Urban Medical Martial Immortal Zun

Chapter 3966 Dragon skeleton

The skeleton lying on the edge of the deep pit on the top of the huge red mountain is engraved with huge dragon characters.

Others couldn't recognize it, and thought it was some weird prohibition pattern.

But Lin Tian could tell at a glance that it was Long Wen!

It is the Dragon Clan's own text!

Long Wen is quite a unique existence!

The reason for saying this.

I also have to mention the language and cultural structures of many ethnic groups, which are very close to those of the human race.

Because the human race is too huge, in this universe, it is said that it is the most numerous except for special races such as the monster race.

And the civilization of the human race is also one of the deepest.

So other groups are more or less affected.

Under such circumstances.

The writing and civilization of many ethnic groups are more or less close to the human race.

Of course.

Terrans also have more civilizations, evolved from other races.

Therefore, the words of many other ethnic groups can be understood roughly.

But Longwen is completely different!

It's totally unrecognizable!

Only Lin Tian and Mo Xiaomo could recognize it.

In the previous life.

Lin Tian has gone deep into the Dragon Realm.

Naturally, he is no stranger to Long Wen!

It's just that he couldn't recognize Long Wen in front of him.

Hearing Mo Xiaomo talking about the animal hunting ground, Lin Tian was a little stunned: "This is in the world of Zhiya, how can there be such a thing as a hunting ground? Are hunting grounds very common in your Dragon Clan?"

The so-called hunting ground, in Lin Tian's view, is similar to a place where many big families and powerful forces specially raise their children in captivity for the sake of training their younger generations. There are many powerful monsters in it for those children to practice and hunt!

Does the so-called hunting ground in front of me exist similarly?

Seeing the dragon text on the skeleton, Mo Xiaomo was already in ecstasy.

She flew away from Lin Tian's shoulder, and turned around and shouted: "This must be the place where the elder Fenglong sat down! And this hunting ground is probably left by that elder..."

Lin Tian and the others hurriedly followed.

"Since it is a place of sitting, why is it sitting in this hunting ground?"

Wuma Yanran asked suspiciously: "Under normal circumstances, many seniors would choose their most secret cave to melt away!"

Many other people couldn't help showing doubts.

"Hee hee, the so-called hunting grounds are different from the hunting grounds you know! Strictly speaking, the hunting grounds here are not hunting animals, but being hunted!"

Mo Xiaomo showed an extremely complicated expression on his face, and said: "In my memory, qualified dragon descendants will be sent to the hunting grounds for regular training! But their training is not simply hunting and killing ferocious beasts. , most of the time, they were hunted by..."


Be hunted!

The dignified descendants of the dragon clan were hunted down and subjected to such cruel training?

Everyone was stunned.

Even Wuma Tieyu was caught in a trap.

In their eyes.

Any one of the dignified dragon clan is a first-class genius.

After all, innate talent is too powerful!

Even if it is an ordinary dragon descendant, Tian Tian is stronger than any race!

Once born, it is equivalent to having a halo of a strong person.

This kind of existence is used for life and death experience?

Or even hunted? Is there a mistake?

"Hunted, what should I say?"

Lin Tian also looked at Mo Xiaomo curiously and asked.

At this time, the little girl sat directly on the skeleton lying like a stone tablet, dangling her two feet, looked at Lin Tian and the others and said, "Our Dragon Clan's hunting ground is naturally different! Inside, it is the Dragon Clan strongman. The powerful starry sky giant beasts specially captured by the hunters are much stronger than the normal geniuses. Put them inside for experience, and whoever can survive in it will be the strongest! Even if the beast can be killed, it will be even more powerful. Stand out!"

"Of course... this is only done by powerful clans. The lower-level dragon clan, any descendant of the dragon clan, is a genius and will not take risks! There is a hunting ground in front of me. I guess it was brought by the elder Fenglong." Let the younger generation come here, and then sit here before they are strong?"

"That's not right, this is the world of branches of Tianmu tree! Is this hunting ground directly brought into the world of branches? Or is it that the elder Fenglong's secret cave itself has a hunting ground, and then the whole cave is destroyed?" Is the branch world swallowed?"

The last words are all doubts in Mo Xiaomo's heart.

Others are naturally more confused.

Lin Tian looked at the deep pit on the top of the giant mountain, and then at the road going down next to the bone tablet, and said immediately: "Don't we know if we go down and have a look? Since it is a place of sitting and melting, I am afraid that the wind dragon you mentioned Probably not anymore! As for whether there are other dragons here, it's a bit hard to say..."

Speaking up.

At this time, Lin Tian was also a little apprehensive.

If there is really a powerful dragon clan below, it will be a real encounter, but it is not good!

What would happen if the other party found out that he had enslaved Mo Xiaomo?

Thinking about it, Lin Tian couldn't help but tremble all over.

But fortunately.

Since Mo Xiaomo is his own spirit beast, he shouldn't let himself die with him, right?

As for rescinding the spirit beast contract, that is almost impossible!

After finally getting a dragon spirit beast, how could it be easily let go!

Anyway, let's go and have a look!

"Let's go..."

Mo Xiaomo was the most excited, galloping in front of him while jumping and cheering.

Lin Tian and the others stepped behind to keep up.

The pit is so deep that it is almost impossible to see the bottom.

And this deep pit has layers.

A spiral is formed.

The way down, along the cliffs of the deep pit, circles down.

And this road is very wide, enough for tens of thousands of beasts to gallop together.

The giant mountain itself is very large, entrenched in the center of the entire island, with no end in sight.

Naturally, the deep pit is also surprisingly large.

The circling road goes down, and there are deep pits and cliffs with no bottom on the side, and clouds and mists rise in the void.

They are all ordinary clouds and mist, covering the situation at the bottom.

Lin Tian's consciousness was also sweeping down, but he couldn't reach the bottom of the deep pit at all.

This pit is very deep!

But these are not the point.

On the spiraling downward road, gradually bloodstains began to be spotted, and the bones of various animals were strewn everywhere.

not only.

Skeletons of beasts of various sizes began to appear, lying on the circling road, and even hanging on the cliffs of the deep pit.

These are the bones of giant beasts that don't know how many years have been left behind!

All that's left are the carcasses of new common beasts!

"The ordinary beasts before all came out of here!"

Someone said aloud.

Everyone nodded.

"The hunting ground below is probably deserted, and then it became a habitat for wild animals?"

Mo Xiaomo also felt strange and murmured.

Lin Tian smiled and said: "Probably so!"

"Ah... dragon... dragon skeleton!"

Suddenly, Mo Xiaomo, who was in front of her, let out a scream, with panic in her words.

She retreated a few times, retreated hastily, and staggered to hide behind Lin Tian's shoulder.

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