Urban Medical Martial Immortal Zun

Chapter 395 Filling in Volunteers (Fourth Update!) (Please Subscribe!)

Drive back to Mission Hills Community.

Back at the residence, Xu Tangge had already fallen asleep.

Lin Tian simply didn't sleep anymore, and went into the basement to practice hard.

The next day, early morning.

After getting up early, Lin Tian and Xu Tangge left the community one after the other.

Only this time, Xu Tangge drove the car by himself, and Shi Muwan, who had been directing her before, did not show up.

After arriving at the company, Lin Tian first went to the sales department.

As soon as he entered the sales department, he got the news that Zhao Wu was fired and his position was temporarily replaced by Mo Xiaoyan. A group of beauties cheered for joy.

Lin Tian also happened to see Mo Xiaoyan rushing to the sales office.

It's just that when the girl saw him, she always had a weird look on her face and her eyes dodged.

Lin Tian didn't pay much attention to it. After signing in at the sales department, he went to the security department. After a routine inspection, he came back and sat on his desk.

"Our Minister Lin has become a busy man!"

You Siyan, who was sitting opposite, knew that Lin Tian's identity was unusual before, but after getting along with him, she found that the latter was very approachable, so she made a joke after a long time, "Today I can check the score, tomorrow it seems It’s the day when you go back to school to fill in your volunteers. Brother Lin Tian, ​​have you checked, how many points did you get?”

Hearing You Siyan's words, Shangguan Xin and Yu Zibei who were sitting on the edge of Lin Tian also came over with curiosity on their faces.

"Can I check my score today? Tomorrow I have to go back and fill in my application..."

If it weren't for You Siyan's reminder, Lin Tian would have neglected to check the scores and fill in the college entrance examination volunteers.

"Quick check, quick check!"

Yu Zibei's eyes brightened, and he urged Lin Tian to come, full of anticipation.

Fortunately, Lin Tian's research number was recorded in his mobile phone at the beginning, so he turned on the computer and prepared to check it.

"This time I got a full score in the test, but it doesn't matter whether I check it or not!"

Lin Tian opened the website and shrugged.

"Tch, it's still full marks. You and sister boasted such a big bull, so don't be punctured later! Check it out, don't ink!"

Yu Zibei continued to urge.

In fact, Lin Tian also wanted to confirm again, so he didn't refuse, and entered his research certificate number to check.

next moment.

750 points!

The extremely dazzling scores are presented on the computer screen.

"Ah~~You little change~~state!"

Yu Zibei couldn't help screaming, with a look of horror on his face.

But Shangguan Xin and You Siyan were both stunned there.

When other people in the sales department heard the movement, they couldn't help coming forward out of curiosity.

When they saw the scores on the computer and Lin Tian's name, they all opened their mouths.

"Oh my god, our little brother Lin Tian's score in the college entrance examination is actually a perfect score! He is simply not human!"

A group of beauties screamed, and many of them either touched Lin Tian's head or grabbed his face, wanting to see what kind of monster it was.

And Mo Xiaoyan in the office heard the movement, and came out curiously.

After learning that it was Lin Tian who got full marks in the college entrance examination, she opened her lips and stared blankly for a while, then returned to the office with a complicated expression.

Fractional exposure.

The whole day, Lin Tian spent the whole day under the scent of a group of white-collar sisters in the sales department and the buzzing praises. After finally getting off work, he escaped out of the company.

Back at Zhongdao in Mission Hills, my younger sister, Lin Xiaoqing, just happened to call.

"Brother, have you checked the score? Hee hee, I got 725 points! Maybe I can enter the top ten in Nanzhou!"

On the other end of the phone, Lin Xiaoqing's excited voice came.

"Wow, Xiaoqing is amazing! You are the pride of our family!"

Lin Tian really admired it, but Xiaoqing praised her test scores based on her real intelligence, and Lin Tian continued: "But brother is much higher than you, and got a perfect score in the test!"

"Ah, full marks?"

Lin Xiaoqing exclaimed at first, and then said angrily: "Brother, you're bragging again! Huh, forget it, I'll check it out myself when you come back! But brother, I'm going back to school tomorrow to fill out my application, so you have to be careful Fill it out! Tomorrow I also have to go to our high school to fill in the volunteers..."

After chatting with Lin Xiaoqing for a while, Lin Tiancai hung up the phone.

But then Ning Hanyan called and told her to remember to go back to school tomorrow to fill out her application.

And Ning Hanyan seemed very excited, she should have found out Lin Tian's score, and she was very happy.

With a score of 750, that is undoubtedly the champion of Nanzhou!

Early the next morning, Lin Tian got up and saw Xu Tangge sitting on the sofa in the hall.

"Did you check your score? I got a score of 705, which is a bit unsatisfactory!"

Seeing Lin Tian approaching, Xu Tangge's eyes lit up, and he smiled expectantly: "But it doesn't matter, I just want you to teach me the method of cultivating immortals when?"

"I got full marks!"

Lin Tian drank half of a cup of soy milk Gulu that was on the dining table, and said, "In a few days, I will find a suitable exercise for you, and I have to check your physique once."

Full marks?

Xu Tangge was slightly surprised, but not too surprised.

