang...

But in the next moment.

As the green flames surged, all those black shadows exploded and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

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