Urban Medical Martial Immortal Zun

Chapter 4194 Is there evidence?

eye for eye!

The elder Liu Chengying's old face became extremely gloomy.

His eyes flashed with murderous intent.

He understood that Che Zhiao should know the reason of his wife's death!

And the Gu worm on his body has been untied?

Otherwise, Che Zhizi, the daughter behind Che Zhiao, would be safe and sound!

"The Great Elder..."

Just as the two were talking, an exclamation came.

A figure staggered towards him.

The blood-red robe on his body was broken, his hair was disheveled, and his complexion was pale.

Everyone's eyes were attracted at once.

"Isn't this Mr. Dongxuan? How did you make it like this?"

Patriarch Hong Xiangjun looked at the figure that appeared in surprise, feeling puzzled.

Many powerhouses of the Blood Spirit Clan were also puzzled.

Dongxuan is said to be a powerful alchemist from the Zulongjie clan.

There are rumors that he was punished by the clan and dispatched to the Burning Fire Realm.

However, his arrival is also a good news for the Blood Spirit Race in the Burning Fire Realm.

He has been here for two or three hundred years, and he has refined many, many powerful medicines, which have improved the strength of many blood spirit clansmen, and many barriers that need to be broken through have also been resolved because of Dongxuan's arrival.


Dongxuan is in such a mess in front of him, what's going on?

Did the refining medicine go mad, or was there an injury from the fryer in the refining medicine?

Many strong men of the Blood Spirit Race thought to themselves.

"Patriarch, something unexpected happened!"

Dongxuan replied with a smile to Hong Xiangjun, and then whispered in the ear of the elder Liu Chengying for a while.

See this scene.

Many members of the Blood Spirit Clan, including Hong Xiangjun, are not surprised, they are used to it.

After all, when Dongxuan was kicked out of the clan, he was seriously injured because of the punishment of the clan rules. It was the elder who saved his life.

Everyone also knows that Dongxuan belongs to the Great Elder!

But it doesn't matter.

Judging from the current situation, Grand Elder Liu Chengying's grandson, Liu Guan, is likely to be the heir to the patriarch in the future!

And at the same time.

After hearing Dongxuan's whisper, Liu Chengying's complexion changed, and he looked towards Che Zhiao and the others.

"Why did you come to talk to me at this time?"

Liu Chengying said with some dissatisfaction.

Dongxuan breathed out with a wry smile: "The backlash was so strong that Dongmou passed out. Now that he woke up, he went out of the Burning Fire Realm and entered the deep pit to tell you! I suspect...they have masters around them Appear!"


Liu Chengying glanced suspiciously at Che Zhiao and the others.

Finally, his eyes fell on Lin Tian, ​​and he was even more puzzled.

Can a mere human youth unravel Gu worms?


"They are here, about the blood soul Gu, we will talk about it later!"

Liu Chengying said in a low voice.

Only now did Dongxuan notice the existence of Che Zhiao and the others, gritted his teeth, stepped aside, and did not speak.

"Liu Chengying, the old man suspects that this Dongxuan is not from my Blood Spirit Clan!"

Che Zhiao pointed at Dongxuan, and then said coldly: "And he conspired with you to kill my wife. I was seriously injured and my cultivation level fell, and it was you who did it! Do you dare to admit this?"


The Great Elder and this Dongxuan killed that human woman?

Didn't he say he was seriously injured and died!

Because of this, the punishment of the family rules was exempted!

The Blood Spirit Race people present were all in an uproar.

They can't think of it.

There is something else hidden about this matter.

If the human woman that Che Zhiao brought back was killed by the Great Elder and Dongxuan secretly, that would be a bit too much!

The members of the Blood Spirit Clan have clear grievances and grievances, and they never evade what they did. They have done burning, killing and looting, but they hardly use any disgraceful means!

If the strength is strong, just plunder it directly!

Violating the family rules, everyone also hates it clearly, and punishes them as they want!

At the beginning, Che Zhiao violated the clan rules and married a human woman, and then fled the clan because of that woman!

Later, Che Juezi was born and showed great talent. Most of the clan members decided to let Che Zhiao's family come back!

And Che Zhiao is naturally willing to come back, mainly for his son!

Both he and that woman are willing to accept punishment from the ethnic group!

The lightest punishment is to abolish one's cultivation base!

For this punishment, Che Zhiao and his wife were the first to agree!

His son, Che Juezi, can be cultivated by the clan, and even become the heir of the patriarch!

For his son, Che Zhiao felt that it was worth it to give everything!

It's just that no one can think of it.

Things often go beyond expectations.

His wife was seriously injured and died in an accident, and his son's bloodline had problems again. Most of the clan members are almost optimistic about Liu Guan's position as the heir to the patriarch!

But now it seems.

Wasn't it an accident that Che Zhiao's wife died?

Is it what the Great Elder did?

"Che Zhiao, before you spout blood, you must be prepared for the consequences of slandering this old man!"

Great Elder Liu Chengying said in a cold voice.

Che Zhiao didn't take it seriously, and continued: "Not only did my wife die, I suffered from a hidden injury, and my realm fell, but also my son's bloodline and many other problems, and my daughter's coma in bed, it was all your fault! We returned to the group, and then used the designed method to plant Gu worms in our family! My wife died, and my son and daughter survived for some reason!"

"It should be him who gave us the blood soul Gu, right?"

Finally, Che Zhiao pointed at Dongxuan angrily, gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Blood Soul Gu!"

The blood spirit tribe was in an uproar again.

This time they all changed their colors.

Blood Soul Gu is also well-known in the Blood Spirit Clan.

But it has not appeared for thousands of years!

As early as thousands of years ago, within the ethnic group, the refining of blood soul Gu has been banned!

Because such things are too vicious!

Although it can be used to deal with enemies of other races, it also makes fighting within the race even more!

There is a tit-for-tat within the group, and if the other party has the blood soul Gu, it is almost impossible to find out.

Therefore, a rule was established in the family rules later, no blood soul Gu can be refined anymore!

Now, someone is refining blood soul Gu again?

Patriarch Hong Xiangjun's face became gloomy, and he looked at Liu Chengying and said, "Elder Elder, can you explain what's going on? Blood Soul Gu can't be refined, it's a violation of clan rules!"

"Patriarch! Just based on his one-sided words, you question the old man?"

The great elder Liu Chengying said very dissatisfied: "You and the clansmen also know that my grandson Liu Guan and his son Che Juezi are the most promising future successors to the patriarch! Is he spouting blood in front of me because he wants Che Juezi to take the position? And what about slandering us? You have to come up with evidence for anything!"

hear this.

Hong Xiangjun frowned involuntarily, feeling a little helpless for a moment.

The matter in front of me is a bit tricky.

Regardless of the truth of the matter, it is not a good thing for the ethnic group to have internal strife!

"Old Che, do you have any evidence for what you said?"

Hong Xiangjun could only look at Che Zhiao and asked.

Other members of the Blood Spirit Race also cast their gazes.

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