Tianmu tree is the most mysterious tree species in the universe!

It is located in the deepest part of the universe.

Exist only in legends!

At least in Lin Tian's previous life.

I have heard rumors about the Tianmu tree many times.

But I have never seen the Tianmu tree with my own eyes!

That is a more mysterious and powerful existence than the Void Tree.

The sky of the empty forest has never met in the previous life, let alone the sky tree!


Finally entered the void tree world!

And now.

A section of Tianmu tree unexpectedly appeared here!

Is the huge tree trunk in front of me a real tree trunk, or a branch, or even just a branch?

Since Mo Xiaomo said it was a nine-story skywood, it is definitely a skywood!

This girl's memory is basically correct!

"Tianmu tree? Is it stronger than the void tree?"

Wuma Tieyu and the others looked at Lin Tian and Mo Xiaomo in a somewhat confused manner.

And Mo Xiaomo was not easy to recover at this time, exhaled coldly: "It is indeed a skywood tree! This is a more mysterious and powerful existence of the void tree! If the void tree is a small grass, then the skywood tree It is a towering tree!"


A gasping sound spread from Wuma Tieyu and the others.

Mo Xiaomo's words shocked them too much.

To them, the Void Tree is the sacred tree between heaven and earth!

A tree between heaven and earth can breed countless groups of people. In this void tree world, there are countless treasures, countless dangers, countless opportunities, etc.!

A power as strong as Wuma Tieyu in the nirvana state, in front of the Void Tree, he would feel like an ant!

To know.

The ancient skills and abilities are all living in this void tree!

It can be seen how amazing the void tree itself is!

But in front of that Skywood tree, the Void Tree is like a small grass standing in front of a towering tree.

The information revealed during this period is amazing!

It can be seen how terrifying the so-called Tianmu tree is!

"Is this a piece of Tianmu tree branch?"

Wuma Tieyu breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Mo Xiaomo.


Mo Xiaomo shook his head, and said seriously: "This is not a branch! It's...a branch! It is the greenest section among the leaves of the Tianmu tree! It's just that the branch of the Tianmu tree turned into this tree to protect itself. Appearance, and absorbable energy at the same time!"

"The branches and leaves can also take root and sprout when they fall! But it needs nutrients... It appears in the void tree to absorb nutrients! If given a certain amount of time, it may directly grow in the void tree. After tens of thousands of years, Will it swallow the entire void tree?"

"But as long as it grows up and doesn't suffer from disasters, 80% of the Void Tree will be destroyed!"

These words.

Once again, Wuma Tieyu and others were shocked, their eyes widened, and they were speechless for a while.

The thing that rushed into the sky turned out to be just a branch of the Tianmu tree!

And it is going to absorb nutrients and devour the void tree?

this is too scary!

Will this void tree be swallowed up in the future?

"So it appeared here, not by accident?"

Lin Tian frowned, and said in surprise: "But I can't see the spirituality in it!"

"No matter how sacred the tree is, it is still a tree. It is impossible to be as spiritual as I am! Besides, this is a sacred tree, and it cannot be like a spirit!"

Mo Xiaomo continued: "It is not accidental that it appeared here! I think it came for the nine mutated void fruits just now! And it must have swallowed a lot of void fruits in its body, as well as Void Mu Xin. There should be one too!"

hear this.

Lin Tian's eyes suddenly lit up!

If there is a hollow wooden heart inside, it would be great, so you don't have to search hard!

"not only!"

Mo Xiaomo said again: "The other powerful spiritual fire of the Void Tree may have penetrated into its body and become one of the nutrients for its growth!"

"What! Can it absorb and swallow spiritual fire?"

Lin Tian was also shocked.

Only now did he feel that he had completely underestimated the legendary Tianmu tree.

A branch is so terrifying, how earth-shattering is the tree itself that day?

"It's just a branch, it can't be devoured actively, but the aura emanating from it is so amazing that the spiritual fire will actively penetrate into it!"

Mo Xiaomo added to Lin Tian.

This frightened Lin Tian to hastily put away the spirit fire in his hand. ,

Seeing this, Mo Xiaomo pursed his lips and said, "Don't be nervous, this wood spirit fire belongs to you, unless you want to devour the breath on the branches of the sky tree, you won't take the initiative to get in!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian was slightly relieved.

Wuma Tieyu next to him suddenly said: "So, the fire spirit just now may have entered the branch of the sky tree?"

"Eighty percent of them got into the branches of Tianmu!"

Mo Xiaomo nodded, then looked at Lin Tian and said, "Do you want to go in?"

"Is there any danger in the branches of Tianmu? For example, we were directly refined or digested by the branches of Tianmu!"

Lin Tian asked Mo Xiaomo.

Mo Xiaomo rolled his eyes: "No! It's not that powerful! As long as we don't stay in it for hundreds of years!"

"Go in!"

Lin Tian said decisively: "But you come to show the way, there are so many entrances on this branch, where do you get in?"

"If it is normal, it is really difficult to get in! But now you have a spiritual fire in your hand, whether it is a fire essence or a possible spiritual fire, it will all react with the spiritual fire in your hand!"

Mo Xiaomo said: "You only need to sense the direction of the spiritual fire to find the entrance! And the entrance on Tianmu Zhiyao is completely protective! There is only one place for the entrance! It is the section where the branch breaks! But the place to enter may not necessarily be from the cross section... And ah, there may be countless treasures in this branch!"

"In that case, let's go!"

Lin Tian was determined at this time, holding the spiritual fire in his palm, and plundered towards the branches of Tianmu not far away.

And since it was confirmed that there was no danger, Wuma Tieyu, Wei Wuyuan and others also followed and entered the Tianmu branch together.

In addition to Huo Jing and others, they also wanted to see what was going on inside the branches of Tianmu.

Maybe as Mo Xiaomo said, you can get unexpected treasures!

And as he approached the branches of Tianmu, Lin Tian found that the spirit fire in his hand was shaking violently.

And many flames are swinging in a certain direction.

Seeing this, Lin Tian naturally understood what was going on.

It is definitely the fire essence or the spiritual fire in the branches of Tianmu.

Now just follow the direction in which the spirit fire in your hand swings.

Stepping on the branches of Tianmu, Lin Tian found that the many entrances on the branches are connected after walking around.

The staggered passages and forks are densely packed, like a maze.

That is, if you enter from any entrance, as long as you can walk through the passage of the maze, you can go to any point!

Fortunately, using Mo Xiaomo's idea in front of him, Lin Tian can move forward smoothly!

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