With the shelter of Yinmu Spiritual Fire, everyone is not afraid of the forbidden flames around them at all.

And the originally ferocious Fire Pluto.

At this time, with rootless spiritual water in hand, there is no need to be afraid anymore.

Several Fire Plutos appeared behind them.

But they were all killed by the rootless spirit water!

Rootless Spiritual Water, the absolute nemesis of the Netherworm!

Shortly after.

Everyone successfully broke through the fire net in the secret room, and successfully reached the black stone platform at the other end of the room.

The white dice lay quietly on the stone platform.

In front of you is Room No. 79.

There are only two Rubik's cube secret rooms, No. 80 and No. 81.

If you can roll two points now, you can directly step into room No. 81.


Come all the way before.

After passing room seventy.

The dice thrown by Lin Tian and others basically have only one point!

So in front of the roll of the dice, everyone didn't expect too much.

It is best to move forward steadily now.

Only the last two rooms are missing, and you can enter the place where the wind dragon sits and transforms.

"Come on, either one or two!"

Lin Tian nodded to Mo Xiaomo.

Mo Xiaomo was also quite excited at this time.

She knew there were only the last two rooms left.

The place where the wind dragon sits and transforms, also known as the legendary Wind Palace, is within easy reach.


The dice spun quickly on the black stone platform.

But in the end there were no surprises.

Still a point.

Mo Xiaomo didn't have it either, and said to Lin Tian: "As mentioned in the previous sound transmission secret, the last two secret rooms, one is based on the mind, and the other is based on luck! In this way, it will not appear when it comes down." Dangerous?"

"It's hard to put into words!"

Lin Tian shook his head and said, "However, judging from the current rules, the last two rooms may not be so dangerous. In short, you won't know until you enter!"

The green light soared into the sky.

The teleportation circle has been activated.

The most people entered in a single file.

With the flash of light disappeared.

Everyone came to another room.

Room eighty.

at this time.

There is no voice transmission password.

not far away.

The black stone platform is also quietly located there.

only,. ,

There are no dice on it.

And in this room.

Everything else is empty.

Only above the middle.

There was a chessboard carved out of stone, lying there.


There are still a few chess pieces scattered there.

And on the chessboard.

There are several black and white chess pieces, which are intertwined with each other in a strange order.



Lin Tian and others were all puzzled.

They approach.

Looking at the lines drawn on the chessboard, his face was immediately covered in circles.

Because of this kind of chess piece with rules and lines, I have never seen it before.

"This is a Fenglong chess game! And it's an endgame!"

Mo Xiaomo jumped off Lin Tian's shoulder, landed on the chessboard, and said in surprise: "It seems that the elder Fenglong left the endgame! The dice are under the chessboard? Are you ready to let us play chess?" ?”

"This is a unique chessboard for your Dragon Clan, right?"

Mondo asked in a deep voice.

The suspicious eyes of the others also fell on Mo Xiaomo.

"Yes, this person is a pawn of our Dragon Clan!"

Mo Xiaomo nodded and said: "To be precise, it should be a pawn of the Wind Dragon Clan! What is left in front of me is the endgame! The endgame in front of me is almost unsolvable! The memory in my mind is the description of this endgame! Perhaps, it is necessary to solve the endgame! Endgame, you can get the dice!"

hear this.

Wuma Tieyu and the others felt dizzy for a while.

This is a pawn of the Wind Dragon Clan, not to mention the endgame, the basic rules are beyond comprehension.

The routes on the chessboard are weird and curved, and they look a little circled.

It is clear.

It is a chessboard drawn using formations!

In their first reaction, they also thought of breaking the chessboard.

But combined with the situation encountered before, this chessboard is probably indestructible!

They simply don't bother to toss!

And this endgame obviously depends on the brain, no matter how powerful the cultivation base and strength are, it can't handle this thing!

"Let me try it!"

Mo Xiaomo sat in front of the chessboard, looking at the weird endgame on the chessboard, lost in thought.

While the others had no objection, Lin Tian also watched silently.

If Mo Xiaomo is not allowed to try, who else could it be?

Looking at the chess pieces and weird lines on the chessboard, Lin Tian felt a headache.

The formation structure above is very simple.

But the rules of the chess pieces, I couldn't understand for a while.

It can be seen that the Fenglong chess game itself is not simple.

Lin Tian knew that if he studied now, he might not be able to find anything.

What's more, playing chess, just like practicing, requires talent!

Mo Xiaomo started to attack at this time.

It's just that she kept trying several times, but she still couldn't solve the mess.

Looking forward to nothing.

No dice show up either!

Want to get the dice.

It is necessary to break the mess in front of us.

time. ,

Several hours passed. ,

Mo Xiaomo scratched her ears and cheeks for a while, her face was in a mess.

"Ah... crazy!"

The little girl exclaimed loudly.

Stand up and wander around in place.

"Can't solve it?"

Wuma Tieyu asked in a deep voice.

Everyone else was a little anxious at this time.

"No clue! It's too difficult! This is the millennium endgame of the Wind Dragon Clan!"

Mo Xiaomo shook his head helplessly.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

If you can't solve this mess, how can you break through the secret room of the Rubik's Cube?

The previous audio transmission notes mentioned that it needs to be applied to the mind.

This so-called use of the mind is more powerless than fighting with strength.

"Old man, come and try!"

The Seventh Elder stood up at this time and said: "Although the old man is not a chess master, he has some research on the chess game! Little girl, tell the old man about the rules of Fenglong chess!"

"Then try..."

Mo Xiaomo nodded, and explained the basic rules of the chess game to the Seventh Elder.

The Seventh Elder looked at the chessboard and fell into long-term contemplation and research.

A full half day.

The Seventh Elder was staring at the chessboard.

In the second half of the day, the old man finally made a move.

After several deduction and attempts, they all ended in failure.

"No solution, no solution..."

Sweat was dripping on the seventh elder's forehead, he couldn't help shaking his head, and stood up.

Lin Tian next to him also heard Mo Xiaomo's explanation of the rules of this chess piece before, and he tried to deduce it several times in his heart, but it was fruitless.

This endgame, perhaps, is really unsolvable?

But also impossible.

If there is really no solution, the elder Fenglong shouldn't have set up such a mess.

The descendants of the dragon clan who have come here may really be unable to break through.

How about playing?

Lin Tian was speechless.

The others were even more anxious at this time.

The endgame cannot be resolved.

Doesn't that mean you're stuck here?

Compared with the various dangerous situations encountered before, it is still powerless!

"By the way, I'll give it a try!"

Mo Xiaomo's eyes suddenly lit up, and she said in surprise.

Perhaps, this endgame is not for her to solve it, but for her to recognize the master with a drop of blood or to open the mechanism?

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