Having seen Lin Tian's ability, she can imagine that the mere college entrance examination will not be difficult for him at all.

Although there are still too many doubts in her heart, such as who is Lin Tian's master, how did Lin Tian learn this skill, etc., but she didn't ask immediately.

"Let's go to school together!"

This time, Xu Tangge decided to go back to school with Lin Tian.

When the two entered the school parallel, many students who rushed back to fill in their volunteers were stunned when they saw this scene.

And from a group of boys, curses and wailing came and went.

Now Xu Tangge is relieved, the daughter of her secular family is nothing compared to Lin Tian.

Thinking that Gaoyang Jiajia is also a cultivator with incredible means, she felt an inexplicable sense of urgency in her heart.

Lin Tian naturally didn't know what Xu Tangge was thinking, and after leaving him, he hurried to the classroom of the third class.

As soon as they entered the classroom, the students of the third class who had already arrived, their gazes fell on Lin Tian, ​​with curiosity and anticipation in their expressions.

"Brother Tian, ​​come here, sit down!"

Du Leisi was the most attentive. He came forward and pulled Lin Tian to sit down, and said expectantly: "Quickly tell me, how much did you pass the test? Did you get full marks again?"

"That's right... Lin Tian, ​​hurry up! Everyone has been waiting all morning, and you are late!"

At this time, Xiong Zhao also ran up from behind, urging him.

The rest of the class, many of them also followed suit and raised their ears.

"Looks like I didn't get full marks in the test!"

Lin Tian looked at the appearance of everyone and smiled in surprise.

"Well, what a pity!"

Many people let out a sigh of relief, and they don't know whether they are really sorry or relieved.

Facing Lin Tian and others who have gone from the bottom of the grade to the extremely perverted~, they have always felt the pressure.

However, what Lin Tian said made everyone in the class go berserk and desperate: "I just got 750 points in the test, I hope it's a perfect score!"

"Fuck, you did it on purpose!"

Xiong Zhao punched Lin Tian's back and cursed with a smile.

For a while, the class became noisy, almost everyone was talking about Lin Tian, ​​admiring and envious, and so on.

Soon, Ning Hanyan walked into the class with a volunteer form.

"This time, I already know some of our class's test scores. Among them, student Lin Tian got full marks in the test, and student Gao Yang Jiajia was only a few points away from full marks. It can be said that they almost won the first place in the Nanzhou college entrance examination and the second place in advance. Not only win honor for the class and school, but also win honor for the whole city! Congratulations to them!"

Ning Hanyan had an excited smile on his face, and uncontrollable excitement in his beautiful eyes, "I'll distribute the volunteer form first, and everyone should fill it out carefully according to their respective scores. My sister will come to our school to recruit sports students in advance, and will go to the sports field for training inspections, and then everyone will help! A senior sister from our school will organize it!"

After coming down, Ning Hanyan gave a few more instructions, and then began to help the students in the class to fill in their volunteers.

"Lin Tian, ​​if you can choose your first choice, you'd better fill in Yenching University or Huaxia University!"

Walking to Lin Tian's side, Ning Hanyan did not forget to remind him.

With full marks, in the whole of China, no matter which university, as long as you fill it out, you will be admitted!

However, after Ning Hanyan walked away, Lin Tian stopped writing. He suddenly remembered the mysterious girl he chased that night, and filled out his first choice—Yanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

After filling out the volunteer form, Ning Hanyan put away the volunteer form and left, an extremely tall girl walked in, she swept past the third class, and greeted everyone: "Hi everyone, my name is Jin Yunting, I also graduated from Meiling Senior sister, I am a student of the Physical Education Institute. Today the school is here to recruit sports students for the college entrance examination, and everyone is here to help carry water and other sports equipment! Especially the boys, come and help!"

Seeing the beautiful senior, a group of boys in the class were naturally very enthusiastic, and ran out after her.

"Lin Tian, ​​let's go to see the excitement too, and help out by the way!"

Xiong Zhao stepped forward and shouted to Lin Tian who was still sitting there.

"That's right, Lin Tian, ​​it's really rare to see him after graduation!"

The squad leader, Meng Meimei, also came over and said with a bright smile.

With so many people calling to go together, Lin Tian couldn't refuse, so he nodded and stood up and followed.

"You are Lin Tian?"

Jin Yunting, who hadn't gone far, stopped at this moment, and looked back at Lin Tianlai in surprise.

"Yes, senior sister, do you know me?"

Lin Tian nodded slightly.

"Hmph, back then it was said that someone in Meiling High School was suspected of cheating in the unified examination, and then was ordered to take the college entrance examination alone. That person was you, right?"

Jin Yunting's face turned cold, and she said contemptuously: "I also went out from Meiling before, I never thought that there would be such a person as you, it's really shameful!"

PS: Please recommend tickets and subscribe! At the same time, I would like to thank the user °Anru Youth Chu Rumeng, users, Angel, Wenyanzi°, etc. for their support! ^_^The fourth chapter is completed! Want to write more, but really tired! During the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, there is no way to go out to play. While setting up the details of the follow-up specific plot and updating the code words, we must prepare for the super explosion on the 13th! Finally, I wish everyone a happy National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival! ! !

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