Urban Medical Martial Immortal Zun

Chapter 3893 Life Rhythm

The emerald green branches were full of vitality and aura, but at this moment they completely swallowed up Mr. Wu!

The branches on the body.

At first it just appeared on clothes.

But now.

His body also grew branches.

The skull was pierced by branches!

Finally more and more!

He screamed in pain, struggling and writhing amid dozens of tornado breaths.

Originally, he wanted to break through the tornado breath around him, but it seemed that he couldn't break out.

And the branches on his body, he can't handle it!

There are more and more branches on his body, and he can no longer see the appearance of a human being.

Lin Tian and the others standing outside all became silent.

Wuma Tieyu and the Seventh Elder and other human monks in the Titan Starfield trembled all over their bodies.

With grief and horror in their eyes, they could only watch Elder Wu being devoured, and the breath of life gradually disappeared.

Wei Wuyuan and the others took several steps back in fright.

Mo Xiaomo grabbed Lin Tian's clothes and exclaimed: "These branches are not easy. If we go in, we will all be finished! Fortunately, we didn't have any impulse just now..."

At this time, Lin Tian was also afraid for a while.

He and Wuma Tieyu also stopped their hands.

Even if he wanted to save him, he couldn't save that Wu Lao!

I can only watch him being swallowed by the branches!

Soon after.

All the clothes on Mr. Wu's body were gone, so naturally he couldn't find him either!

Gradually, his whole body turned into a huge branch!

Countless branches and branches between the beginning and the clouds began to shuttle back and forth non-stop.

In no time, there was a dull loud noise.

"Old Wu..."

When Wuma Yanran saw this scene, she had been dazed for a long time, her eyes were flushed, and there was endless fear in her expression.

this moment.

Wei Wuyuan and others also understood why the faces of the dead people they saw before showed fear.


They have also seen the horror of these branches here.

"What can we do now..."

Wei Wuyuan looked at Lin Tian and said in a trembling voice.

Seeing with his own eyes a strong person in the Tribulation-Life Realm being swallowed up like this, not to mention other people, Wei Wuyuan was terrified.

Wuma Tieyu and the Seventh Elder and his party were also filled with horror.

"Here, there are probably restrictions!"

Lin Tian turned his head to look at Mo Xiaomo and said.

Mo Xiaomo looked around, shook his head, and replied: "I can't see it! But... the appearance of these branches is probably restricted, and it is also restricted by heaven and earth! It is naturally formed inside the branches of the Tianmu tree! "

"Actually, the so-called restriction is just a name we gave it! Aren't our original magic circles and restrictions just learned from these heaven and earth restrictions, and then gradually created more magic circles?"

Hearing these words, Lin Tian nodded immediately.

He naturally understood what Mo Xiaomo said. Many restrictions and magic circles were indeed learned from these heaven and earth restrictions and magic circles.

These are the rules and laws formed naturally between heaven and earth, while the artificially created magic circle restrictions are acquired creation and comprehension.

How easy is it to break this restriction?

"Let me think!"

Lin Tian waved his hand to Mo Xiaomo and said.

He started pacing on the spot.

Wuma Tieyu and the others could only stare.

They didn't have enough research on the prohibition circle, let alone break the restriction, even if they were to see the mystery of it, it would be difficult for them to do so.

So everyone can only expect Lin Tian to make a move.

"Now there are two ways to pass!"

Lin Tian pondered for a while, and finally said aloud: "One is to break the restriction, but the difficulty is as high as heaven! The second is to find out the law of this restriction. All restrictions are not perfect! And the restriction circle in front of you , not a defensive magic circle, nor an attacking magic circle, but... a maintenance magic circle restriction!"

Sustaining magic circle?

Wuma Tieyu and the others sound confused.

This is the first time I have heard of such a concept of magic circle.

Generally what they know.

There are magic circles, defense circles, attack circles, or restrictions in this regard!

This is the first time I've heard of the so-called maintenance circle!

"The reason why these branches appear here is that the restriction is maintained! And the reason why the restriction is maintained is to allow these branches to generate a steady stream of vitality energy! The branches of the Tianmu tree themselves are an enlarged version of the branches, and there are countless inside. Big and small branches..."

Lin Tian pondered for a while, and explained to Mo Xiaomo and others: "The appearance of these branches is actually to provide vitality for the real branches! This is also the source of energy for the branches to gradually grow and become a real Tianmu tree in the future!"

"These branches in front of me are one of the countless sources of energy! In addition to the maintenance of the restriction, it also has a strong continuity. If it is destroyed, it will be backlashed! The old man just now is an example!"

some words.

Everyone understands a little bit.

"Then how to solve it now?"

Mo Xiaomo said anxiously.

Lin Tian shook his head and said, "Let me try! Maybe my method will work!"

"Little brother……"

Wuma Tieyu's expression changed, and he said hastily.

The faces of the Seventh Elder, Wuma Yanran, and the others showed expressions of emotion.

Lin Tian is putting himself at risk.

In their view.

Lin Tian dared to take such a risk to help them get the fire essence!

Just now when Elder Wu entered the cloud and mist, everyone witnessed what happened to him.

Now Lin Tian dares to take risks, this is not a joke!

But Mo Xiaomo and Qiongyuan are more anxious.

Qiong Yuan naturally didn't dare to show it, but he saw what happened to Mr. Wu just now, and if anything happened to Lin Tian, ​​he would be dead too.

Mo Xiaomo was straightforward, shaking his head hastily: "If you take risks, doesn't that mean that I will accompany you to die? There is no other way!"

"I have my own measure! I will not take reckless risks!"

Lin Tian shook his head, saying very firmly.


He strode towards the cloud and mist.

Mo Xiaomo, who was originally standing on his shoulders, jumped down in fright. ,

But soon she realized that she and Lin Tian were actually tied together as grasshoppers, and it would be useless to jump off. If Lin Tian was in danger, he would not be able to escape!

So it flew to Lin Tian's shoulder again.

Qiong Yuan's cultivation is slightly weaker, but he understands that the best way is to advance and retreat with Lin Tian at this moment!

If you don't succeed, you will succeed!

"Enter the cloud, don't resist, but absorb the vitality and aura around you with all your strength!"

Lin Tian glanced at Qiongyuan who came in, then looked at Mo Xiaomo on his shoulder, and said, "Just treat yourself as these branches, absorb the aura and vitality, and at the same time explode your own breath with all your strength! Wait for you follow my rhythm..."

"The so-called prohibition in front of us may be one of the sources of life energy in the world! The formation of the prohibition is actually the birth of life, and it is one of the earliest components of the universe. The emergence of these life prohibitions has its own rhythm and rhythm rules, so that it can tremble Acoustic these continuous energies..."

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